The World Of Jadeey: December 2008

December 31st

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last day of the year....

It's been a good one and there will be a summary coming my readers way tomorrow.

I got a new phone today. It is awesome and I love it.

Wow I sure didn't finish up the year wth an exciting blog. I'll try and start the year a bit better!


Back from Hamiltron

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Just got back from Hamilton. I had lots of fun. Tomorrow I should get around to posting all the posts from while I was away.

It was an awesome trip and went way too fast. Now there's only 21 days until I start my NEW JOB. Exciting and scary all at the same time. I've got a lot of stuff to get done before that. It's going to be a very busy few weeks.

Sleep time now. Gotta make my bed first cos I was good and washed my sheets before I left but didn't actually make the bed. I'm regretting that part right now. I'd like nothing more than to just crawl straight into bed.

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Last day in Hamilton

Monday, December 29, 2008
Last day in Hamilton.

Mostly just hanging out at home and hoping that the time goes a bit slower. I'm going to miss everyone up here when we have to head back. :(


Went to the cricket

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Went to the cricket today.

Melissa and Shane were supposed to come as well but unfortunately it was a bit too crowded so they had to leave.

Linc had a lot of fun. He played with the kids sitting next to us. (The kids' dad was pretty hot too!).

Another great day. Such a great holiday. Sucky that tomorrow is the last day.



Saturday, December 27, 2008
I went up to Auckland today. It was very hard to get there, much harder than it should have been. My bus didn't show up, but thank goodness there was 1 seat left (yes just 1!) on the next bus an hour later.

I finally got up there and was supposed to head out to Sylvia Park. Unfortunately trains weren't running! Mark came and picked me up and finally I got to hang out with my friends. I had lunch with Mark, Kat, Corrina and Emma. Then me, Kat and Emma went and saw Twilight. We even got free tickets!

Mum and dad had come up for an afternoon of shopping so I had dinner with them at Waggamama and then we drove back to Hamilton.

A fantastic day


Boxing Day

Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing day has been fairly restful.

We all sat down and watched the Twenty20 match. It was a really good game - ended up as a tie which mean it was decided by a Super Over. Unfortunately we lost the super over when Chris Gayle hit 5 sixes. Sheesh he's a gun. Wish he was a Kiwi!


Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yay it's Christmas day!!

I got a good stack of presents:

Bro town season 2 and 3
Some cool jewelery made my my lil cousin
A cookbook
A school calendar made by Linc

I had a lovely breakfast with Melissa and co... Then went to Matt and co's for lunch.

It really has been a fantastic day.


Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Today me and Melissa went shopping with her best friend, Michael. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be despite being Christmas Eve. We actually found a park fairly easily and the shops weren't too packed.

Shane's mother and step-dad arrived today too. So far it's been.... Interesting. They are very loud. (But very nice)


Travelling to Hamilton

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We treked up to Hamilton today. The drive was longer than normal because we had Nana in the car so needed some extra stops for her. Plus we went through Rotorua to see my Nana's brother-in-law and sister (Great Uncle Bill and Great Aunty Dora).

Interesting fact Uncle Bill and Aunty Dora... Aunty Dora is my Nana's sister. Uncle Bill is my Pop's brother. Aunty Dora and Uncle Bill got married and then my Nana and Pop got married.

Anyway, Dora is in a rest home now because she is blind and at the beginning stages of dementia. Bill still lives at home, but he has Alzheimers. His daughter comes to see him every day to give him his breakfast and dinner. Neighbours and home help bring him his lunch. He sits in his chair, sleeps and watches tv. He never leaves the house, the only reason he doesn't have to live in a rest home is because he has no desire to step outside his front door. If he ever starts wandering they'll have to move him.

I haven't seen Bill and Dora since I was little. I have many memories of going to their house. Uncle Bill would show me and Melissa all his war medals (He was a prisoner of war for most of WWII), we'd watch their giant tv and we'd go to the theme park. Those holidays were awesome. It was very different this time. It was sad.

