The World Of Jadeey: I'm on my way

I'm on my way

I've been gone from this blog a long time. In fact, if anyone even reads this I'll be surprised as I'm sure everyone has given up on checking for updates.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the past few months and I now consider myself a different person to the one who was blogging here, a happier person.

The first big decision to come along was my decision to join the police force. The idea of joining has filled me with a passion for exercise that had previously been lacking. Where weight-loss wasn't enough to get me to the gym on a regular basis, my desire to get fit enough to pass the police fitness test is enough. (And gets me there at 5.30am most mornings.)

It's going to be a while before I go to police college. Even once I get accepted, my call-up could be 2-3 years away. I was a bit devastated when I first heard that. I'm not the most patient person in the world and wanted to go to police college next year. Now i'm okay with it though, I've realised it gives me plenty of opportunities to do some other things I've always wanted to do.

Ever since I was a kid I've dreamed of going to another country and volunteering for something, anything that helps those people less fortunate than me. Why didn't I ever do it? A complete and total lack of bravery. Up and leaving my friends and family, travelling to a new place all alone, being gone for a significant length of time - those were all things that scared the hell out of me.

Somewhere in the last few months I've found a courage I didn't know I possessed. That courage is enough for me to be completely relaxed and comfortable with the idea of going it alone. I can do it and I will enjoy it.

I can't do anything until at least November next year because it's my cousin's wedding and, as a bridesmaid, I need to be around to help with that. After that though? The world is my oyster and I think it's about time I gave something back. I'm looking into the various options at the moment. Sadly my skills are limited, but there are a lot of volunteer programs out there for anyone who wants to help, regardless of their skill-base.

Knowing that I'm now on the right path? It's a great feeling. For years I've just sort of drifted through life with no real purpose. Now I have one and it makes getting up each day exciting. I'm really, really enjoying my life at the moment and can't wait to get on with the next phase of it.

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