The World Of Jadeey: October 2006

Out of the Blue

Monday, October 30, 2006
Out of the Blue is the latest film from director Robert Sarkies. The director best known for his work on the 1999 film Scarfies and the television show The Strip once again does not disappoint.

The film is based on the real-life events that happened in the South Island town of Aramoana in 1990. Most New Zealander's who were old enough at the time to have any comprehension of what was going on remember the horror of the 13th and 14th of November 1990. The country awoke to the news that, overnight, a gunman had gone mad and begun shooting up his town.

Robert Sarkies gives us an overview of the events leading up to the massacre and draws us into the horror of the people of the Aramoana township as they became aware of what was going on. As with most New Zealand films, some of the acting leaves a little to be desired at times. However, Matthew Sunderland excels in the role of killer David Grey. He has the audience believing right from the outset that he is a slightly deranged, not to be trusted man who is likely to snap at any moment.

Also, as is the trademark of a New Zealand film, the scenery in Out of the Blue is exquisite. There are plenty of long, lingering shots of beautiful lakes and hills, making you wonder if, in fact, you are watching a glorified travel ad. Of course, the content of the film soon assures you that you are not.

I had two major gripes about this film. One is that Sarkies and cinematographer Greig Fraser appear to have shied away from the use of a tripod. I'm not sure why this is, I personally love the tripod. The end result is a very shakey, slightly nausiating film as the camera moves around so much.

The second gripe I had is that, at times, it got very confusing. Time jumped back and forth a lot at the beginning. One moment David Grey would be sitting holding his newly purchased gun, the next he is at the shop purchasing that same gun, the next he is using the gun to kill his one-time best friend.

As well as the confusion with time I found the soundtrack slightly disconcerting and confusing. There were a number of times when you could hear the dialogue of characters who were not on the screen. This in itself is not usually a problem in film, the audience are smart enough to understand that conversations can be happening off-screen. What Rob Sarkies does wrong is to overlay conversation that is happening in an entirely different location. The worst example of this is when the killer is slinking around we can hear a police officer talking. I kept thinking the killer was going to turn around and start shooting the police officer, but it turned out the police officer was miles away in a car so in no danger of being shot.

Overall it was an excellent film. It certainly recaptured the horror of the events is it was based on. But, as with so many New Zealand films the production value leaves a lot to be desired.

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Would you follow me?


So I was having a debate with a friend on Saturday about what love is. She said she was in love with a guy she's never actually met, except online. I said I didn't think that was possible and I still believe it's not. You can like someone a lot and you can get bloody close to falling in love but I don't think you can actually make that final leap. Not when you don't ACTUALLY know them. It's far too easy to hide stuff from someone you haven't met.

Case in point. Another friend of mine fell hard for a guy she met on NZ Dating. They talked online for a couple of months, exchanged pictures and talked on the phone. They seemed to share all the same interests, a love of reading, a fascination with geology and a couple of other things. So they finally decided one day that they should meet. She was convinced he was the one and all I had heard about for weeks was how they were so perfect for each other.

The time finally came for them to meet and she is almost impossible to contain in her excitement. They meet and it goes well. She's a little put off that he has a missing front tooth that hadn't been mentioned (apparently he had his mouth closed in all pictures) but she didn't let that stop her from pursuing who she thought was the love of her life. Six dates later she was seeing the error of her ways. You see, he had no interest in geology whatsoever and didn't appear to be very well-read either. Over the internet it was easy for him to fake these things because he could look up whatever she was talking about. People accept long delays in answers on the 'net which gives you plenty of time to come up with the right answer. In real-life that luxury does not exist.

So, no I don't think it's possible to fall in love with someone you haven't met. What I do think is that it can speed up the process when you actually do meet. So long as both of you have been honest and haven't been hiding the real you.

And before anyone starts jumping up and down and calling me a hypocrite. I've met heaps of guys off the internet and only once did it ever work out (well, work out is a relative term, it lasted a couple of weeks and we have remained friends). I've never claimed to be in love with any of the guys when i'm talking to them. I think it's a great way to meet people, I just think you've gotta be aware that the person you think you know might not be the person you know at all.

This conversation then lead into the conversation of what love actually is. The title of this post has a little something to do with my answer to that question. I think love is being willing to sacrifice your own wants/needs for the other person. You want to give them whatever they want no matter what the cost is to yourself.

Well all this discussion didn't change a thing. She's still convinced she's in love with this guy. I hope she's right and I'm wrong because she really deserves to be happy.

Haha just as a quick aside before I get back to work - I just wandered out into the foyer and there was an old guy there singing opera-style. He was really good!


I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad

Saturday, October 28, 2006
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

I have a mini-obsession with this song, it is one of the few songs in my iPod that I never skip when it comes on. Usually I spend quite a bit of time skipping through tracks until I find something I'm in the mood to listen to. Mad World is always acceptable though.

I thought the lyric was vaguely appropriate today because I had a dream last night that I can't quite remember and it's really bugging me. I keep just about remembering but can't keep hold of it. I'm sure it wasn't exciting but because I can't remember I wanna know!

I bought new body-wash the other day because the supermarket didn't have my usual one. It smells AMAZING and I really like it. There's just one thing that makes me hesitate at the idea of buying it again. It reminds me of semen. This is not just me being weird, it really does! It's white and creamy looking. Honestly, I feel a little weird every time I rub it all over my body.

Ha, that reminds me of a very funny story. Unfortunately I shouldn't really tell it, since the person it's about does come here, she might not be too impressed even though I wouldn't reveal names. But now that I've gone this far she knows what I'm talking about and is probably cursing me anyway!

Argh my flatmate can be annoying sometimes. Once he's got an idea in his head he can be hard to convince otherwise.

He just came into my room and said he was going to take down the wi-fi for 5-10 minutes. I asked why and he said because he wanted tidy up his desk and that meant unplugging and untangling all the cables, one of which is the wi-fi router. I said I was downloading so could he wait until a little later on. He said that he really wanted to get it done now, before he turned his computer on for the day.

Um? Who cares? If I cancel my download I'll have to start it again, I think maybe he could just turn his computer off at some stage today! I did win the argument in the end but he is having a little sulk about it right now.

I'm off helping a friend find a new flat today. She doesn't have a car so I'm doing the driving. It's times like these that I'm incredibly grateful we found our new flat as easily as we did. And that it's as nice as it is.

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Up so early, feel so bright

Friday, October 27, 2006
Didn't get much sleep last night

Those lyrics apply more to yesterday than today. I started work at 5.30am yesterday which was just craziness. Even worse was that I stayed awake a lot of the night listening to the cricket. (Which we won by the way!!)

Needless to say, I was rather tired yesterday. In a brilliant mood though so all is good.

I watched Karate Kid part one last night. (I bought all three a while ago but hadn't got around to watching them yet). I was obsessed with all the Karate Kid films when I was young. Actually, I had a huge crush on him. I had good taste as a kid (still do) - he's not bad looking you know! He's a bit dumb though. He keeps getting mad at his girlfriend for absolutely nothing then getting all sulky.