At one point while we were visiting Bill he told us that Dora would be home soon and would be happy to see us. Of course, we knew she wouldn't be because she doesn't live there anymore. Then he talked about Pop, forgetting that he passed away 8 years ago. After that we went to Dora and took her for a walk. As we were walking she was talking about how Bill had always wanted them to buy a house in that area. A few minutes later we realised she thought she was back in Lower Hutt because she pointed out what she thought was the entrance to the Hutt Rec. (Her and Bill lived in Lower Hutt before I was even born.)

It's hard to see relatives and loved ones getting older.

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Off to Hamilton again

Monday, December 22, 2008
I've just started on my Christmas holiday to Hamilton. No blogging for a while - but I'll back-date blogs when I get back as usual.

I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas and gets all the presents they want!

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I love everything Tim McIntosh chooses to be

Sunday, December 21, 2008
I was happily listening to the cricket today, and feeling very positive about it all, when it all went wrong. I don't know why I'm not used to it by now. I've been a cricket fan since I was a kid and every New Zealand cricket fan knows that batting collapses are inevitable. It's what our team does. Always. And yet, it always takes me by surprise when it happens. I always end up feeling really let down.

Tim McIntosh did brilliantly though. The selectors seem to have picked a winner there. He played this test exactly as an opening batsman, actually as any batsman, should. He was slow and steady to start with and then pulled out the shots once he was settled and comfortable. He ended up getting 130-something. Unfortunately none of our other batsmen played that way - instead those who got starts got out stupidly and none of the rest of them even got starts. It was pathetic. It is always pathetic. And yet I keep going back.

A friend of mine commented the other day that he loves my reasonless optimism when it comes to the Black Caps. It's true too, every game I am supremely confident that we are going to win and then I feel completely bewildered when we don't. One day, sometime in the future, New Zealand will have a team that is good enough that my optimism will no longer be reasonless. We will!


Very sleepy

Saturday, December 20, 2008
I'm very sleepy right now. But I'm also looking after Lincoln tonight and he's not asleep right now. If I go to bed now (he's sleeping in my bed) he'll get even more restless and never get to sleep. So I'm lying on the couch listening to my ipod until he falls asleep. I could put him on the couch I guess, but for some reason he loves sleeping in my bed. Actually, I remember when I was a kid I absolutely loved sleeping in my mum and dad's bed. I guess it's a kid thing. Probably makes them feel grown up.

Lincoln did remind me that he doesn't snore. Unfortunately he does kick. A lot. It's okay though. I'll decide soon whether I can be bothered moving him to the couch or just leaving him where he is. Leaving him where he is will probably win out as the easier option.

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Nearly Christmas

Friday, December 19, 2008
Usually I'm really into Christmas, but for some reason this year I just can't be arsed. I'm looking forward to seeing people - especially my Auckland pals that I haven't seen in 6 months or so - but other than that I just can't be bothered. I'd really rather sleep.

I'm off to Hamilton and I think that's the main thing giving me the 'can't be bothered' attitude. I love that I'm going to get to have Christmas with my Hamilton family - far too often in the last few years I haven't seen them at Christmas - but I hate travelling. 99% of the time going away is the opposite of relaxing. So, even though I want to see everyone, I also can't be arsed. It's a confusing mix of emotions that's for sure.

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Graduate again

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I went into school today and picked up my diploma. Dad's going to arrange to get it framed, just like he did with my degrees. He, actually both my parents, have always believed in me 100% and still believe in me. The fact that dad is has made sure my degrees and now my diploma are framed so that I can one day hang them in the office of the company I am CEO of just shows the level of belief they have in me.

Sometimes I didn't believe I could do it, it's nice to know that they always knew I would.

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.

