The World Of Jadeey: Get better work stories!

Get better work stories!

A little background, for those of you who don't always read this blog and who don't know me in real-life, before I begin my story. As a casual job to top up my student allowance I work at the stadium on event days. Our stadium is right by a railway station so the first half of my shift is spent out at various railway stations selling stadium-day tickets into the city. The second half of my shift is spent at the stadium itself checking train tickets as people leave. It is the easiest job in the world, but also very mind-numbing.

Now, as you all know, I am awesome. I'm very popular at work - apparently I'm funny and interesting. (Well, of course!) I get on well with the supervisor and am usually one of the rowdy bunch. I do my job well, but I have fun at the same time. One of the on-going jokes between me and a couple of other is about librarians. Somewhere along the way we came up with the idea that librarians are all straight-laced at work, but in the bedroom they are the epitome of kinky. Me and Mel (until she left, when I quickly got Alana and then Emma on-board) would tease Andrew and Alex and tell them they needed to hook up with a librarian for us to prove whether or not our theory was correct.

Over the last few months this librarian conversation gets repeated, almost word for word, every single time we work together. You see, as I've said, the job is mind-numbing. After a while delirium sets in and we don't seem to notice at the time that we are having the EXACT same conversation every week. The girls always tease the boys and ask them if they've found a librarian yet. The boys always say no and that we should find them one since they don't want to have to do the hard work of finding one when they are already going to have to do the scary part of risking whips and chains. Then we all laugh a lot. Delirium. Cos clearly that isn't actually a very funny conversation. Especially not when it's had every single week.

Anyway, Andrew sent me a text message today asking how the job-hunting is going. I said it was pretty boring and I was in the middle of deciding between applying for a management position with the city council or applying for a librarian position. Can't apply for both since it'll require sending my CV to the same place - and it would be weird to be applying for both and probably result in me getting neither. I seriously didn't even think about the whole librarian thing. Of course I didn't - I'm not at work so no delirium. But instantly I get back a text message commenting on how he didn't realise I was into that. It took me a while to figure out what on earth he was talking about. I just kept thinking, 'Into what? Book? He knows I like books, why else would I be studying publishing?' Eventually I figured it out and felt very silly. Especially because now I know how the conversation is going to go tomorrow night - it's definitely not going to be word-for-word like our other ones. I'm pretty certain I'm going to end up being the butt of all the jokes.

A further story to illustrate the delirium that sets in at my work... At one station there is a sign that used to say, 'Ticket Office'. Some clever person has scratched off the second F in Office so it now says, 'Ticket Of ice'. When me and my partner arrived at the station last week I noticed it immediately and laughed a little bit. When she asked me what I was laughing at I pointed it out and she looked at me as though I was crazy. About 3 hours later she started laughing. Like seriously laughing. I asked her what she was laughing at and she gasped between laughs, 'Ticket Of ice!' When she stopped laughing I reminded her that she'd thought I was crazy when I laughed at it back at the beginning. She looked confused for a minute and then we both started laughing uncontrollably about the fact that she hadn't found it funny initially, but now did. Delirium.

I should also point out that I'm not just funny at work because everyone is delirious from boredom. I'm funny even at the beginning of shifts. I'm just a funny person. Live with it.

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