So, I'm pretty fucking pissed off right now. There are days I get like this. It only takes one thing to set me off and everything else that has been vaguely annoying me suddenly becomes a huge deal to me. And then I am in the mood I am in right now. The sort of mood that makes me wanna do something stupid. That makes me want to just walk away from everything right now. The sort of mood where I can understand exactly how people can walk away from their lives, and everyone they care about, to just start over somewhere else. But, I know myself well enough to know the mood will pass. That knowledge stops me from doing anything I will regret.
So, instead I will rant here, in writing. Thank god writing helps!
Holly's List of Things That Piss Her Off1. When I go to a movie with friends and I don't get everything I ordered.
2. The fact that my own bad experience with the service at my place of work makes me wonder about how everyone else is treated. Shit, I didn't even pay and I feel ripped off. How must real customers feel?
3. I can't fucking relax and enjoy a movie at my workplace because I'm too fucking worried about the fuck-wit staff are doing.
4. The fact that some staff probably read this blog and are annoyed about what I just said. But face it guys, we have some great staff but we also have some retards. It's the retards that I'm talking about. I'm sure any staff that read this blog are fan-bloody-tastic.
5. When people don't listen to me.
6. When people don't do what I ask them to. I'm your fucking boss! If I tell you to do something then fucking well do it! Don't fucking talk back to me!
7. When people laugh at stuff that is just not funny.
8. The fact that I still have 25 days of this shit. I want to be home now.
9. People showing off.
10. When people go on and on and ON about something. Jesus Christ, enough already! Don't tell me the same fucking shit day after day. Don't you get it? I don't care!!
11. When people don't read body-language. If I'm not making eye contact and am pretty much just nodding my head and not participating in the conversation it's because I DON'T FUCKING CARE. There's only so far politeness can take me!
12. The fact that I am so fucking lazy. I know I need to exercise and lose weight but I just can't fucking be bothered.
13. The fact that I am not one of those people who can eat anything they like without gaining any weight.
14. Don't fucking tell me I'm blushing EVER. I don't care if I actually am. I don't want to hear it. One, you shouldn't tell anyone that anyway because you're just making fun of their embarrassment. Yeah way to be a good friend. Two, for me you are just highlighting the thing highest on my fucking list of things I fucking hate about myself. I don't tell you you're fat. I don't tell you that you have a big nose. I don't tell you that gigantic birth-mark covering half your face is ugly as hell. So don't fucking tell me I'm red. I KNOW! I've lived with myself for 25 fucking years. I'm not an idiot.
15. When I get into this mood and everyone pisses me off. Even innocent bystanders. I'm sorry. I don't want to be angry at you but I am. Just leave me the fuck alone.
16. When what started as a nice night ends up with me sitting at home in a fucking bad mood. Especially when it is the fault of my work.
17. That I feel guilty every moment I am not at work because I am worried about the place.
18. That people don't learn from their mistakes. Guess what, mistakes are the perfect opportunity to improve yourself. Don't be an idiot and compound the problem.
19. When people don't take the things that I think are important seriously.
20. That the stupid studios still have given the WGA what they want so the writers are still on strike meaning my favourite tv shows are slowly but surely disappearing.
21. Knowing I still have to do the dishes tonight but also knowing that I probably won't which means I've broken my own fucking rule after only 2 days.
22. That fuck who broke my heart. Yeah, he still pisses me off.
23. Spiders. Spiders fucking piss me off because they scare me so fucking much. I hate them.
24. That I can't fucking sleep in even when I want to. I just want to spend a whole day sleeping but it seems to be an impossibility.
25. It always fucking rains when I want to wash my sheets.
26. Bad spelling. (Especially when using anything with a spell-checker - it puts a little red line under words that are spelt wrong you fucking idiot! I can abide the wrong word being used far more than a nonsense, totally misspelled word.)
27. Packing. Packing really PISSES me off. I hate doing it. I'm moving real soon so I've gotta do it. That fucking sucks.
28. Not knowing who to trust.
29. Having to pretend to like people I actually hate because someone I genuinely do like is their friend and would be disappointed in me if I told the truth about my feelings.
30. The fact that I have sworn and blasphemed my way through this list because it makes me feel better.
31. The fact that, somewhere along the way, I lost my childhood innocence and I can never get it back.
32. That this list is so fucking long yet I actually have a good life and should be happy with it instead of pissed off.
33. That it's almost Christmas and I still have no idea what to get anybody. Plus, I have no money anyway.
Okay, I'm going to bed. I might add more when I wake up if I'm still angry.