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It's hard to lose a friend

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Some friendships end, that's a fact of life. Not every ending is because of a horrible fight. Sometimes people just drift apart. Even worse, sometimes just one person drifts while the other tries desperately to hold on. With the fight you have the anger to fuel you, to make you feel that maybe it's a good thing the friendship ended because why would you want to be friends with that person anyway. When you start drifting apart from someone sometimes you desperately want to hold on but it just doesn't work and there is nothing you can do to change the course you are on. Those are the ones that hurt like buggary.

It just sucks to know that who you are is not enough for someone anymore - someone who used to love you and that you thought you'd be friends with forever. To know they no longer want to spend time with you and only force themselves to talk to you through loyalty for what you once had - well that's one of the worst feelings in the world. To try so hard to be someone they want to be friends with and still fail makes you feel worthless. All in all it's a pretty soul destroying situation.

As anyone who reads this blog regualarly knows, I like to read various websites where people write their secrets. So many of them are about lost friendships. It definitely happens a lot - but knowing other people are going through the same thing never helps, does it? I hope that some of those friendships are restored this Christmas. Getting a friend back would definitely be a wonderful Christmas present.

Even though it's not the day I normally post secrets, here are some that fit what I've just been talking about. Anyone out there who happens to be reading this and going through this situation - I know it doesn't really help, but you are not alone. These secrets can attest to that.

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Another day in Parliament

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My interview went well today. I should be hearing about the job in the next couple of days. I think it's pretty much mine, there are just a couple of things the HR person needs to work out. So that's awesome.

I went to Parliament again today. After waiting in a queue for what felt like forever, we finally got in half an hour after question time started. It was really busy today cos a school group had come to watch and snuck in before us. Nothing particularly exciting happened (other than some mistakes with names - someone addressed Michael Cullen as minister even though he no longer is and Lockward Smith called Phil Goff, Prime Minister.) Labour was awesome as always. They really seem good at their job.

I was a little disappointed in the Greens. They did ask some important questions, but kept quiet during Labour's questions on the ETS - I would have thought they would have had something to add. It disappointed me that they didn't add any supplimentary questions to such an important topic. Labour certainly got on board with helping the Greens out while their questions were being asked.

National, as usual, didn't impress at all. I think John Key said he was going to take a balanced, but urgent, approach to 8 different things in a row. Come on, Prime Minister come up with a slightly different answer!

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Plans for tomorrow

Monday, December 15, 2008
Tomorrow is an exciting day for Holly.

First up I have a 2nd interview for a job I now really want. Then heading to the childrens bookshop for some Christmas present shopping and then to Parliament for question time.

I've also made plans with Kat to go up to Auckland and see a movie with her over the Christmas period. Hopefully Corrina will be able to make it too. Yay for hanging out with the friends I hardly ever get to see.

All in all, very satisfying.


Not about cricket

Sunday, December 14, 2008
I wanted to write about the cricket today, but I've left it really late and I'm tired so I can't be bothered.

Not much is on the agenda for tomorrow. Going to the gym, watching/listening to the cricket and applying for jobs. Believe me, the life of an unemployed person isn't that fun. I guess it is for those who are too lazy to find a job, but for the majority of people - who actually do want to work - it sucks.

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Just got home from work

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Geek that I am, I really wanted to go and watch Parliament sitting today. It's not often you'd get to see them sitting on a Saturday! Instead I had to work... It wasn't so bad.

I just realised today that I haven't played my xbox360 since before I left for Hamilton. It has been over a week! See - to anyone who claimed I was addicted, clearly I'm not.

Not a lot else to say really. I think it's bedtime.

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Job interviews

Friday, December 12, 2008
I had a job interview today. It went really well and they really seemed to like me. Unfortunately it was an IT position that I just didn't have the skills for.


I do have a 2 week contract starting in early January to do some website updating for the polytech though. I've got to go in and sort that out next week. It'll be some extra money in my pocket and will look good on my CV so I'm willing to put up with the frustration it will probably present.

I'm off to a party tonight. In fact, I better go get ready.


