The World Of Jadeey: October 2008

Almost forgot

Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm just headed out the door and suddenly realised I might not be home for midnight so better blog now.

So that's what this is.

Woo! It's Friday. That means it's the weekend AND it's new episode of The Office day. Does it get any better than this? I think not!

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Guy fawkes

Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's almost guy fawkes. I'm a huge fan of guy fawkes, but not at all a fan of the idiots who do stupid things with fireworks. I thought fireworks were going to be banned this year, but apparently not. Excellent. I must remember to buy some!

Wellington is the coolest place for guy fawkes cos there is a big fireworks display over the Wellington harbour. Even better is that we can see most of it from our house, so we don't even have to sit out in the cold. Awesome!

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The middle-of-the-bus phenomenon

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I have discovered something interesting this year. I'm going to call it the middle-of-the-bus phenomenon.

First, a bit of background. I hate sitting with strangers on the bus. I don't like that they get in my space and I particularly hate it when they smell or take up more than their fair share of the seat. Actually, I hate it most when they do both of those things at once. Let's face it, sitting that close to a stranger isn't exactly comfortable. Because of my distaste for sitting with strangers, I always take note of the bus rides when people don't sit with me. This is how I discovered the middle-of-the-bus phenomenon.

You see, if you are sitting in the exact middle of the bus then people are less likely to sit with you. I kid you not. It only works with the seats exactly halfway down. These seats seem to be the last ones people choose to sit in. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it's because most people have a preference to sit either at the front or at the back. The middle is left for those of us who don't have a preference - and it seems we are the minority.

So, that's my interesting thing for today. Well, I found it interesting anyway.

Tomorrow I need to take some text to school that has an interesting or contrasting rhythm. I'm very stuck on what to take right now. I better stop writing this and go look for something.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Today it is two of my friends' birthdays. Sam and Shukul. Neither live in New Zealand at the moment though, so both only get Facebook messages. Ah well.

Today was another round of applying for jobs. And I've got another couple to apply for tomorrow. Rather sick of job-hunting. But excited at the thought of actually getting one soon. Starting new jobs is pretty cool. It's nerve-wracking of course, but it's also exciting cos everything and everyone is new. Change is a good thing. (Or so I keep telling myself.)

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Back to school

Monday, October 27, 2008
It's been a good labour weekend.

But it's now 10pm at night and I've just realised I've still gotta do the dishes and make my bed. Not to mention I really should work on my CV to apply for a couple more jobs and work on my assignment. I think those last two might have to wait until tomorrow now though. Bugger.


I'm beached bro

Sunday, October 26, 2008
As i've said before, my job is mind-numbing and the strangest things keep us occupied and amused. Today it was reciting the Beached Whale youtube video. We found that we could remember most of it off by heart since both of us have watched it a million times. (Sad I know.) I've heard heaps of people say it's not really a good mockery of the New Zealand accent (it's made by an Aussie), but I disagree. I am AWFUL at accents. I mean really, really awful. Yet I can spot on do the Beached Whale bit (or so I think). Therefore the accent must be a pretty close one. Sure, I don't actually speak like that in everyday life. But I reckon there are some Kiwis out there who do.

I'm sure most of you have seen it. But just in case, or just because everyone should see it again... Here is Beached Whale.

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Hi hi, hi ho, it's off to work I go

Saturday, October 25, 2008
I'm off to the stadium soon to start work. I possibly won't be home until after midnight so i'm blogging now.

It just hit me this morning that i've only got 3 weeks left of class. I mean, I knew it already, but I realised exactly how short 3 weeks actually is. I can still remember the first day of class so clearly. And now it's almost all over. Wow.

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Get better work stories!

Friday, October 24, 2008
A little background, for those of you who don't always read this blog and who don't know me in real-life, before I begin my story. As a casual job to top up my student allowance I work at the stadium on event days. Our stadium is right by a railway station so the first half of my shift is spent out at various railway stations selling stadium-day tickets into the city. The second half of my shift is spent at the stadium itself checking train tickets as people leave. It is the easiest job in the world, but also very mind-numbing.

