The World Of Jadeey: February 2009

I wish I could give you up

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


More from Felix

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog from the point of view of Felix when I arrive home. Today I think it's time for a blog from Felix's point of view in the middle of the night.

First I'll set the scene. 4am. Our household is asleep. Felix is asleep curled up on either my bed or Ingrid's bed. Suddenly Felix wakes up.

'Oh it's time to get up! Hmm I'm hungry I might go and have some food.'

He leaps of the bed, stretches and strolls to his food bowl.

'Yum. These biscuits are delicious. I think i'll have more.'

Once he is finally (over) full.

'What should I do now? I think I want to go outside and play. I better wake Holly up. Holly! Holly! Holly! Holly! Holly! Holly! Oh good she's awake. C'mon let's go! I want to go outside. Here she comes. She is so slow. Doesn't she realise I want to go outside? Or maybe I want to go into the lounge. Do I? I'm not sure. I better go there and see if there is anything exciting. C'mon Holly, let's go to the lounge!'

Felix runs into the lounge with me trailing tiredly behind trying to catch him and get him outside.

'Oh, now let's go into the kitchen! And now i'll hide behind the lounge door. This is such a fun game. I can see that Holly is having fun too.'

(By the way, Holly is not having fun.) I always manage to catch him while he is behind the lounge door. He thinks it's a good hiding place - but it really isn't.

'She picked me up! How did she catch me? She is really fast! I love Holly-cuddles. What? What's happening? Why is she putting me outside? I don't want to go out here! I want to play in the lounge! What was that? I thought I saw something moving in the grass. There it is again!'
*pounce, pounce, pounce.*

By this point I am sound asleep again. We repeat this almost exactly every SINGLE night.


I could care less

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It always amuses me when I hear people completely misusing a phrase. I think the most commonly misused phrase would be, 'I could care less'. Well, if you can care less then you are not caring the least possible amount are you?

I am also amused when people write that they are 'guttered'. Essentially that means you are in the gutter. It's supposed to be 'gutted' like had your guts removed. I've noticed on Facebook that 'guttered' is very commonly used.

Other misused phrases I thought of: (some commonly, others not)
- I'm telling on the teacher. (Kids used to say that all the time at my school. They meant they were telling the teacher.)
- It's a doggy dog world. (I heard this on the bus one day. I assume the person meant dog EAT dog world.)
- For all intensive purposes. (Should be all INTENTS and purposes)
- Irrigardless (instead of regardless)
- I did a 360 on the issue (so you're back where you started? You would have been better off doing a 180)

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Back from my weekend

Monday, February 23, 2009
I just got home from a very full-on weekend. It wasn't supposed to go as late as this, so I had big plans to type up some of my back-dated blogs and write a good one tonight.

Instead I am going to say,as I have said so often lately, I'm tired and I'm going to bed so this is all you're going to get.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.



Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The week is passing incredibly quickly. The last few days at work have been crazy busy. For some reason everyone's routers, switches, phones etc are breaking. This means lots of work for Holly. It's good when it's busy cos the days pass quickly. But it's kinda stressful at the same time.

I'm still really liking my job though so that's a very good sign. I'm guessing if I was going to hate it, I would have started to by now. It really helps that the people I work with are awesome.

I've also adjusted to the hours. I'm easily waking up early and i'm getting sleepy early in the evenings.

And for now I better go and do the dishes so I don't have too late a night.

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Lol thingies

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This makes me laugh everytime I read it.

As does this:


Yet another lame blog

Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm having real trouble coming up with things to blog about recently. I don't really know what my problem is. I guess my days are fairly similar to each other which makes it hard.

I'm reading a great book at the moment. It came highly recommended by Ingrid so I stopped reading my other book and started reading this book. It was absolutely a great decision. It's called The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I'd recommend it to everyone.



Sunday, February 15, 2009
I had to do more work on that stupid website today. As such it is now way past my bedtime and I hate starting the week sleepy.

Therefore, this is all you're going to get tonight.


There will very soon be another addition to my family

Saturday, February 14, 2009
I'm off to Hamilton in a couple of weeks to meet Melissa's baby. He hasn't actually been born yet, but he will be any day now. I can't wait.

The time has passed incredibly quickly for me. It feels like only yesterday I was at Hogs Breath eating dinner with Ingrid when Melissa called me to tell me she was pregnant. I'm guessing for Melissa it hasn't gone anywhere near as quickly though!

The best thing about being an aunty is that you don't have to go through the pregnancy and you don't have to do any of the disciplining. You just get to give cuddles and presents and love. That's the role I've played for Lincoln for the last 8 years and that's the role I'm going to play with Melissa's baby.

And hopefully i'll get my own kids sometime in the next few years so I get to experience all the other stuff.


My brain impresses me

Friday, February 13, 2009
All week I have been waking up about 20 minutes before my alarm is due to go off. It's very frustrating because I'm still tired when I wake up, but I can't get back to sleep. It interests me that our brains can keep such a good track of time that they can wake up at a specific time every day. The human brain really is amazing.

The cricket is on at the moment, it has been reduced to a 22 over match. I can't get a good stream of it anyway. I'm listening on the radio but think I'm going to have to give up soon and go to sleep. I really miss having Sky.


There aren't always plenty of fish in the sea

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


Bush fires

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The bush fires going on in Victoria right now are awful. Yesterday I read that they have almost caught a couple of the arsonists that are to blame. Today I read that there is masses of looting going on around there.

Those things make me terrified. I cannot believe humans can do things like that. I hope those arsonists are feeling truly terrible about themselves right now. I hope they are caught. And I hope they are put away for life... Real life not the pretend life some criminals seem to get.