I loved him so much I begged my parents to let me do karate so I could be like him. Well, like him AND the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Hehe I never got as good as Daniel-san (Shouldn't that technically be Daniel-kun? I thought kun was used for boys and san used for girls. Can't remember what the exceptions to that rule are) or the Turtles unfortunately.

I love that this has been a short week. It's Friday already - yay! This year is racing by though, it's going to be Christmas before I know it.

Even better, and at the same time worse, it's going to be my birthday before I know it! Better because, well, it's my birthday! Worse because then I'll be 25 and that just sounds old to me.

I shouldn't get excited (or worried) about my birthday yet anyway. There's a lot of good stuff to look forward to before that.

Alright. Film rec time.

1/ The Karate Kid I would recommend all three. They're still fun all these years later.

2/ Garden State Zach Braff's first attempt at directing (JD from Scrubs). Very clearly the work of a guy who has been to film school. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The story is simple and sweet, the direction good and the music perfect. This is a film I could, and do, watch over and over without getting sick of it. The directors commentary is worth a listen too.

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I'm sleepy

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I should take notice of what my body is telling me and go to sleep. But the cricket has just started so I'm going to just watch a little bit, then I'll sleep. I've got a very early start in the morning, stupid payroll.

It's not the best start to the cricket either - I probably should just skip it all but I can't tear myself away. Bloody addictions!

So, in two weeks I start training the new guy at work. Big mistake hiring him but it seemed sensible at the time. And I was desperate. I still don't know anyone else who could fill the role, guess I'll just have to make the best of things. And hope not too many people put two and two together.

I'm getting excited about going to Australia. Only about 7 weeks until we leave. Damn, I still haven't organised my new passport either. Better get onto that tomorrow if I remember. I'm making progress though, I've found my old one and have got new photos taken. Now just gotta fill in the paperwork and send it all away.

Damn! Another wicket. This is not going well at all. Looks like the team will be heading home in a couple of days. Astle really is shockingly out of form. I wouldn't be surprised if he loses his place when the team head to Australia. Hope he finds his form again by the world cup though.

I'm going to go to sleep. I can't think of a lot to say and the cricket is making me far too sad. Knowing me I'll keep waking up through the night to check the score anyway, that's what usually happens.

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Kiss me if you want this

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
But I want you, inside out

So. Um. Yeah.

It was my mum's birthday today so we went out for dinner. It was nice. One thing about my family, we spend every moment together taking the shit out of each other. At any one point in time everyone is ganged up on one person. However, quick as a flash a new person will be ganged up on. No-one escapes unscathed. It's fun though and all said with total love.

We had a chocolate fondue thing for dessert. It was nice but I SUCKED at it. My bananas kept falling into the chocolate then I had to beat my dad to it or he'd steal them.

My mum thought it was HILARIOUS that I couldn't do it. She was chortling away to herself everytime a banana fell off my fork. (Which was everytime I got banana). Then suddenly she hit upon it, the perfect insult for me!

"Holly" she starts seriously. "It seems that you are very bad at forking."

My dad's eyes light up.

"You're not good at forking?" He asks me. "Well that must make you unpopular with the boys. You know it's very important to guys your age to be with someone who an experienced forker."

I just roll my eyes. I should have seen this coming. And, it is funny. (Especially because, let the record show - I am AWESOME!)
Honestly. Should parents make fun of their children's sex-lives this much? I thought dads were supposed to believe in their daughters innocence and threaten bodily harm to any guy who tries to take that innocence away.

Not my dad, nope. My parents really are too cool for words. I'm just glad my brother wasn't present. Then I really would have been in trouble.

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No one would ever treat you as well as I would

I would treat you with so much respect and love
I would worship your body
I would worship you


It'd be great wouldn't it? But as the great philosopher Jagger once said "You can't always get what you want."

An error in the paper means I've had a lot of grumpy customers today. It's a rainy, gross day and they are taking it out on me.

Then just to make matters worse? I just suffered being yelled at by an old woman. Told that it wasn't good enough that what she wanted to see wasn't on. I tried to apologise and was told that she didn't want to hear from an unintelligent girl who couldn't even complete high school!

Ummmm what? I have a double degree AND a double major from uni lady! I'm probably more intelligent than she is. (especially when you see where this story ends up)

So anyway, I keep my cool. I don't yell or even raise my voice. Just state very firmly that I do not wish to be insulted and am going to walk away if she will not talk to me reasonably.

She keeps muttering under her breath but at least the yelling has stopped. I ask again what the problem is. (Despite all her yelling and the fact that by now I've been talking to her for a good 5 minutes, I still haven't a clue exactly what she's mad about)

Her reply "I was told when I rang up that you had Devil Wears Prada at 1pm in the Gold Lounge."

My response to this. "I'm very sorry ma'am. We don't have a Gold Lounge. You must be in the wrong place."

Her: "So you're telling me the person on the phone got it wrong?"

Me: "No. I'm telling you that you did not phone us, you phoned the other theatre."

She gave up at this point and stormed off. Whether to the right place or home to write me a lovely complaint letter I don't know.

People are idiots sometimes.

I'm used to being yelled at but it still bothers me. Even when I'm in the right it bothers me. Being yelled at is never fun.

This is one of the worst times to be single. After a day like I have the feeling today is going to turn out to be I would really like to go home to a hug. You know how sometimes you just need a hug and it makes everything better? Yeah, I could do with one.

Oh well. Back to the grind.

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Did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?

Monday, October 23, 2006
So, recently I have got back in contact with a number of people from my past.

First was Sam (no, not that Sam. Although I can see where the confusion comes in, you should have seen my flatmates face when I mentioned him! Priceless. From now on that Sam will have to go back to his real name. If I ever deign to mention him that is.)

Then there was Kelly and now Kea. It's truly awesome.

Sam was a guy I chatted to on the 'net when I was around 15. We met at some point at a cricket match and I think, lost contact after that. I don't really remember.

Kelly was my best friend in primary school. We lost contact after 7th form but she is back in Wellington for her wedding. She then gave me Kea's email address who was another friend from primary school, one I haven't seen since I was about 11 because she moved to America and has been living there pretty much ever since.

It's funny how people can move on with their lives, and never even really think about each other. Then, out of the blue, the friendship comes straight back. I love it.

In honour of all this past coming back to haunt me my film recs for today are 2 of my favourite films as a child. (and believe me, they are still awesome)

1/ The Lion King I had my first real date to this movie. He turned out to be a weirdo who, even though we were only 11, wanted sex. But I still have fond memories of the film. I think I saw it about 8 or 9 times at the movies.

2/ The Fox and the Hound Oh how I loved this film. Just thinking about it almost brings tears to my eyes even now.

Tod: "Copper you're my best friend"
Copper: "You're mine too Tod."
Tod: "And we'll always be friends forever. Won't we?"
Copper: "Yeah forever."

Then later

Tod: "We're still friends right?"
Copper: "Tod, those days are over. I'm a hunting dog now."

