I saved a life: my own. Am I a hero? I really can’t say...but, yes.
I just got saved. Absolutely saved.
If you read Kat's blog you will see that I was about to have to eat a blenderised happy meal myself.
Due to this rule that I posted earlier and didn't clarify:
The rules I play by mean that the most I can write in preparation for a blog is 5 words. Any more than that and it's not an original post that day, in my opinion.
I wrote, into a text document, that bit about me and Kat having a nice moment Thursday night while we were mucking around. I then wrote it into my blog yesterday. (Actually I didn't even open the text document since I remembered what I'd wanted to say, but since we are working purely on the basis of technicalities here that didn't matter.)
I'd argued for a minute. Then realised I had to concede defeat. It's a game with not very well-defined rules. At this stage it's unlikely either me or Kat will ever actually forget to blog. It's habit for both of us now (I've probably jinxed it now and I'm gonna forget). So, we're only ever going to fail on technicalities.
I got angry at the text document I'd written the night before. As I was going to click on it I must have hovered for a second cos the information about it came up. It was saved and closed JUST after midnight!!!! (Hell, I didn't even know text documents had times and dates. I thought that was a Microsoft Word thing only. Suddenly I'm feeling a lot more fond of text documents.)
I don't know how I got so lucky that it was after midnight. I didn't know at the time that it was after midnight and I had no suspicions today, when desperately trying to think of ways out of the punishment, that it had actually been posted after midnight. (It was 12.03am - how lucky is that!?!)
(I think my future husband's expression sums it up best. Even though you can't read the date and time I thought I'd post this anyway cos I love that picture on my desktop)

(Zoomed in so you can actually see the date and time)

I've been thinking about how to define my rules so that this doesn't happen again. I know what I meant but I can't quite explain it so, instead I'm going to change the rule. (Don't worry, I'm actually making it stricter on myself).
The new rule is this: I'm not allowed to write more than 5 words of a blog in preparation unless I quote myself (with proper referencing) in the blog I use that writing in. I must also write a further 150 words to qualify it as an original blog. The further 150 words can be on the same or a different topic.
Phew. I'm going to now sit here and bask in my luck. (Sheesh I hope I haven't used up luck that was going to win me lotto or something. I would rather eat a blenderised happy meal than miss out on winning lotto!) share this: facebook
If you read Kat's blog you will see that I was about to have to eat a blenderised happy meal myself.
Due to this rule that I posted earlier and didn't clarify:
The rules I play by mean that the most I can write in preparation for a blog is 5 words. Any more than that and it's not an original post that day, in my opinion.
I wrote, into a text document, that bit about me and Kat having a nice moment Thursday night while we were mucking around. I then wrote it into my blog yesterday. (Actually I didn't even open the text document since I remembered what I'd wanted to say, but since we are working purely on the basis of technicalities here that didn't matter.)
I'd argued for a minute. Then realised I had to concede defeat. It's a game with not very well-defined rules. At this stage it's unlikely either me or Kat will ever actually forget to blog. It's habit for both of us now (I've probably jinxed it now and I'm gonna forget). So, we're only ever going to fail on technicalities.
I got angry at the text document I'd written the night before. As I was going to click on it I must have hovered for a second cos the information about it came up. It was saved and closed JUST after midnight!!!! (Hell, I didn't even know text documents had times and dates. I thought that was a Microsoft Word thing only. Suddenly I'm feeling a lot more fond of text documents.)
I don't know how I got so lucky that it was after midnight. I didn't know at the time that it was after midnight and I had no suspicions today, when desperately trying to think of ways out of the punishment, that it had actually been posted after midnight. (It was 12.03am - how lucky is that!?!)
(I think my future husband's expression sums it up best. Even though you can't read the date and time I thought I'd post this anyway cos I love that picture on my desktop)

(Zoomed in so you can actually see the date and time)

I've been thinking about how to define my rules so that this doesn't happen again. I know what I meant but I can't quite explain it so, instead I'm going to change the rule. (Don't worry, I'm actually making it stricter on myself).
The new rule is this: I'm not allowed to write more than 5 words of a blog in preparation unless I quote myself (with proper referencing) in the blog I use that writing in. I must also write a further 150 words to qualify it as an original blog. The further 150 words can be on the same or a different topic.
Phew. I'm going to now sit here and bask in my luck. (Sheesh I hope I haven't used up luck that was going to win me lotto or something. I would rather eat a blenderised happy meal than miss out on winning lotto!) share this: facebook
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