The gym is fun!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lucky readers, you get two posts today since it happened to be 'Secret Thursday' but I also had something to say.

I finally, after a year, discovered a way I can really enjoy the gym. Unfortunately it's not something I can repeat very often. Normally when I go to the gym I listen to my iPod. My preference is to listen to audio books because it fills in the time and stops me concentrating too deeply on the time. Nevertheless, I am always completely aware of how long I've been on each piece of equipment and more than ready to jump off when my time is up. Because of this convincing myself to work hard is an effort. Not so today.

I walked into the gym ready to listen to my audio book. Excited about the prospect, even, because I'm really enjoying it and desperately wanted to know what happened next. But as I walked out of the changing room I suddenly remembered one of the great things about my gym... Every single piece of cardio equipment outside the cardio cinema has its own tv screen. I've occasionally used these screens to watch a music video if it happens to have Justin in it, other than that I haven't really used them. Well, today the cricket was, of course, on Sky. No longer having Sky in our flat I'd been listening all day. As I approached the cardio equipment I realised the gym does have Sky so I could totally watch the cricket while I worked out!

I decided on the bikes because it would allow me to keep my head relatively still. (This is important because my headphones are currently in a very delicate state and cut out if they move too much.) I settled onto the bike and set it for my usual level. Normally the maximum I do on the bike is 20 minutes cos I like to mix up the cardio equipment I use each session rather than sticking to one thing for the entire session. Since I knew I wouldn't be moving to any other cardio machines (damn my dodgy headphones) I set it for an hour. Seriously, I could not believe it when my bike suddenly kicked into cooldown mode. I had barely looked at the clock and definitely didn't think I was anywhere near the hour. I set it for another 30 minutes, not willing to give up watching the cricket yet. Again I got a shock when cooldown mode started. I was tempted to keep going, but could feel that my body was pretty exhausted.

My verdict? I'm definitely going to go there and watch cricket everyday there is cricket on. It'll mean doing more cardio and less weights. But I don't think that will be too much of a big deal if I do my weights on non-cricket days. It also means, until I get new headphones at least, staying only on the bikes. I don't think that's a problem when I'm doing 90 minutes though!

I cycled 30km, climbed 3km and burned 700 calories. Nice. Yay for my obsession with cricket!

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Winking animals

Substitute the dog part of this secret with cat and I must admit that I do this. What if winking is Felix's way of telling me he loves me? It'd be sad for him if I didn't say it back... so I do.

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


West Indies tour

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The West Indies tour of New Zealand starts tomorrow. I'm interested to see how it goes - and sad I don't have Sky Sport this year.

We have a new coach and a new batting line-up. I'm looking forward to seeing Tim McIntosh bat. He's done really well in domestic cricket so far this season. I wish they'd given Aaron Redmond more of a shot. No-one really did very well against Australia and at least Redmond got 80-odd in Adelaide. I think he did enough to justify a home test.

Oh well. I know none of my readers actually care about cricket so I should probably stop this blog here before I go on all day.

I have a job interview on Friday. Fingers crossed I get it!


At Parliament

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Derek and I decided to go and watch Parliament debating, this evening. It's something i've been meaning to do all year and with them in urgency this week it seemed like a good time. It was fascinating. I could definitely see myself down there sometime in the future. On Labour's side of course.

They were discussing the tax reform bill and kiwisaver tonight. Hardly any of National's MPs were there and even the ones that were barely spoke. Labour were brilliant though. There were plenty of them there and they were cheerful and well-spoken throughout. Unfortunately the Greens didn't really turn out - which I was very disappointed about - so Labour was it for the left.

Hopefully I'll be going back next Tuesday for question time. Sometimes being unemployed is a very good thing since it leaves me free for stuff like this!

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Back at Waitarere

Monday, December 08, 2008
Finally back at Waitarere.