For me, that just epitomises childhood. We all thought we were going to be friends forever. But things happen and people move on, move away. Thank God for the memories.

By the way: If anyone ever finds The Fox and the Hound on DVD and is at a loss as to what to buy me for a present? I don't own it but would love to. Buying it for me would elevate the person to position of 'Holly's favourite person in the whole wide world'. I found it one day but made the mistake of not purchasing it straight away. I've never found it since.

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I also love you kiddo

And you really are still a kid.

My nephew is favourite little guy in the world, even if he is a Mooloo supporter!

Love you Linc!


Love you kiddo

Okay so I know you're not a kid anymore.

This is my beautiful cousin. I love her to bits. Miss you heaps cuz.


Maybe relationships don't suck after all

This is my favourite couple in the world. (excluding my parents, who take the title) These two make me believe in true love and make me confident that one day I'll find someone who makes me as happy as they make each other. My parents too actually, even after 28 years together they make each other so happy and really love spending time together.

I hope I find this someday, I really do.

This is the photo we got framed for Phoenix's birthday (he's the white guy, the Samoan guy is my best mate). He loved it. (Thank God!)

The party was nice. I was gutted (as was SpaceMonkey) that the hottest guys there were gay. We were both checking this one guy out and then his partner arrived. His partner was equally cute. So, while we were disappointed that hot guy number 1 was taken at least we had a second hot guy to admire! See, there's always a silver lining!

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Are you ready?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Grrr the internet isn't working so I have to write this in notepad. Stupid internet.

My cat just vomited his biscuits all over in my room. That wasn't so bad, I'm kinda used to it cos he often gobbles down far too much food then sicks it back up. The gross part was that he immediately started eating it again. Not just eating it but scooping it up with his paw and then licking it off. Kinda funny, very gross.

He got bored before he was finished cleaning it up though so my flatmate came and cleaned up the rest for me which was nice of him. I should talk about my flatmate for a minute actually cos he's really lovely.

The cricket season was coming up and I wanted Sky. I told him I wanted it and he said he'd ring and get it installed. I said to check how much it would cost first cos to get sport you have to pay extra. He said not to worry about it, he'd go halves with me. This coming from a guy who hates sports so definitely won't ever make use of it.

Yesterday I noticed that our elderly neighbours have had their fence kicked in by some drunk idiot. I suggested to my flatmate that he should offer to fix it for them. He said he didn't have a hammer. So, instead of just leaving it at that, he went off and bought a hammer. He even offered to pay for the wood for them. How nice is that? We've never even spoken to them before. He's just a really nice guy who likes to help other people out.

He also lacks the ability to judge his friends. He judges everyone else TONS. But never me and never his other friends. The other day I was telling him how much I admired that about him. I said I suspected that even if I told him I had killed someone and needed help disposing of the body he wouldn't think any less of me and would do anything he could to help me. He agreed that is exactly what he'd do.

I've told him my deepest, darkest secrets and shames and he's never used that information against me. Even when he probably should have. His one failing is that he gets very bored, very quickly, if I start talking about my feelings. So he's not the best person to talk to when I'm feeling depressed. He tries hard but I can see his eyes glazing over and him looking longingly at his computer if I start talking about stuff like that.

So, I'm very seriously thinking about up and leaving next year. The idea of using all my savings to do a big OE type trip is very appealing. I know that it's kinda dangerous to spend all my money like that. But at the same time, if I don't do it soon I'm never gonna do it. I doubt there's any chance of me doing it when I've got a mortgage etc. It's something you've kind of got to do young, then come home and settle down into the quiet drudgery of real-life. Next year is probably the last real chance I'll have to do something like that before I've actually got to get serious about life.

There are so many countries I want to see and I don't want to reach the end of my life having never done it. Of course, i'm very much relying on convincing someone else it's a good idea.

1. I'm too scared to go on my own.
2 I doubt I would enjoy it so much on my own. If I was just going to one place to work I would meet other people but for so much travelling I would definitely want a companion.

The flatmate is a doubtful option. He's useless at saving money and says he's not really interested in going the same places I am. He wants to go to lots of significant computery places which I have no interest in. So I've got to find someone else and do some serious convincing.

I have a sore thing on my neck. It really hurts! Well actually, it only hurts when I poke at it but I can't stop poking at it! I don't like it.

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All Secrets Sleep in Winter Clothes

Relationships suck. That is my verdict from my own experience and listening to friends.

I have a friend who is married and has a couple of kids. She just decided one day to up and leave her family and move to Australia to live with a new guy. I'm not sure how well she knew this guy but it shocked me. I know the decision came out of the blue cos when I last saw her she hadn't said anything about it.

Then I have another friend who wants to get out of her current relationship but doesn't want to hurt the guy so she's probably just going to stay with him even though she's not happy.

I have a multitude of other friends who are also having relationship issues at the moment. Maybe it's just that time of year.

We lost the cricket and I'm gutted so I'm not going to dwell on that too much right now. Basically, we played shockingly and did not deserve to win. Hopefully we do better on Wednesday or the Champions Trophy is all over for us.

I have a couple of oldish films to recommend today.

1/ F for Fake This is an Orson Welles documentary about fraud. I far prefered this to Welles' very well-known Citizen Kane.

2/ The Shop Around the Corner They don't make romantic comedies like they used to. This film was remade into the atrocious Tom Hanks rom-com You've Got Mail. Unlike that piece of filth The Shop Around the Corner is a lovely film and is actually hilarious. Don't let You've Got Mail put you off, I promise you'll like this if you watch it!

That's it for now. I've gotta go do some serious shopping for Phoenix's birthday.

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There goes my hero

Friday, October 20, 2006
Watch him as he goes

As of Wednesday 25th October 2006, Stephen Fleming will be the most capped international cricket captain in ODI history (unless he falls injured and doesn't play in the next couple of matches). He claimed the record as most capped New Zealand captain early last year and I was excited enough then so you can just imagine how I feel right now.

This is SO much cooler. Do you know the coolest thing about it though? He's been my favourite cricketer since before he was made captain. Clearly I have good taste in cricket players! (Although, I think my taste in guys in general leaves a lot to be desired if recent history is any indication.)

The next game for our boys is tonight. They'll be playing Sri Lanka. It'll be a very tough game, Sri Lanka are desperate for the win. We're still without Bond, Styris and Gillespie who are all injured.

Hopefully Kyle Mills can continue to impress me and repeat his effort from the other night. Our batting is going to be our biggest worry. We need a couple of guys to stay in and occupy the crease. Astle appears woefully out of form but I would love to see him fire tonight. He doesn't have much cricket left in him and I'd hate never to see him smashing the ball over the boundary again.

Ah cricket. You keep me sane.


If I lay here, if I just lay here

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

If I asked the impossible of you, would you do it? I think that you would.

I can't promise I'll never ask. But I can promise I'll try not to.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We won! Brilliant bowling by the Kiwis (and superb batting by my man) led us to victory against South Africa. We won by 87 runs, amusingly this is just 2 runs less than Stephen Fleming's score. Without doubt his batting was outstanding compared the the crap every other batsman brought.