Now, as you all know, I am awesome. I'm very popular at work - apparently I'm funny and interesting. (Well, of course!) I get on well with the supervisor and am usually one of the rowdy bunch. I do my job well, but I have fun at the same time. One of the on-going jokes between me and a couple of other is about librarians. Somewhere along the way we came up with the idea that librarians are all straight-laced at work, but in the bedroom they are the epitome of kinky. Me and Mel (until she left, when I quickly got Alana and then Emma on-board) would tease Andrew and Alex and tell them they needed to hook up with a librarian for us to prove whether or not our theory was correct.

Over the last few months this librarian conversation gets repeated, almost word for word, every single time we work together. You see, as I've said, the job is mind-numbing. After a while delirium sets in and we don't seem to notice at the time that we are having the EXACT same conversation every week. The girls always tease the boys and ask them if they've found a librarian yet. The boys always say no and that we should find them one since they don't want to have to do the hard work of finding one when they are already going to have to do the scary part of risking whips and chains. Then we all laugh a lot. Delirium. Cos clearly that isn't actually a very funny conversation. Especially not when it's had every single week.

Anyway, Andrew sent me a text message today asking how the job-hunting is going. I said it was pretty boring and I was in the middle of deciding between applying for a management position with the city council or applying for a librarian position. Can't apply for both since it'll require sending my CV to the same place - and it would be weird to be applying for both and probably result in me getting neither. I seriously didn't even think about the whole librarian thing. Of course I didn't - I'm not at work so no delirium. But instantly I get back a text message commenting on how he didn't realise I was into that. It took me a while to figure out what on earth he was talking about. I just kept thinking, 'Into what? Book? He knows I like books, why else would I be studying publishing?' Eventually I figured it out and felt very silly. Especially because now I know how the conversation is going to go tomorrow night - it's definitely not going to be word-for-word like our other ones. I'm pretty certain I'm going to end up being the butt of all the jokes.

A further story to illustrate the delirium that sets in at my work... At one station there is a sign that used to say, 'Ticket Office'. Some clever person has scratched off the second F in Office so it now says, 'Ticket Of ice'. When me and my partner arrived at the station last week I noticed it immediately and laughed a little bit. When she asked me what I was laughing at I pointed it out and she looked at me as though I was crazy. About 3 hours later she started laughing. Like seriously laughing. I asked her what she was laughing at and she gasped between laughs, 'Ticket Of ice!' When she stopped laughing I reminded her that she'd thought I was crazy when I laughed at it back at the beginning. She looked confused for a minute and then we both started laughing uncontrollably about the fact that she hadn't found it funny initially, but now did. Delirium.

I should also point out that I'm not just funny at work because everyone is delirious from boredom. I'm funny even at the beginning of shifts. I'm just a funny person. Live with it.

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Aaaand here it is

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Okay everyone, go and visit the website I worked my butt off for. Just click on the link and it'll take you straight to it.

Feel free to come straight back here and praise me!

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Wednesday. Yuck

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kat reminded me today that I still haven't put up my posts from when I was in Hamilton. So I'll do that in the next couple of days.

We bought a new phone for the flat yesterday and today I got confused when it started ringing. It's got polyphonic ring tones so I thought it was someones cellphone. I spent the whole time it was ringing wandering past the phone and instead looking for a cellphone. By the time I realised it was our home phone the person had hung up. I felt silly.

It's Wednesday night. I'm sure i've mentioned multiple times that I feel like it's always Wednesday night. The night before my crappiest day of the week. Bugger.

In happy cricket news, we did not lose to Bangladesh. Dan Vettori saved the day, like he so often does. Phew! Losing would have been awful. In even happier news, Australia lost to India by 320 runs! Slaughtered! Woo! It made my day hearing that.

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A website AND a book!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My website launch was today. Amazingly my book also turned up from the printer. So both my projects ended on the same day.

