The World Of Jadeey: June 2009

Day 5 of Swine Flu (probably)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The worst thing that happened today was that I vomited on my chair. Normally when I'm going to vomit I have enough time to get to my vomit bowl or the bathroom, somehow this one took me by surprise.

I don't like vomiting.

Other than yucky vomiting, I have been feeding my Adam Baldwin addiction. I have learned a few things about our man Adam.

1. He looks SEXY in black
2. White doesn't really suit him
3. He has a gun in pretty much every show he's in
4. He's huge - 6'4" and 250 pounds. That's big!
5. (This one is more about me than him) He's taken over top spot on my list - moving easily ahead of John Krasinski

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Day 4 of Swine Flu (probably)

Monday, June 29, 2009
Today my temperature was back to normal when I got up and it felt more like a regular cold. Unfortunately the temperature came back halfway through the day.

Worse than my symptoms though is that I am just so bored with being sick! It's not like I get to be healthy and just stay at home. Instead moving hurts and I have a headache so I'm pretty limited to sitting and watching tv. Even using my computer for very long hurts. I am veeerrry tired of watching television.

In other news this flu apparently makes my usual cat allergy a hell of a lot more severe. After a brief cuddle with my cat I am now sneezing, my eyes are completely bloodshot and scratchy and breathing is a whole lot more difficult than it was ten minutes ago.


Day 3 of Swine Flu (probably)

Sunday, June 28, 2009
I've been very sick. :(

I've written some blogs down on paper, but was feeling far too sick to pick up and hold my computer. I seem to be starting to get a bit better though so hopefully I'll type those up tomorrow.

Yesterday's blog is my experiences with having Swine Flu (probably). Even though I haven't typed that up yet I'll tell you about today's experience with having Swine Flu (probably).

I woke up this morning feeling ridiculously in pain. Lying down was too uncomfortable so I decided to get up (it was 10.45am by this stage anyway so definitely getting up time). Getting up didn't turn out to be anymore comfortable than lying down was. I stumbled into the lounge, put some water on to boil and collapsed onto a chair.

My thermometer happened to be sitting on the arm of my chair from last night so I decided to take my temperature. 39.2. Woah! I pretty much didn't move off the chair for about 3 more hours. (Derek was nice enough to put the water into my hot water bottle for me because I really couldn't move.)

Halfway through watching Serenity with Derek I realised that I concentrating was far too difficult so I went and had a sleep for an hour and a half. Thankfully by the time I woke up again I was feeling a bit better. My temperature was on the way down and I was even feeling a little bit hungry.

All in all I'm feeling a heck of a lot healthier than I was this morning. Still feel like absolute arse, but better than I was.

Michael Jackson videos on C4 helped me to feel better as well. I love Michael Jackson. :(

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Gone too soon

Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died today. Sitting at work I heard his name on the radio, but didn't hear the news story. I checked the news headlines and saw he had been rushed to hospital, suspected cardiac arrest. I knew then that he was dead. I'm not saying I'm psychic because I'm not. Had he not been dead I would have told people I'd been so sure he was dead and that I was glad I was wrong and then I would have moved on. Unfortunately I was right and I felt no shock or surprise a little while later when the official announcement was made.

I'm devastated. Absolutely devastated.

On MJ's 50th birthday I wrote a post about him. I already said everything there that I would want to say here.

He was an amazing man. He was odd, absolutely he was. I don't deny that for a minute. But I don't think he was a bad man - I don't believe he was a child molester. It is my belief that he was just a weird, fucked up, astonishingly talented man that people took advantage of because of his oddness, his fame and his fortune.

It sucks that he died. But, you know, I hope he can find some peace now. I hope his children will be left alone to try and find a shred of normalcy. Most of all I hope that people will now, with his death, focus on his amazing talent rather than his often bizarre behaviour and appearance. His talent is his legacy. I can promise you that my kids will grow up knowing who Michael Jackson was and learning to sing and dance to his songs.

That's how every kid should grow up.

RIP Michael Jackson. You will be missed.


I want to be something

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


Big Wednesday was lucky for me!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I didn't win Big Wednesday today. However, my ticket was a lucky one. Why?

Usually I catch the 5.15pm train home. Today I decided to forgo my usual train and instead go and buy the Big Wednesday ticket I'd forgotten to pick up on my lunch break. After buying my ticket I wandered down to the train station and looked for the 5.35pm train. I couldn't see it so started to wander over to the nearest train guard. As I was wandering over he announced that trains to Melling were cancelled due to a power failure on the line so buses would be replacing trains.

That didn't help me at all. I don't live in Melling. I asked the train guard which platform my train would be going from and he said he'd check. He was about to ask into his radio when someone said over it, 'There will be no trains on the Hutt Valley line tonight. A train has hit a truck just near Petone.'

Because all the buses were already tied up going to Melling there would also be no rail replacement buses for a couple of hours. I walked out to the bus stop to find that there were no regular buses for half an hour, but there was a bus that would stop a 20 minute walk from my house. I figured I may as well take it.