In the post-match interview Smith bemoaned the pitch and the ICC. I hate when a captain won't take responsibility for their teams loss. He even went as far as to say that he didn't think any of his batsman played bad shots but that it was all the pitch. Utter bollocks!

Bad form Smith, you can't win the toss and put the other team in then blame the pitch for breaking down and being impossible to bat second on.

Not to mention that Smith congratulated Sri Lanka on the match. Ummmmm you were playing New Zealand. Idiot!

Stephen Fleming played very sensibly. Early on in his innings he played and missed a bit, going for the big shots. Once his partners started abandoning him he settled in and grafted singles and twos before getting out when trying to push the run-rate late in the innings. Exactly the kind of captains knock any team wants to see, other than the getting out of course. (Also helps my theory that when Flem does well so does the team)

Mills bowled spectacularly and I can't say anything about that except that I'm shocked, I'm usually not a fan at all. Patel and Vettori bowled well together at the end, tying the South Africans up in knots. Patel, particularly, was on fire and ripped through the tail. Vettori may be the more celebrated bowler but Patel is really giving him a run for his money. (I like that too since it helps prove another theory of mine)


I'm not saying it's your fault

Monday, October 16, 2006
Although you could have done more

Why is it that everyone knows how injury prone Shane Bond is yet they play him in pointless matches. Yeah I know, he needed to get match fit which is why he played the warm-up games. But that guy would injure his back playing cricket on the bloody playstation so why play him in 2 games where the outcome doesn't matter? Surely a slightly-underplayed Shane Bond is better than no Shane Bond?

Even on his worst day he is our best bowler so, particularly when tonight we have what will probably be our hardest game of the Champions Trophy (unless we make it to the finals) surely it would have been better to rest him from at least one of the warm-up games.

Cricket coaches frustrate me no end. I loved Steve Rixon, barely ever doubted the decisions he made. But recently? I've hated them. Bracewell just annoys the crap out of me. Sad really considering I loved him as a player.

I mean COME ON BRACES why the hell would you open with bloody Hamish Marshall for an entire series when his highest score was about 11. Just because you like him? NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!

I like Hamish Marshall, I do. But he was severly out of form early this year and should have been dropped. Hell if they wanted him in the field that badly they should have made him carry the drinks. He'd get some playing time then but wouldn't have taken up a valuable batting spot. If there had been no-one else waiting in the wings I would have also understood it. And lets face it, in New Zealand, it's perfectly feasible that we can have a player underperforming yet still not have anyone better to replace them with. But what more could Ross Taylor have done? He was bloody awesome for CD.

It's decisions like these, and the fact that he gives Stephen Fleming barely any responsibility (despite Stephen's proven record) that make me doubt Bracewell's ability as our coach. Not to mention that I haven't seen the team perform this badly in years, and that certainly isn't due to lack of talent.

Haha can you tell I used to write for a cricketing website? Now that it doesn't exist anymore I have to vent my frustrations here.

In Champions Trophy results:

India BEAT England by 4 wickets. I went to bed with England on 55/5 but Collingwood and Dalrymple (or however the hell you spell his name) rallied and they made it through to 125 all out. India must have thought they were going to cruise to victory but England bowled pretty well and India didn't make it look as easy as it should have been.


We just keep on waiting for the world to change

Sunday, October 15, 2006
I've always found politics a dangerous subject to discuss with friends. It's fine if you have similar political views, but if they're different? Watch out.

Unfortunately this morning I did not heed my own advice and had a discussion (argument) about politics with a friend of mine.

It started because of this whole Labour election spending debacle. My friend said that it proves Labour is a crap party and shouldn't be in government. I firmly disagreed and said I thought it was dumb but could see why it happened and it doesn't really change my opinion of them. Now, I knew he voted National in the last election so didn't really want to get into anything anyway as he's an argumentative fella at the best of times. Alas, avoidance wasn't working so I got dragged into it.

He asked why I supported Labour when i'm a business woman and a fairly high income earner so (technically) my loyalties should lie with National. This is something that gets asked of my father a lot as he is in the top 5% income bracket in the country but is still a staunch Labour supporter. I answered in pretty much the same way he always does.

I support them because if I support National then I am essentially saying I want to be treated well at the expense of those in this country who can't afford to be treated badly. I would much prefer paying a few extra percent in tax so that those who don't have as much money as me can have decent and cheap health care, schooling etc.

Where do National supporters think the money they save on taxes is going to come from? It certainly ain't gonna come from the politician's pockets. It's going to be taken from the places that are actually in need of the money.

Don't worry, I'm not a saint and I desperately hate seeing how much of my money is taken away in tax. But when it really comes down to it, I don't want other people to suffer just so I can have a few extra fancy meals out each year.

My friend did not agree. He said it is their problem they can't get a job, not his. To a certain extent I can see where he's coming from. Without doubt some people on the dole don't need to be there and could get a job if they wanted. My flatmate was on the dole for at least 6 years purely because he liked it and didn't want a job. Some of his friends still are on the dole for the same reason. I would love it if there were tighter controls but when the government tried to bring in the Work for the Dole scheme it went down in a pile of flames.

There will always be dole bludgers but there are a hell of a lot of people out there who need government support for genuine reasons and it is for them that I am willing to pay extra tax. It's just a damn shame that those who don't deserve it also get the benefit.

Anyway I won't go on since I'm sure no-one really cares all that much about my political opinions and I really could go on all day if you let me. I'm sure everyone is hating me right now for the fact that all I've written about recently is cricket and politics. But I don't care cos you are all useless commenters! I've received 3 comments ever. (Thank you Ruwan, Sam and SpaceMonkey - although SpaceMonkey's was very mean)

For those of you who are just here for the movies I have a New Zealand film and a Polish film for you today:

1/ In My Fathers Den This is a New Zealand/British film commission joint project. It's bloody brilliant, by far my favourite New Zealand film ever. The story is powerful and the acting is outstanding. Oh, and it was based on a Maurice Gee book.

2/ Dekalog This is actually ten one-hour films (or tv docos according to imdb). Each one is based on one of the ten commandments but they are not religious films. They are stunningly shot and the kid is Dekalog 10 is actually the cutest kid in the whole wide world. I wouldn't recommend watching them all since that's ten hours of watching right there. But you should watch number 10. It's the coolest.

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The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire (again)

Maharoof really was on fire last night against the Windies. He took career best figures of 6 for 14 as the West Indies were bundled out for just 80.

Unsurprisingly Sri Lanka won which means they made it into our pool while the West Indies go into Australia's pool.

I just thought I would write about it since I just mentioned Maharoof yesterday and think it is a nice little coincidence.


You could be happy, I hope you are

Saturday, October 14, 2006
You make me happier than I've been before

It's true too. He does. And I hope he is.