Oh it was so cool. The website and book both look so good! It made me very, very happy.


(Oh and don't go and look at Kat's blog unless you want to have to stab out your eyes afterwards.)


I need to marry a millionaire

Monday, October 20, 2008

Trying to fit job-hunting around school and assignments is proving to be quite difficult. It doesn't help that I really have no clue exactly what I want to do. I know there's a job out there that is perfect for me, I just can't figure out what it is.

And so I apply for jobs and hope that I serendipitously get the one that is made for me.

Happily, tomorrow is the launch of the website I've been working on all year. It's very close to being completely ready. All the authors with stories and poems on there are having one last look over it tonight so I can make minor changes tomorrow. I'm confident there won't be too many.

Tomorrow is really all about preparing for the launch itself. Food and wine have been bought. Sandwiches will be made tomorrow (that's one of my jobs - but I've got help). The laptop has been checked with the data projector and everything seems to work as it should.

I'm sure there will be many stresses tomorrow. But as of right now I'm feeling pretty confident about it.

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And so it begins again....

Sunday, October 19, 2008
The beginning of another week. I don't find myself too disappointed that it's Sunday night. It's been a good weekend, but I'm okay with what i've got going on this week too so I don't mind that it's almost Monday. I might think differently when my alarm goes off.

A funny thing has been happening in my flat - I have been discovering that I am actually a pretty darn good cook. Of course, there is the possibility I'm absolute crap and my flatmates are too nice/too lazy about doing the cooking themselves to actually admit it. But the meals I'm cooking seem to be hitting the mark. And I think they taste good.

Tonight I cooked fish. It was the first time I'd cooked it, but I think it tasted pretty great. I've perfected my steak recently so that's cool. It seems maybe I do take after my dad afterall.

And now that I'm done singing my praises I think I might go to bed. :)

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The Medieval Supplies Store

Saturday, October 18, 2008
A couple of weeks ago, while I was on the bus, I noticed a shop in Petone called The Medieval Supplies Store. I was very intrigued. It looks like a really big store.

Further inspection has revealed that they really do sell medieval supplies - the name does not lie. And it really is a huge store. In The Medieval Supplies Store you can buy suits of armour (the stand-alone types you see in castles), swords, bows and arrows, chainmail... The list goes on.

What I want to know is..... How on earth is there enough interest in medieval supplies that this store can stay in business? Who needs medieval supplies? Does anyone? The only possible time I think I might need medieval supplies is if I was going to a costume party and had a medieval-type costume. I'm sure there is not enough interest in medieval costumes for that to be its sole purpose.

Do you think there are people out there walking around with chainmail shirts on under their clothes and suits of armour in their house?

There is one other possibility. This is a possibility that occurred to me a few years ago when I discovered another shop that confused me. The shop was a computer shop in Central Hutt. It was hardly ever open and all the computer boxes in the window were dusty and about two years out of date. I'm pretty sure that shop was actually a time-warp back to two years ago. It's the only thing that makes sense. And now I reckon I've discovered another one - but this one takes you back to medieval times!!

Super cool.

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The Voice

Friday, October 17, 2008
It's the weekend!!! Woo!!

I worked this evening. It wasn't bad. I discovered that The Voice I thought was a recording at the Petone train station is actually a real person announcing each train as it arrives. Weird. I was sure it was a recording. Until some kids started drinking while they were waiting for the train and The Voice suddenly said 'It is illegal to drink alcohol on the platform'. I tell you, I got a hell of a fright. They probably did too. A couple of hours later The Voice came out of a little room and prepared to go home. I heard him talking to someone on his cellphone and thought his voice sounded familiar. Then I suddenly realised I'd been hearing it making announcements all evening. Crazy.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008
I hate webdesign. Every time I think it's done, suddenly the client throws up more problems. I'm tired of it. So damn tired of it.

Bring on Wednesday when this crap is all over!



Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm watching old episodes of Friends. Man, I love that show. I think I have seen every single one of these episodes maybe 20 times. And yet they don't get old. That's the mark of a good show!