I got carsick again on the way down. And sulky cos I had an argument with my mum. So I put on my iPod and fell asleep. That cured my sulkiness and my carsickness thankfully. Apparently riding in the back of the car, with my parents in the front, sends me straight back to childhood.

After we stopped for lunch everything was fine. These days arguments with mum don't last long (and aren't loud or awful) like they did when I was a teenager. Lunch was in Taihape at the Brown Sugar Cafe. It seems to be something of a tradition to stop there whenever we go past.

This afternoon me and dad went for a nice long walk on the beach. I've really missed my walks on the beach since I stopped living in Waitarere. Then, like a good girl, I mowed the lawns while dad cooked dinner. It felt like the beginning of this year when I lived there with him. To finish up the evening we all watched the documentary Enron. It was fascinating. (I'm such a geek)

All in all a wonderful holiday.


Hamilton day 2

Sunday, December 07, 2008
I'm so glad we didn't drive back today. The initial plan was to do that, but Dad decided to take Monday off work so we can drive back tomorrow instead.

Today Melissa and I went shopping with my parents then came back for a swim in the pool with Lincoln, Brittany and a couple of others. Melissa's friend Michael came over and the three of us ventured into the pool for a little while, but quickly gave up and got out when it was obvious we were going to be splashed to death by the kids if we stayed in there.

After swimming it was off to my brother's for a barbeque. My sister-in-law's brother came too which was cool since I'd only met him once or twice before previously.

Not looking forward to six hours in the car tomorrow. If only I could apparate!


Hamilton day 1

Saturday, December 06, 2008
After a crazily early morning, we are finally in Hamilton. The drive wasn't too bad. I got a bit carsick on the way. A stop in Taupo and a switch from the backseat to the front cured that, thank goodness.

The baby shower was fun, but I have to admit I was happy when it was over and it was just me and my cousin. We've spent the evening watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Seven. And, more than that, talking.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow yet, other than a barbeque at my brother's house. I love holidays.



Friday, December 05, 2008
I'm currently in Waitarere with the parents. Heading up to Hamilton in the morning - EARLY. I'll be gone until Monday night so don't expect to hear anything from me until at least then, maybe Tuesday. As usual I'll keep a paper blog and update this thing later.

Spent an awesome day with Kat today. Yay for Kat being in Wellington. Boo that it's when I'm in Hamilton.


Thursday secret

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Today's secret:

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.



Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I am becoming addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's the new series we're watching since I'd only ever seen about 3 random episodes prior to this week. We're now almost finished season 1 and I freakin' love it.

Why did I never watch this show as a teenager? I absolutely would have adored it. It reminds me of Charmed, which I also love. Discovering new series' of tv shows is awesome. Especially when they are 8 seasons long.

I'm off to Hamilton this weekend, as I've mentioned, I've decided to continue the vampire theme by listening to the Twilight series on the way (I'm in love with audio books at the moment). I know they are considered trashy, but who cares if they are trashy as long as they are enjoyable? I don't have a problem listening to trashy.

In other news, I have extremely sore feet. And an odd protrusion on my leg. Yep, I'm getting old and falling apart.

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Google street view

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Looking after Shaun last night went well. We watched the cricket (totally disappointing as expected) then watched The Simpsons Movie.

Tonight he has swimming so we're going to do that. Exciting stuff.

This weekend I'm off to Hamilton for Melissa's baby shower. I'm really looking forward to it, not only do I get to see Melissa and her family, but I also get to see my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. Hamilton is a great place for me to visit with so many people I love living there.

I had fun checking out google's new street view, today. I looked at my house and could see my car parked outside and some random person walking past. I looked at my mum's house and saw her just getting out of her car! Awesome.

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Babysitting time

Monday, December 01, 2008
I'm off to look after my cousin shortly.

I was initially very excited that my uncle has Sky so I could watch the cricket. But it's going so badly I don't think I want to watch it at all. In fact, by the time I get there it'll probably be all over. Damn the Black Caps!

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