You know what else would make me happy? Winning a million dollars. When I do (although I don't usually play lotto so no clue how I'm gonna win it) this is what I will spend it on. I wouldn't bother putting any in the bank. If I won more than a million then sure but I could make better use of it by spending it.

Paying off my parents' mortgages and buying my mum a new car (my dad's car is already nice). This'll be around $150,000
Buy myself a house, not much more expensive than what I plan to spend anyway. Around $350,000
Buy 2-3 cheap investment properties. $400,000
The rest would go towards taking me and a friend to the cricket world cup, plus allowing me to visit a couple of friends who live overseas. Jannie in Sweden, Sam, Nikki and Hannah (if I can find her) in the US

Finding someone to come to the cricket world cup might be an effort. My dad would be the most obvious choice but he wouldn't be able to get time off work. The boy will be back at uni, KJ probably couldn't get time off either. In fact, purely because he'd be the only one able to easily drop what he's doing and come too I think Shuk would be the winner. He was the one I was going to go with anyway so that would work out well.

Man I wish I was going. Hmmmm perhaps should begin buying lotto tickets ;)

That's what I'd do with my million dollars, basically it'd all be spent within a couple of days. (although the things I bought would last me a long time and be very beneficial so it wouldn't be wasted).

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The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

I was going through my Itunes library this morning to create a playlist that I could write to. It has to be music that I enjoy but that won't stop me from concentrating. One thing that pissed me off was the sheer amount of music there and it's not even half my collection - I have another 8gb on a hard drive that isn't in my computer.

On this computer I have 2.7 days worth but the most annoying thing is that so much of it is badly named. I probably skip heaps of tracks I would like to listen to just because it is badly named so I don't notice it. So, I spent an hour or so renaming tracks which was pretty boring but, ultimately, satisfying.

Going through my music got me thinking about a short video that I've been planning to edit for ages and haven't got around to. At the cricket last year I took my video camera and did some filming of the warm-ups. I then planned to edit it up and chuck some music on it. I like to do it cos it's really good editing practice and a nice time to experiment. I also spend a lot of time editing home movies of my nephew and little cousins for the same reason.

Anyway, this led me to thinking about music choices at the cricket. I love how every player gets a song (of their choice usually) to come into bat to and then the stadium announcer (or someone) chooses music that plays when they get out. I reckon choosing the music would be an awesome job. Of course, my dream job is to be one of the editors for Sky at the cricket - I would be in heaven if I managed to get that job.

So, thinking about the music reminded me of something really funny, and I thought a little insulting, that happened last year. The Sri Lankans were here finishing their tour that had to be cut short due to the tsunami the year before. They have a player named Maharoof. Sri Lanka were doing ok, actually they were doing really well and I was getting a little worried, it was Maharoof's turn to bat. He's pretty handy with the bat, has a decent strike rate and a couple of 50s to his name, exactly what you want in a lower order batsman. When the Lankans were fielding he had taken at least 1 wicket and a couple of catches. At the time I commented that his name sounded like My Roof and had been humming the Bloodhound Gang's song ever since.

Unfortunately for him but brilliantly for us Maharoof was LBW to Bond off his second ball. The song that accompanied him from the pitch? The Bloodhound Gang's of course. It really was the obvious choice. However, I did feel that it wasn't well thought through because they played far too much of the song to be appropriate. (either for poor Maharoof or the family audience that attends cricket matches). This is what played:

The roof the roof the roof is on fire
The roof the roof the roof is on fire
The roof the roof the roof is on fire
We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn
Burn motherfucker burn

The implications of saying that? I think it's lucky there was no complaints to be honest. Maharoof had every right to be damn insulted as did any parents attending with their children. I'm sure the only thing that saved a complaint from Maharoof is that, hopefully, he knew letting it play through wasn't intended to insult him but just that someone hadn't thought the idea through very well.

I'll wrap this post up with a quick rundown on how the boys faired in their match against Baroda yesterday.

Stephen Fleming was rested which gave Daniel Vettori a chance to take the reins. This move is expected, Vettori often captains one match per series now and almost always captains warm-up matches. I think there is no doubt who is going to take over when Flem retires. I have my reservations about it, but now is not the time to discuss that.

Louie Vincent reminded us all what we have been missing while he's been injured, with a 24 ball 36 runs at the top of the order. (a warning - cricinfo got it wrong and says he got 4 while Astle got 36. The truth is that Astle got 4 and Vincent got 36 - trust me). Hamish Marshall got 40 and Styris got to 52 before retiring hurt. Bondy contributed a nice 43 off 42 balls which is cool from someone who would be in the team even if he (reminiscent of Danny Morrison - who I adore by the way) got a duck every innings.

The batting was not the exciting bit of this game though. What I wanted to see (bear in mind I couldn't actually see it since it wasn't on tv, but you know what I mean) was how Mark Gillespie would go with the ball. I'm over the moon with excitement at the idea of having two genuine quicks for the World Cup. He did well too, claiming 3 wickets and an economy rate of 2.71. The Indian tracks are generally pretty flat so I really look forward to seeing him in January on the hard, fast surfaces in Australia.

I should point out that it was great to have big Jake Oram back in the team. He got 23 runs and bowled nicely. He didn't take any wickets but his economy rate was 2.42. I have nothing to complain about in regards to him considering I had wondered if he would ever make it back to the team.

That was it, another easy win for the Black Caps, as it should be.

By the way, did anyone know that Shane Bond has the best bowling average in world cricket at the moment? (well the best bowling average of established bowlers - anyone who has claimed at least 75 wickets). I think that's great and the perfect note to end this post on.

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They call me mello yello

Well no they don't. But I'm drinking mello yello right now so it seemed appropriate.

I have a ton to write about today but I might not write it all. I'm planning to spend the afternoon working on either my Innocent script or my R & J story. Writing in here is a good way to get me warmed up and ready to focus on writing.

First a couple of movie recs. I found the course outline from one of my film papers which listed all the films we watched. There is one I have to put on here even though I don't think anyone will be able to get hold of a copy. My reasons for putting it here? Well for one it was a great film but mainly because of who the producer was. It amused me greatly when I noticed this morning because I know someone with the same name.

Okay without further ado I present todays film picks.

1/ One Potato, Two Potato This is a film from 1964 about a white woman who divorces her husband and then falls in love with an African American Man. The film is hugely powerful and masterfully directed. If anyone does ever manage to get their hands on it then please let me know as I'd kill to see it again. Oh, and IMDB as usual messes up and doesn't list one of the producers, Sam Weston. Sam was a director of adult films back in the 1960s and 70s. Yup, I do mean porn. :)

2/ Hudsucker Proxy An hilarious film. Very typical of the Coen brothers, if you like their work it's a must. If you don't know their work then you might want to give Intolerable Cruelty a try first cos it's a lot more mainstream (although, in my opinion, not one of their better films). Once you've weaned yourself onto the odd brand of humour the Coen's bring to their films give Hudsucker a try, you won't be disappointed.

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I'm so white and nerdy

Friday, October 13, 2006
I really am. Let's see, I play video games, I spend far too much time online and I obsessively watch movies. Oh. And I have a blog. 'nuff said.