It's Wednesday night. That means tomorrow is my long day. Ugh.

Ingrid is off to a test-screening tonight. I'm jealous. I want to go, but because tomorrow is my long day I can't. Instead I have to stay here and sleep. Boring.

Oh well, for now I'll enjoy watching Friends. Because it is awesome.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm very sleepy. I have to stay awake for a bit longer though and finish up some school work. It's a hideously busy school work week this week, which is particularly sucky because I thought it was going to be a fairly easy week.

Here is a song:

Trogdor was a man...
I mean, he was a dragon man!
uh, actually he was just a dragon, but he was still
Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating all the people
and the thatched ROOF COTTAGES!!!
and then Trogdor comes in the NIGHT!!!

And don't forget the consummate Vs!

I fell in love with Trogdor many, many years ago. It is one of those things where I still remember the exact moment I first saw him. It was a good moment.


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Job hunting bites

Monday, October 13, 2008
Assignment got handed in. One assignment and finishing up my group projects to go and then i'm done. This means it is time to start job hunting. Ugh I hate job hunting. It's so stressful and often so frought with disappointment. Grrr.

Job hunting also means updating CV and cover letter time. This is one of my least favourite things to do. It's not hard, it's just boring. I hate boring things. And CVs are very, very boring.

My cat, Felix, is looking very cute right now. He's peeping through the curtain. It makes me laugh.

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Assignment is done

Sunday, October 12, 2008
I had a eureka type moment this morning and came up with an angle for my essay that actually worked. I spent all of today re-working the essay and have finally finished. I think it's pretty good. I'm just hoping that I don't think that because I'm tired of it.

In other news, my cold appears to finally be gone. On the last day of the holidays. (This is the cold I got on the first day of the holidays.) Typical.



Saturday, October 11, 2008
Still assignmenting. I'm now less sure I'll get there with something actually worth handing in. It's just not clicking. And that's making me frustrated

I REALLY don't want to have to re-do this assignment. Yet I suspect that I will have to. Apparently it's the most common one for students to have to re-do. (Instead of outright failing we get to correct our mistakes. It's nice.)

Okay, another hour and then i'm giving up for tonight and going to sleep.

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Sound of Music

Friday, October 10, 2008
I'm off to the Sound of Music tonight. Woot woot!!

Essay is going well. Still got plenty to do, but I'll get there.


Grrr essays

Thursday, October 09, 2008
I hate essays. I just thought I'd put that out there.

My research essay is due on Monday. It's not done. I'm sure it will be by Monday, but right now it isn't. Tomorrow is pretty much a write-off unfortunately. I'm taking Linc to Te Papa in the middle of the day and then to The Sound of Music in the evening. I will hopefully get some essay time around those things, but not a substantial amount.

Don't get me wrong, hanging out with Linc is very important to me. But I do worry for my essay. I really do.

Ah well. Luckily I still have Saturday and Sunday!

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It's all about me

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I was wondering today what impression anyone who reads this blog, and doesn't actually know me, has of me after reading for a long time. I'm not certain there is actually anyone who consistently reads it and doesn't actually know me, but if there is I wonder at their impression of me.

I'm guessing it's somewhere along these lines (depending exactly how long they have been reading)

- Is studying this year
- Used to work in a job that drove me crazy most of the time
- Lives in New Zealand
- Obsessed with The Office
- Loves John Krasinski
- Loves Stephen Fleming
- Is a staunch Labour supporter
- Hates all things right-wing
- Loves movies
- Thinks I'm funnier than I actually am
- Is a wee bit insane, hopefully in a good way
- Likes playing video games
- Loves cricket
- Obsessed with Harry Potter
- Always comes 3rd in the local movie theatre quiz night

A pretty superficial version of me, but also accurate. So, that's me according to my blog. Neat.

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American politicians

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
McCain is old. But, once upon a time he wasn't. Amazingly, he used to be fairly good looking. He's still a dick though.