I also read that Australians have raised $30 million so far. Banks have contributed money, the Australian and NZ cricket teams sold gear, Australian cricket donated all the money they made from last nights game and regular people have donated money.

Those things make me feel good. Maybe not all humans are terrible.

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Valentines Day

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This weekend is Valentines day. I was listening on the radio today and people were ringing up talking about what they have planned for the big day. You would be surprised the number of people who made it truly the big day by getting married.

I can't think of anything worse than getting married on Valentines Day. It is maybe the lamest thing I've ever heard. I mean, come on! It's a completely commercialised day. That's fine for a romantic date or something, but for your wedding day? No way.

Obviously a lot of people think it's romantic. I'm just not one of those people. (I guess it would make it easier to remember the date though!)



Monday, February 09, 2009
It was hard to wake up this morning. So damn hard.

I realised something today. (I have lots of time to think at work.) I realised that I don't mind waiting to meet the perfect man. I don't have a problem with being single because I do believe that I'll find him one day and we'll be together. The bit that worries me is that I really want kids. It scares me that if it takes me too long to find the father of my kids it'll be too late to be a mum.

I read about a woman who is 60 and just gave birth. I don't want to do that! I want to be able to enjoy my kids and give them the best possible chance of having me live until they are all grown up.

Okay, time to stop thinking about this.

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Stuff about me

Sunday, February 08, 2009
Inspired by the 25 Random Facts note going around Facebook at the moment, I thought I'd give it a go on here.

1. When I was little I had an imaginary friend named John.
2. My first cat was named Jack.
3. I learnt to ride on a shetland pony named Sam.
4. After Sam I had Muffin and Ziek. (Ziek was a girl so kind of an inappropriate name. Muffin was a boy.)
5. I named some of our goats, Dirt and Stone.
6. And one of our calves, Tar.
7. Before I discovered Stephen Fleming as my favourite cricketer, I loved Bryan Young.
8. I had a brief foray into replacing Stephen Fleming as my favourite player with Dion Nash. It only lasted a week.
9. My first crush was a guy named Gavin. I was 5 and he was 10.
10. When I was about 10 I ran away from home. I stayed away until the police came and found me. I only did it to see what would happen.
11. My cat Coby's first litter of kittens were named Winky, Blinky and Sam.
12. Her second litter of kittens were named after the NZ cricket team - we kept Stephen and Chris.
13. The teddy bear I couldn't go anywhere without when I was little was named Two Eyes. (He had a friend named One Eye)
14. I still love Westlife.
15. I still drive my first car.
16. I worked for an accountant for 5 years.
17. I saw The Lion King 8 times at the movies when I was 12.
18. I've voted Labour in every election since I turned 18.
19. I liked Helen Clark and thought she was a great Prime Minister.
20. I think Helen Clarke is a pretty darn good hockey player.
21. I used to do karate when I was a kid and I was really good.

I'm tired of coming up with things now so this is just going to be a list of 21 random things about me.


Decisions suck sometimes

Saturday, February 07, 2009
I hate that I always want to please everyone. Often at the detriment to myself. But I also hate that I'm so selfish sometimes that I will let everyone down just to give myself what I want.

Tomorrow there is something I desperately want to do. I got an offer I have been waiting a very long time to be offered again. Years. And yet, if I do this thing, I will be letting a whole lot of other people down. It feels like an easy decision. I can't even imagine saying no and turning this thing down. But logically I know it probably won't turn out to be what I want it to be and I will have let everyone down for nothing.

This is a decision I don't know how to make.


Fleming at the Basin

Friday, February 06, 2009
I went to the cricket today. It was the Wgtn vs Otago 20Twenty and it was at the Basin Reserve. I haven't been to the Basin in years so it was really, really nice to be there.

I'd forgotten exactly how steep the bank actually is and the fact that you spend the entire time trying hard not to slide down. But I loved it anyway.

Unfortunately Stephen Fleming got 0.... It made me very unhappy because one of the reasons I went was to see him.

I miss Stephen Fleming. I miss the Basin Reserve. :(

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Better and worse

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


Boring blog

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
It's Waitangi day on Friday so that means this is a short week. That makes me very happy. I enjoy my job, but no-one in their right mind would be un-excited about a 3-day weekend.

I have 1 clip left on my 10-trip train ticket. So far I've had about 16 clips on it because the train guards keep miss-clipping it. It's awesome. Considering the price of petrol it's nice to be getting cheap travel!

Yeah, I really have nothing to say today.


Hanging out with my cousins

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Late last year I realised that last year I saw my cousins who live 10 minutes away from me approximately 5 times the entire year... This isn't really acceptable. Family is important and I should have been making more of an effort than that.

So a few weeks ago I took my 11 year old cousin, Shaun, to a cricket game. He loves cricket as much as I do so that was great. Then tonight I took Shaun and his 12 year old brother, Kieran, to a movie. On Friday we're all off to another cricket game.

It's really nice hanging out with them. I'm aiming for a lot more than 5 times this year!



Monday, February 02, 2009
I've got to go and sleep. It's already later than I wanted to go to bed, but I had to make some final changes on the website I've been doing.

Before I go though I just want to say, YAY we won the cricket!!! :D


Stupid website

Sunday, February 01, 2009
I've spent most of the weekend updating this stupid website and I'm veeeery sick of it. I really wish I'd never agreed to it in the first place.

I got most of the stuff so late that I've had to do the majority of the work this weekend - my birthday weekend! Also, I have a whole lot of questions about the information and no-one to ask because it was all delivered so late and the woman is only available during the week.

So I'm handing it in tomorrow not fully completed. If they want the rest then they'll have to work around me because I have plans most of this week.

So there.

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