Although - in general I hate science fiction and don't know a huge amount about computers so that may exempt me somewhat.

I'm currently watching Forrest Gump for about the millionth time. I love it, Tom Hanks is so brilliant in it and the soundtrack is awesome. I'm sure anyone that knows SpaceMonkey knows that it was her pick. For those of you who don't know her - she plans to marry Tom Hanks some day which will be neat really cos it means she will be my mother-in-law since I'm marrying Colin Hanks. Of course, she's 3 years younger than me so calling her mum will be funny.

I don't really know why I'm writing in here. I have nothing to say but I feel like writing. For her birthday I bought SpaceMonkey Tom Hanks on Saturday Night Live. It's HILARIOUS!

There is a really funny skit where they are at a nude beach. Jon Lovitz plays a new guy who apparently has a small penis. All they do the entire time is talk about their penises. Then they sing a song about penises.

It goes a little something like this. "I once had a penis sing to me and when it sung to me it was a penis song. Penis penis penis penis penis. Penis penis all day long" It's kinda dumb when it's just written. I tried to find it on youtube but couldn't so too bad for you.

Someone pointed out to me the other day that, because I watch so many films, I should use this blog to make dvd recommendations. The trouble is - I'm so bloody crap at remembering the names of films that I won't be able to.

However, here are two films I would suggest to anyone and everyone:

1/ Rushmore If I was forced at gunpoint to pick my favourite film this is what I would say. The ending gives me goosebumps everytime I see it. It is, in fact, one of the most perfect moment of cinema ever I reckon.


2/ Dancer in the Dark This is a must for any Bjork fan as well as any film fan. (and can I just show off for a moment that I saw Bjork in concert when I was 14. How cool am I!)

I'll do my best to come up with some others over the next little while.

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So what if I love you a little more than I should

I was trying to think of song lyrics that had something to do with sport but I was drawing a blank. Still, my title is very descriptive of how much cricket means to me. I probably do love it a little more than I should.

And, yeah, I remembered something else I wanted to write about. :)

Summer is coming and that means.... CRICKET!!!

The boys are over in India at the moment playing in the Champions Trophy. They haven't played since March so have a couple of warm-up games before their first real match. For once we actually have a fully-fit team. Bondy is back and Styris got through his fitness test the day before they flew out. If only we had played a bit of cricket recently I would think we had a good chance of taking the trophy home again.

They had a warm-up match against a Mumbai Presidents XI yesterday. We only won by 39 runs but that doesn't really matter.

Louie Vincent and Stephen Fleming got 50s at the top of the order. Hamish Marhsall chimed in with 43 and Brendan McCullum got a fairly quick 27. Not overly impressive scores but not bad when you remember that it has been a long time since they did any more than net practice. It takes a while to get that match fitness back and hopefully the boys will be up to the task when they take on South Africa on the 16th. That's going to be a bloody hard first match for us but I think (and don't quote me on it) that South Africa haven't played since March either so at least that evens out the playing field a little.

I'm convinced (and devastated) that the World Cup will be Stephen Fleming's final tour. I've loved him since I was 14 and I've never admired and adored another player the way I do him. There is going to be a very big void in my heart which will need filling when he retires. Actually, I don't think any cricketer will come near Fleming in my eyes.

I hope these next few months are good for him and that he (and more importantly the team, because that's what he really cares about.) do well. One thing I both love and hate about Fleming is that when he does well the team tends to win but when he doesn't do well the whole team suffers and winning is an uphill battle. Astle is one of the few others in the current team who, when they do well, you just know your team is going to do bloody well. I just wish both of them did well more often because there is nothing I like more than watching us win a cricket match. (Well actually, I probably enjoyed Stephen's 2 double centuries as much as any win I've ever watched.)

Ok I should probably stop there, I could go on about him all day. My friends can atest to that. There are three people they begin rolling their eyes when I start talking about, Hugh Laurie, Colin Hanks and Stephen Fleming.

Haha sorry guys. I bet most of you skipped this entire post! :)

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You're so naive yet so...

Well, yeah. Apparently I am so naive. If the way some of my friends blew my mind yesterday is anything to go by. I meant to write about this yesterday but forgot.

So, one of my friends (the one who stole my boy and married him actually) told me that she has tried anal sex and absolutely loves it. This weirded me out a bit. I hadn't really thought all that much about straight couples doing it. It gets joked about in movies a lot but I hadn't actually thought about how often it happens in reality.

To get it off my chest I emailed another friend (was emailing her anyway) and told her. While waiting for a reply I also told a friend on MSN. He was not surprised and admitted that he too has done it. Now, he is straight, so again I was surprised. Later on last night I got a reply from my friend who put a new spin on the whole thing by questioning who topped and who bottomed. She pointed out that this particular friend is plenty kinky enough to put on a strap-on and go for it.

I feel like my innocence has been taken away from me. Is everyone having anal sex and I'm missing out on something? Obviously I knew my gay friends were - I'm not that naive! Didn't know any of my straight friends were doing it though.

I should ask my mum if she has. Actually no, if she has I don't wanna know. That would be FAR too much information I think.

Luckily, just so I didn't feel like the most innocent person in the world, two other friends that were there when the revelation was made were equally disturbed.

Damn it, there was something else I wanted to write about and now I've forgotten.

Oh, that's right. I was talking to this guy on msn last night, he was dumb, it was funny. The conversation went like this.

HIM: hey
ME: hi
ME: how's it going?
HIM: gud
HIM: u?
ME: Yeah pretty good. Just got back from a bike ride. That was fun. Not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the evening.
HIM: cool
(long silence)
ME: Whatcha doing this weekend?
HIM: drinking
HIM: u?
ME: Not sure yet. We'll see how it goes.
HIM: u type long answers
ME: huh?
HIM: u type lots
ME: uh ok i'll try and keep 'em shorter
HIM: cool

I didn't keep talking to him after that. I didn't even think I was typing very long answers! He should try coming here for a minute - then he'll see what long is. I reckon it's the story-teller in me. I can't help writing lots cos I enjoy it. Writing calms me and centres me, helps me think things through better.

Wow I sound like a geek!

Toilet Woman didn't turn up for lunch today. Yay! She's nice enough and a free lunch is always good but I am glad she forgot. I find her very draining. (haha that would have been a clever pun if only I called her Bathroom Woman instead of Toilet Woman!)

I've had the same song stuck in my head for a week now. It's not fair! I don't even like the song all that much. I keep singing it and my friends keep making fun of me. I woke up singing it yesterday morning!

The final thing I have to say today is that I love this country. I know I want to get out for a while but that's because I need to if I want to make it as a writer or a filmmaker. I would never stay away for good. It's such a lovely day today and I had such a nice walk to work. Everything is so pretty and it was so relaxing.

Yeah I think that's it now.

Holly out

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Your best friend always sticking up for you

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Even when I know you're wrong.