After discovering that picture, I thought I'd look to see what Obama, Biden and Palin used to look like when they were young and unsullied by politics. Here are the results.




So, that's four good-looking people right there. Of course, the McCain/Palin team are evil incarnate. Obama/Biden are awesome. What they used to look like makes absolutely no difference to how they will run America. But I find it interesting nonetheless. (Also, Biden looks a little like my future husband - John Krasinski)

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Back from Hamilton

Monday, October 06, 2008
Just got home.

As soon as I got back to Wellington I had to rush straight to the local movie theatre for the monthly quiz night. My team came third again. So far we've come third every damn time. We really want to come either second or first next time!!

I had an awesome time in Hamilton, which I will update you on when I type up my blogs for the last few days.

I've got a terrible cough at the moment. I start coughing and just can't stop. At the airport today I'm pretty sure I made a guy think I was about to throw up because I had hiccups at the same time I was coughing. It must have looked weird. And it hurt!

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Day three in Hamilton

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Went to my brother's for dinner tonight. It was really fun. My sister-in-law is a FANTASTIC cook.

I can't believe it's Sunday already. Tomorrow morning I have to get on a bus back to Auckland and then a plane back to Wellington. Suck! Holidays go way to fast. It's not really fair. Time should slow down.


Day two in Hamilton

Saturday, October 04, 2008
We went shoppping for baby stuff today. It was fun. I fell in love with the baby store. Baby stuff is so damn cute.

Shane bought himself a big flat-screen tv and some dvds. So we've spent the evening watching dvds in big-screen glory. Fantastic.


First day in Hamilton

Friday, October 03, 2008

My ears are totally blocked from the flight. I seriously can't hear anything. It's very frustrating. Oh and the pain in my ears while we were in the air (heh). It was very bad. And it made me sad.

What am I? Dr Seuss?

Right. So I'm in Hamilton. We went out for lunch today to a place called The Office. You can imagine how inwardly excited that made me.

Tomorrow we're going shopping for baby things. Yay!


Not about The Office

Thursday, October 02, 2008
I'm off to Hamilton early tomorrow morning. While I'm gone I will diligently write my blogs on paper, ready for entry into the computer when I get home on Monday night.

Unfortunately I have a cold at the moment. It's on its way out so I'm not contagious anymore. But I do sound very silly since I have a croaky throat. And I will occassionally collapse into a coughing fit that will take me a few minutes to get over. Apparently I have also taken to moaning in my sleep. Probably because it hurts to breathe!

My trip to Hamilton should be a good one though. I get to see my cousin, meet her fiance, see my uncle and aunty, see my other cousin and hopefully see my sister in law and my brother. Gee, I have a lot of family living in Hamilton!

Then, when I come back it's going to be a boring week of assignments. I shouldn't really even be taking this time off because i'm already very behind. But family is important. Fingers crossed I still get my assignments done and handed in on time!

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Um, can you give me back to Jim now please?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Right. By this point in time everyone who reads this blog knows that I love John Krasinski AKA Jim Halpert.

A long time ago I started watching the show Chuck. (Well, not a long time. It's only just starting its 2nd season.) A couple of episodes in I noticed that Zach Levi (Chuck) looks kind of similar to John Krasinski. My friends laughed and denied it. BUT I am not the only one who sees the similarities.

Zach Levi has said that people have thought he is John Krasinski before. And Wireimage (a very popular media website) had a photo of Zach Levi labelled as John Krasinski for a little while. See!!

If you need further proof:

Surely there can be no argument now? They don't look identical, but they do look similar. (Also, I ADORE Chuck. Clearly I have a 'type'.)

Is this post actually about The Office, you ask. Of course it is! John Krasinski is vital to The Office and any post about him is also about my favourite show. But, if you need more then I will also say that I am very sad because it isn't on this week. There is a US Presidential debate scheduled for the same time as The Office is usually on. This means there is still another 8 days until I get another episode. That's okay - I have plenty of other stuff going on in my life and presidential debates are very important. Go Obama!

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