The World Of Jadeey: It is a screenplay, starring himself

It is a screenplay, starring himself

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) have gone on strike. This sucks BIG time. From what I hear the Teamsters are thinking about supporting the WGA which will just add to the mess.

Basically the writers strike means that no-one who is a member of the WGA (everyone who writes for film or television HAS to be a member so this means every single currently employed writer) will be writing anything until the strike has been resolved. The last WGA strike was in 1988 and lasted 22 weeks. So, there's not guarantee it will be resolved quickly.

Most TV shows have written episodes through until December or January. These episodes will still be able to be filmed so until then our viewing pleasure won't be affected. (There is a bit more confusion when the writer also acts in another role, producer, actor, director etc. It is only the writing they are not ALLOWED to do but they are being encouraged not to do anything else either). However, past January, if the strike hasn't been resolved all new television will be disappearing off our screens. Not only that, but there will be no new blockbuster films being shot. (Luckily the studios have seen this coming so they probably have a backlog of scripts waiting to be shot right now. But, at some point, the known writers not being allowed to write for a long period of time will catch up with the film industry.)

If the teamsters get involved and decide to strike in order to help the WGA then it will be a whole different ballgame. The teamsters is a union that encompasses a wide variety of labourers. Without teamsters there will be no-one to move equipment, no-one to drive trucks and no caterers (to name a few things). Essentially production will grind to a halt immediately. In about 3 weeks when we catch up to what has already been shot and locked away there will be nothing else...

It pretty much sucks for any tv or movie fan. Fingers crossed everything gets resolved quickly!!
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