It's true too. They do. No matter what I do. They are on my side. Cos that's what friends are for. I love that I can tell my friends anything and they'll just support me. Even if we all know I am totally in the wrong. They'll tell me I'm wrong but they will be on my side anyway. That's neat. I hope I do the same for them.

My cat is being very cute but very annoying right now. He is lying across my hands as I try and type. He loves me lots. :)

So, I was on the bus today for an hour on my way into town for work. I used to read on the bus but now I find it so much more fun to just watch people and make up stories for them. I got some good ones today!

Story 1
I was standing waiting at the bus stop. I could see the bus coming, in front of it there was a van and a blue car. The blue car (with a woman driving) was in the front and it suddenly pulled over to the kerb right before the bus stop. (and I mean suddenly, no indicating or anything.) The van (with a man driving) swerved in front of the blue car and pulled to a stop right in front. As soon as the van swerved in the blue car pulled back into the traffic (again without indicating and DIRECTLY in front of the bus). The van followed suit and the bus had to slam on its breaks due to all of this stupidity.

What I think happened
Van Man is actually a drug runner. This morning he had a very early morning meeting with Blue Car Woman, a desperate woman who needed something to keep her going. She has so much going on in her life with her high-powered job and taking care of the kids. Not only that but her husband is a tosser who believes the cooking and cleaning is womens work, so Blue Car Woman has to keep the house clean and have dinner on the table by 7pm every night.

Blue Car Woman told herself she just needed a fix to get her through the day. She had a huge meeting that she had been up all night preparing for. Then this evening it's little Timmy and Tommy's school play so she won't even be able to get an early night. So Blue Car Woman called Van Man, she got his number from a friend on the internet.

When Blue Car Woman got there she suddenly realised she had left the cash she got ready to pay with at home. She knew she needed the stuff, she couldn't get through this damn day without it, so she panicked. She took the drugs and ran, jumped in her car and started to drive.

Van Man was faster than she had expected and leapt into his van to pursue her. After driving around for a while she realised she wasn't getting any further in front of him and she needed to do something else. She decided to pull to the kerb, hoping he would have to keep going and that traffic would stop Van Man from being able to turn around and come back after her. Again Van Man thwarted her plan and was too fast, pulling in right in front of her.

Blue Car Woman pulled in front of the bus, once again hoping someone out there would give her a helping hand and create enough traffic that Van Man wouldn't be able to pull in after her. But no-one was on her side, because who would be on the side of a drug-taking mother? So, instead of traffic stopping Van Man, he was quick off the blocks and kept up the pursuit. This was clearly not going to end until one of them ran out of petrol. So who does fate prefer? A drug-taking mother or a drug runner? Well, we may never know.

Story 2
There was a woman, she must have been in her mid to late fortys. She was riding a scooter down the road, not down the footpath but down the road. On a road where the cars were easily doing 50kph. And I don't mean on a motorised scooter either. It was one of those scooters where you have to push yourself along with your leg. One of those scooters that you generally only see kids on.

What I think happened
Scooter Woman has been single a long time. Every time she meets a guy and thinks he is 'the one' he turns out to be a loser who hurts her in some way. She's dated two druggies, an in-the-closet gay guy who then came out of the closet right before their wedding day, a guy who hit her, three cheaters and a narcissistic man-child who actually really does suffer from the Oedipus Complex.

Finally, on her forty-third birthday she met the perfect man. Her friends had talked her into trying speed-dating and there he was, the perfect guy. Perfect Guy actually really was perfect and they dated for two years before he finally proposed.

Scooter Woman, like every woman, panicked as her wedding drew closer and decided she desperately needed to lose weight. She tried the gym but found that she hated it and didn't often go. She still wanted to lose the weight so needed to find some other exercise to get the weight off. Swimming was out, she didn't want to get into togs, and running was out because she would run for 30 seconds and then just walk.

One Saturday, just as Scooter Woman was beginning to give up on ever losing weight, she was at Perfect Guy's sister's house for brunch and was watching her future nephew-in-law playing with his scooter. That was it, she thought, here was the answer.

So Scooter Woman went out and bought herself a scooter. She then took it to the road and got scooting. This was it - she did it every day and loved it.

Unfortunately, this story does not have a truly happy ending. Oh yes, she kept it up right up until the wedding and lost all the weight she wanted to. The unfortunate part? Rather than changing which leg pushes her along, Scooter Woman kept using her left leg. So, at her wedding she was beautiful and skinny but with abnormally developed muscles in her left leg and totally under-developed muscles in her right leg.

There was a third story but I've forgotten what happened cos too much time has passed. I'm very sorry about that.

On my bike ride today I almost crashed into a poor woman. She was under the bridge, facing away from me and standing with her arms in the air. I couldn't figure out what she was doing but she wasn't in my way so I wasn't overly bothered. I was speeding down the hill and suddenly she started to dance. She still wasn't facing me and spun herself right into my way. Thankfully I managed to brake and swerve out of the way and didn't crash into her. But man, it gave me a fright and a half!

I went to the supermarket to get the vegetables for dinner (wearing my shorts and movie t-shirt cos I biked there). In the supermarket I saw my ex. Gutted that I wasn't exactly looking good when I saw him, what with the shorts (revealing hideously white legs) and baggy, geeky t-shirt. Not to mention the helmet hair!

Now, we all know I've had a million and one terrible relationhips. I seem to invite people who treat me badly (Oh - kinda like Scooter Woman, well not as bad as her guys though). This guy was one of the bad ones. He cheated on me. I forgave him. He cheated on me again 3 weeks later with someone else.

I would have preferred to have been looking sensational (well as sensational as I can) so that he was upset about what he lost. Haha instead he probably thought he had a lucky break!

That's it for today. I have plenty more to write but I've just realised how long this is getting. I bet no-one bothers to read this far!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Do I look like a lesbian?

Cos the L/Hutt coke rep just asked me out. And the L/Hutt coke rep is a girl....

On Monday I got free coke from the (male) Wgtn coke rep. That was okay, great even. But this surprised me. Haha what sort of vibes am I giving off?


Sorry boys, I said no. So no fantasies to be created out of this one. But I'm sure if you really want and ask nicely I could make something up!

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I like your pants around your feet

And that has absolutely no reference to anything I'm going to write today as far as I know. But these things tend to take on a life of their own as I'm writing so you never can tell!

Bugger it! Now I've forgotten what I was actually going to write about! Piss.

Oh that's right. I wanted to show off about how popular I am. 4 people, that's right 4, invited me to lunch today. Ha how cool am I! None of them were the boy who it appears may again be the ex-boy. I'm not sure. I can't figure him out anymore. He says he still wants to be together but I haven't seen him in over 2 weeks. I've spoken to him but they are pretty boring conversations. He is busy with the end of uni though so I should cut him a little slack I guess.

Funny thing is? I don't care. I really, really don't. I think that should be telling me something. (and don't panic, dear readers, he doesn't come here so will not read this!) Ah who am I kidding? If he calls we all know I'll go running. No matter how hard SpaceMonkey tries to stop me and talk sense into me. Destruction - I am your follower.

