The World Of Jadeey: People and trains suck

People and trains suck

There are a number of things I hate about people and trains. About once a week my train home arrives at the station a bit late. Because of this everyone who normally catches my normally very full train is standing waiting at the station. The train arrives and everyone surges forward, not allowing those disembarking the train to get off easily.

I just wish people would be a bit more patient about getting on the train. Who really cares if you end up standing? 10 minutes after the train leaves Wellington station enough people get off that everyone can have a seat anyway so surely rather than pushing and shoving each other some people could just resign themselves to standing for 10 minutes?

Why am I talking about this today? You guessed it - my train was late today and everyone was pushing and shoving. I got an elbow to the stomach by some middle aged woman and just about knocked right off my feet by a teenage boy. And this is when I was standing back allowing people to go ahead of me!

Yep, people and trains are damn annoying.


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At 10:17 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Yup, people suck alright - I was going up to the gym and there were 2 other people in the elevator with me. We got to the top floor and a girl was waiting.

Rather than waiting for the 3 people to leave the elevator before she got on, she just walked right in... I don't get it, why not wait for everyone to get OFF, before you get ON.

Silly people.


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