As we were driving past Petone (50 minutes after my regular train time) I saw an absolutely packed train sitting on the tracks. I suddenly realised that it was probably my regular train. And was also probably the train that had hit the truck.

So, if I hadn't decided to go and buy a Big Wednesday ticket I would have been on a train that hit a truck and then sat in the middle of the tracks for at least an hour - probably longer.

Thank goodness for buying Big Wednesday!


People and trains suck

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
There are a number of things I hate about people and trains. About once a week my train home arrives at the station a bit late. Because of this everyone who normally catches my normally very full train is standing waiting at the station. The train arrives and everyone surges forward, not allowing those disembarking the train to get off easily.

I just wish people would be a bit more patient about getting on the train. Who really cares if you end up standing? 10 minutes after the train leaves Wellington station enough people get off that everyone can have a seat anyway so surely rather than pushing and shoving each other some people could just resign themselves to standing for 10 minutes?

Why am I talking about this today? You guessed it - my train was late today and everyone was pushing and shoving. I got an elbow to the stomach by some middle aged woman and just about knocked right off my feet by a teenage boy. And this is when I was standing back allowing people to go ahead of me!

Yep, people and trains are damn annoying.


A little bit of tired and a little bit of Adam

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Just got back from Hamilton and I know I've got a lot of posts to catch up on, but I won't be doing it tonight because I'm exhausted.

I just watched Pauline Gillespie interviewing Adam Baldwin. He was in New Zealand??? No fair!!! The interview itself isn't great. At the end I think he can't quite understand her so the interview drifts a bit with neither of them really saying anything. Then Polly gets insulted and accidentally sort of insults Firefly.

I can't blame her though. If I was in the presence of his hotness I'd get completely flustered and not even be able to speak in cohering sentences. So in comparison to an interview I'd do with him she did fantastically. (I hate to say this but I think it might actually be his fault anyway - in the interviews I've seen with him he doesn't really come off too well. I don't think he's a naturally chatty person so that must make it difficult to interview him.)

Ok I just found the video on Youtube so I can link to it and you can all judge for yourselves.

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Facebook etiquette

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Facebook seems to be the social networking site of choice these days. Pretty much everyone I know is on Facebook and that's where I get the news about what's going on in the life of most people I know. So many times in the last year or so I've caught up with someone I haven't seen in a long time, asked them what they are up to and then, as they tell me what they are up to, I've realised I already knew because I'd read it on Facebook.

In many ways it's actually hindering our (or, at least, my) socialisation skills. It's harder to make small talk with someone you don't see very often when you already know everything that is going on in their lives thanks to reading their status updates.

I've also noticed that some people don't seem to to be aware of the basic etiquette rules as they relate to facebook. Most people understand these unspoken rules, but some people seem to have missed the memo. So I thought I'd help out.

Facebook Etiquette
1. Don't break up with someone by changing your relationship status on facebook.
2. Don't post a deliberately vague and inflammatory status update in the hope of people commenting. (eg. Fuck you, bitch.)
3. Don't have a private conversation with someone via wall posts - everyone who knows both of you will have it come up on their home page.
4. Don't be rude about a mutual friend via wall posts - it's likely that the person you are writing about will read it.
5. Don't ask someone via a wall post how their crush on X is going. Particularly if X happens to be a facebook friend of the person you are asking.
6. Don't post naked pictures of yourself - when you post pictures they come up on the main page of all your facebook friends.
7. Don't tag a friend in a photo if you know for sure they won't want everyone seeing that photo.
8. If in doubt about a person's desire to be tagged in that (generally) drunken photo then instead politely point them in the direction of the photo and let them tag or not tag themselves.
9. If you ask someone to be your facebook friend and they decline you then don't keep trying - they don't want to be facebook friends with you.
10. A wall post is no substitute for actually talking to your close friends in person.



Monday, June 15, 2009
I really don't like guns. I grew up on a farm and my parents kept a rifle that they used for shooting possums and the occasional wild goat. They, like the responsible parents that they were, never let me touch the gun, not that I even wanted to.

I went out hunting with dad sometimes. (I was old enough to know better than getting in front of dad when he was actually shooting.) In the end I had to stop because it made me too upset. There aren't many things I've heard in my life that sounds as horrifying as a goat screaming in agony as it gets shot. Hunting just isn't something I can do.

Even though real guns make me extremely nervous, fake guns are fine. I absolutely adore laser force. I guess the difference there is that the most dangerous thing about laser force isn't the gun - it's running into a wall in the dark! (Yes, I've done that.)

The strangest thing is that, on TV, I find a man holding a gun extraordinarily sexy. Take the following 2 pictures for example. This is the Casey that I absolutely adore. I think he's sexy as hell. Casey in general I like, but Casey with a gun I LOVE:

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Chuck is funny

Sunday, June 14, 2009
As you all know, I am currently obsessed with Chuck.

Here is an ad that NBC were running on one Chuck evening. It is hilarious. (I particularly love the bit where Morgan Grimes speaks 'Pirate' instead of Australian.)


So long Regent on Manners

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Today I had lunch with a bunch of people I used to work with. The cinema I started in - Regent on Manners - is closing down so a group of us got together to have lunch and talk about old times. It was really fun.