To further illustrate how popular I am (and take all this talk away from how idiotic I can be) - I have 9 text messages left out of my 500 and still 4 days to go until my contract rolls over. To put it into further perspective I used 380 texts in the first 16 days and have been using my other phone recently so that I don't run out too fast. That's 23 txts a day. Did I get any work done?

Actually, I'm not so sure that's something to brag about at all.

Man, I'm in a good mood today. Pity it's spoiled by being at work. While no-one was here I had the music up nice and loud and danced around the office a bit. There are people here now so I have to be better behaved but in my head I'm still dancing.


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You'll Never Walk Alone

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Someone just came in and told me I'd never walk alone again if I embraced Jesus. Personally it just made me think of the Gerry and the Pacemakers song that was played at my Granddad's funeral. I liked that song.

I do wonder, though, why someone would come into my place of work to preach to me. It makes sense I guess, I couldn't be rude because the guy could have been a potential customer and I can't give my company a bad image like that. But still, it annoyed me. Do they ever get anyone to suddenly convert to their religion by going around preaching?

I'm incredibly sleepy today. I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of nights. My dreams are being very weird and it's waking me up. I'm so nice and warm in my office I feel like just taking a little nap.

I've been told off for the lack of film reviews here recently. My only defence is that I have really written on here that much this year (ignoring this week).

However, in the interests of pleasing those of you who come here to read film reviews rather than listen to me ramble about my life, I promise to get some done in the next couple of weeks. (and lets face it, surely everyone here must be here for the reviews, because why on earth would you be here for my pathetic ramblings - they're really rather boring even to me!)

So - film reviews coming soon. Rejoice.

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I'll let you whip me if I misbehave

Monday, October 09, 2006
It's just that no-one makes me feel this way

Bad, bad, bad Holly. Very bad thoughts. Not bad, like depressed, for anyone who's worried. The song line says it all. ;)

Actually I've never done the whipping thing. (Does that make you feel better mum?) I'm not sure I'd really like it. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain. I was so relieved when I tried to give blood but they could find a vein - I tried to do a good thing and it wasn't my fault I couldn't!

But yes, right now my thoughts are definitely the misbehaving type. Not with Justin Timberlake though - he's annoying. Now if Hugh Laurie were here? He'd have to watch out!

My tickets for Australia in Feb are all booked, as are my one's for December. Two trips to Australia in 3 months? Talk about spoiled! I'm looking forward to it. Can't help thinking I should have saved the money and taken a trip to America but am too much of a wimp to go on my own so instead I'll go where my friends are going. I'm such a tag-along!

Haha anyway I'm gonna get some sleep. Got a long, boring day ahead of me tomorrow. Rosters and programming. Yuck, yuck.

Holly out.

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My poor baby

Sunday, October 08, 2006
No song lyric for the title of this post cos it's late at night and I can't think of one.

My poor baby (my car) got keyed. I'm gutted and can't figure out why someone would think that it's a good idea to destroy someone's car like that. It definitely wasn't personal - I was parked on the street in town so it was just random bad luck. I would kind of prefer that it was personal so at least I could think that I had it coming. Ha, not that I tend to spend much time pissing people off but you know...

The scratch goes all the way from the front to the back of the car and makes me sad every time I see it.

I could delve into an analysis of the psyche of the type of person who would participate in such a random act of mindless destruction but I will spare my poor readers the boredom of that. Instead I will just say that it sucks.

I should be going to sleep now I guess. I don't really feel like it though. I know that if I sleep then the next thing that happens will be getting up for work in the morning - I would like to delay that as long as possible. On the other hand, I don't want to spend the whole week like the walking dead so sleeping would make sense.

I think I will succumb to sensibility and head for bed. Until next time fair maidens and... uh... boys. (damn the late night - surely I could think of a better word than boys? Alas no, my brain is addled and will not supply an appropriate synonym.)

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Nothing Can Compare to When You Roll the Dice and Swear Your Love for Me

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Well I got the answer early and it is Outcome 2. I'm not as gutted as I thought I would be. Probably because I know that it is for the best.

I've been questioned a few times recently on why my username for this (and almost everything else) is Jadeey so I thought I'd clear it up. When I was at high school I had a foster brother named Jade. I wasn't as nice to him as I should have been and unfortunately we lost contact with him after he left us and moved back with his family. So my name is for him. For my memory of a poor little lost boy that I didn't want to share my family with, for a boy that I hope is having a good life.

In other news, I recently made contact with a guy I sorta knew back when i was at high school. It's really cool to talk to him again. It was a random occurance but it really made my day/week to get back into contact for him. I wonder why? I think it's probably because we all have wistful memories of our adolescence and to get a brief, solid reminder of it is really nice. Helps that it seems he is still a great guy!

I bought Linc a really awesome slot car set the other day. Yes I know, I know, I'm buying his love. I have to do something to remain his favourite Aunty though!

I have been waiting impatiently, basically since he was born, for him to be old enough to appreciate the awesomeness of a slot-car set. I think that time has finally come and we spent hours playing with it when I joined him and my mum for dinner on Wednesday night. It was a little more complex than the ones I remember from my own childhood though and in the couple of hours we played with it neither of us could get our car the entire way around the track.

Lincoln has gone back home now but he left it at my parents house cos he leaves everything we buy him there so he has stuff to play with when he comes to stay. Me and my dad have decided we'll have a lot of fun with it next time I visit home for a weekend. Ha best $100 I ever spent!

Got my legs waxed on Wednesday as well. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to. It was painful for a second but then the pain went away. I'm going to try and keep it up for the summer so I have beautifully smooth legs for the summer without having to bother shaving while I'm in Perth.

Okay I think that's it for news from me. Until next time.

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Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?

Sunday, October 01, 2006
I'm confused. So confused it scares me. There is something that has happened and it is going to have one of two possible outcomes. The confusion? I have no idea which outcome I want and still at least a week before I find out which it is going to be. I also have absolutely no control over which outcome it is going to be.

I'm 90% certain I want the answer to be outcome 1. I can't tear my mind away from the idea, it thrills me while scaring the shit out of me. There is so much wrong with wanting it yet at the same time I know I'm going to be utterly devastated if it's not the outcome I want.

The other 10% of me wants outcome 2 because I know it to be the sensible outcome to hope for. I shouldn't be wanting outcome 1, I'm insane to be not hoping for outcome 2 with my whole being.

So why do I want outcome 1 so badly? Am I really that self-desctrutive? Yes, I guess I am. Because without doubt it is what I want. It's not going to be the answer though and I should be steeling myself for disappointment. I can't though. My whole imagination is filled with the idea of what I will do if it is outcome 1, I imagine 100 different scenarios of how it will be. My goodness it is going to hurt when it doesn't happen like I'm hoping it will.

In other, less confusing news, I just drank a whole 600ml bottle of Mountain Dew and now feel very bloated and sick. Haha but I have no-one to blame but myself. Stupid lack of self control!

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