We didn't do anything illegal... Except knock over a mailbox with her friends
(I promise you that the above quote is actually relevant to the subject of my post. It's just that it doesn't seem relevant if you haven't seen the episode of The Office that it's from)
What is an acceptable age-gap between a couple? Sure, people will tell you that age doesn't matter when it comes to love but that's not always true. It may not matter much to the two people involved but it sure as hell matters to those around them.
Obviously the acceptable age-gap increases as you get older. When I was 10 an age gap of more than a year wouldn't have been acceptable. Now, an age gap of 4 or 5 years is okay. It also depends on which direction you are talking. It would be acceptable (although probably commented on) if I was going out with a guy ten years older than me but totally unacceptable if I was going out with a guy ten years younger than me.
I can't imagine going out with someone a lot older than me. I probably don't really act my age anyway (I still feel like a kid) so to go out with someone who was a lot older would seem weird to me. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it, if I fell in love then of course I would, but the thought of it is a bit strange.
I was reading a website once where a couple of people were talking about how they were 'in love' with someone who is still a kid. I'm talking people aged 18+ saying they are in love with people aged around 10 or 11. I found this very gross and immediately judged the people as Ephebophiles (The link takes you to a blog where I explain in great detail what this word means. Essentially it means people who are attracted to adolescents.) These people were not breaking the law, they were all saying they would wait until the child they were 'in love with' was legal age but that they already know it is the person they are going to marry. Personally I don't care that they aren't doing anything illegal, it's still pretty skeevy and just seems wrong to me.
I find it hard to imagine back when it used to be acceptable to arrange a marriage for your child at age 12. Some of these girls (I think it was mainly the girls that were married off young) were married to people 10 and 20 years older than them. Nowadays it seems so disgusting (not to mention illegal) but back then it was acceptable. It's funny how times change. share this: facebook
What is an acceptable age-gap between a couple? Sure, people will tell you that age doesn't matter when it comes to love but that's not always true. It may not matter much to the two people involved but it sure as hell matters to those around them.
Obviously the acceptable age-gap increases as you get older. When I was 10 an age gap of more than a year wouldn't have been acceptable. Now, an age gap of 4 or 5 years is okay. It also depends on which direction you are talking. It would be acceptable (although probably commented on) if I was going out with a guy ten years older than me but totally unacceptable if I was going out with a guy ten years younger than me.
I can't imagine going out with someone a lot older than me. I probably don't really act my age anyway (I still feel like a kid) so to go out with someone who was a lot older would seem weird to me. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it, if I fell in love then of course I would, but the thought of it is a bit strange.
I was reading a website once where a couple of people were talking about how they were 'in love' with someone who is still a kid. I'm talking people aged 18+ saying they are in love with people aged around 10 or 11. I found this very gross and immediately judged the people as Ephebophiles (The link takes you to a blog where I explain in great detail what this word means. Essentially it means people who are attracted to adolescents.) These people were not breaking the law, they were all saying they would wait until the child they were 'in love with' was legal age but that they already know it is the person they are going to marry. Personally I don't care that they aren't doing anything illegal, it's still pretty skeevy and just seems wrong to me.
I find it hard to imagine back when it used to be acceptable to arrange a marriage for your child at age 12. Some of these girls (I think it was mainly the girls that were married off young) were married to people 10 and 20 years older than them. Nowadays it seems so disgusting (not to mention illegal) but back then it was acceptable. It's funny how times change. share this: facebook
DAMMIT! I was SURE you hadn't blogged! I got SO excited! I even had a song about Holly not blogging and having to eat a Blenderised Happy Meal!
It went like this:
Oompa loompa doompa de dawsome
Holly has not blogged which is totally awesome
Now she has to eat a blenderised happy meal
And I will laugh, because that is the deal
Doompa de do!
I was actually just going to video it and put it on my blog for today.
That's a pretty cool song! I almost wish I hadn't blogged just so I could watch the video of you singing it... But then I remember the blenderised Happy Meal part of the deal and I'm very happy that I did, in fact, blog.
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