It's going to be sad to see the cinema go. I haven't been to a movie there since I left the company, but I still hold very fond memories of the place. I made a lot of good friends there and grew up a lot while I was working there. It was because of that job that I moved out of home, it was there that I got held up and gunpoint and it was there that I learned just how much I am capable of.

So long Regent.

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Bye bye DVD collection

Friday, June 12, 2009
Over the last few days i've been thinking a lot about selling my DVDs. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm going to do it.

Why? Well, for starters I could actually really use the money. I'm doing okay in the money department but I definitely don't have as much as I'd like. A little extra cash certainly wouldn't go astray. Not to mention I never watch most of them so it's really just dead weight. Might as well purge it now while I still have hope of getting some money for them. With blu-ray taking off it wouldn't surprise me if it's not long before DVDs head the same way videos did.

I'll also be getting rid of my xbox games, ps2 games, my ps2 and one of my xboxes. All in all I'm going to be having quite a few trade-me listings going on in the next little while!

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Happy birthday Hugh Laurie!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.

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Chuck wins

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Right now I have 2 choices... I can either watch one final episode of Chuck before bed or I can sit and write a really great blog post and then go to bed.

I think we can all guess what I'm going to do.

Chuck (and Casey) wins.

Holly out.

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Swine Flu

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
It looks like Swine Flu is back and people are getting quarantined left, right and centre. I really, really don't want to get sick. But I would also like it if I got exposed (but never got sick) so had to be quarantined for a couple of days. Ideally the quarantine would happen on a Wednesday so i'll get a super-long weekend.

As for the fact that I wouldn't be able to leave the house? No biggie. I'm pretty resourceful when it comes to finding food in our cupboards and I can easily find stuff to do around the house. It'd be super awesome!

So yep, I would like to be quarantined, but then never actually get sick. Okay?


So cold!

Monday, June 08, 2009
This morning when I got up I checked the temperature and it was 1 degree. As I walked to the train there was ice everywhere and I was very grateful for my scarf, gloves and coat. I checked the temperature again when I got to work and it was still only 1 degree.

Then, after I'd been at work for about 45 minutes I checked the temperature and it had gone backwards - it was now 0 degrees! I was very glad I was sitting in a nice warm office! (Well, in theory it was warm, but given the cold temperatures it wasn't actually as warm as it should have been. Sitting still did make me a bit cold.)

Winter is hard.


John Casey is the master of disguise

Sunday, June 07, 2009
I watched a lot of Chuck today. I've seen it all before, but Derek wanted to watch it and I couldn't possibly sit here and let him watch it without watching it myself. It's absolutely a good enough show to watch many, many times.

Unfortunately it probably won't be long until it's cancelled. It was a struggle even to get a 3rd season, and it's going to be a short mid-season show starting in March next year instead of the traditional 24 episode show starting in October this year. Gutted. Still, that's better than being cancelled!

My favourite part of Chuck is Casey. He's totally the master of disguise. Here someone else has put together their top 10 Casey disguises. I was going to make my own list, but why bother when that list is totally perfect.

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Is there anything better than weekends?

Saturday, June 06, 2009
Today I went and watched my little cousins play soccer. It was pretty fun actually. It meant I had to get up early, but it was a lot of fun standing around watching 10-13 year olds playing soccer. And my cousins' team was really good! They smashed the other team something like 8-0. Go Kieran and Shaun!

After that I went to my friend's son's first birthday. That was also heaps of fun. I chatted with my friends, watched the kids play pass the parcel and watched my friend Josh get plates of cream thrown into his face.

All in all a great Saturday.


Guys... I know kung fu!

Friday, June 05, 2009
I'm veeerrrry happy it's the weekend. I've got quite a busy one planned really. Tomorrow morning I'm off to watch my cousins play soccer. After that I'm heading to Stokes Valley for Malakai's 1st birthday party.

Sometime over the weekend I also have to fit in working on the website, finishing up my brother's wedding video and having a Chuck marathon. Okay, so I don't actually have to have a Chuck marathon. But I WANT to.

Chuck is awesome.


My blog

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


Hilarious video

Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Kat found this video the other day and sent it to me. I showed it to Derek today and he just about wet himself laughing so I thought I'd post it on here too. (Well, that and I'm lazy and can't be bothered thinking of something to write tonight.)


Well Chuck me

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I'm obsessed with Chuck at the moment. Here are some things I like about the show:

- Zach Levi, who plays Chuck, looks like John Krasinski
- Sarah is HOT
- John Casey is sexy
- The show is damn funny
- Chuck and Sarah make a really cute couple, if they ever become a real couple that is.

I was very sad to learn that the next season is only going to be 12 episodes long. Damn the recession ruining my shows!

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A productive Queens birthday

Monday, June 01, 2009
I've been very productive today. I've:

- Tidied my room
- Vacuumed my room
- Solved a problem that was stumping me with the editing my brother's wedding video
- Washed a heap of towels
- Worked out at the gym
- Am about to go off and win quiz night :P

A very successful Queens Birthday I'd say.

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