The World Of Jadeey: June 2008

The most trusted New Zealanders

Monday, June 30, 2008
The list of the most trust-worthy New Zealanders was released a little while ago.

Helen Clark is 66th and John Key is 68th. Neither of those are very surprising. Politicians aren't the most trusted people in the country, but we do have to have a bit of faith in them. It's also not surprising that John Key is lower than Helen Clark. He's very clearly a slime-ball and the only thing I'd be surprised about is that he rated as high as he did.

No, the real surprise is the name that sits between those two. David Bain hit the list at 67th, right between the current Prime Minister and the probably future Prime Minister. Personally I find that hilarious.

Scott Watson also made the list, but a lot further down. It does disturb me that people who have been arrested for murder can be on a list of the most trusted people in the country. Especially when my beloved Stephen Fleming didn't make the list.

Stormy weather

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Last night was very cold and stormy. I had to sleep with a pillow over my head for a lot of the night cos the wind was blowing our front door (which is right next to my room) and making it bang a bit. Being a stupidly light sleeper this kept me awake for quite a while.

I like stormy weather when I have no reason to go out in it. Unfortunately I had to go out quite a few times today. It wasn't pleasant.

We're getting faster internet installed tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. All I've ever had in both my flats in the slow ADSL, so it'll be very exciting having internet that is about 5 times faster than that.

Felix had a nightmare

Saturday, June 28, 2008
The other night Felix, my cat, had a nightmare.

He was sleeping on Ingrid's bed when he started meowing. I thought he wanted to go out so I got up. Ingrid then woke up and realised he was still curled up on her bed. He was still meowing at this point, a very stressed sounding meow. We looked at him and he was most definitely asleep while meowing.

I found this interesting because it shows cats do have real thought patterns. If they didn't then he wouldn't have been able to have a nightmare. For a psychology-geek like myself this is fascinating.


Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm going to Timbaland! Woo!

Kat bought me a ticket, so now I've just got to organise flights. Woo! This also means I get to visit Auckland again very soon, I like the idea of that a lot.

In other news, I went to my old high school today. It was weird. It all seemed a lot smaller than I remembered it being. And it was loud! I'd never noticed how high-pitched 600 girls sound.

Funnily enough me and Ingrid got told off. The teacher thought we were students. I also came to the horrifying realisation that when the year the current third-formers were born, I was in third-form myself. Scary.


Thursday, June 26, 2008
Those of you interested in cricket will probably have read about the controversy in last nights game.

Here is a video of that infamous run-out. Unforunately there is no video of New Zealand slamming the door in Collingwood's face after the game.

I'm sure Collingwood and co. regret it now. I bet they'd regret it far less if they'd won the match though!

Damn train

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sometimes the trains drive me absolutely insane!

I love catching the train normally, it's way better than the bus. To get to class they take about the same amount of total time, but the train involves a 20 minute walk along the waterfront. I love that walk in the mornings. Whenever it's a fine day I chose the train, purely for that walk.

Today it was a sunny day, but for some reason I couldn't make up my mind whether to take the train or bus. They both leave at the same time, so I pretty much waited until I was outside and then made my decision. I chose the train because I could think of no reason not to, I love that walk. Unfortunately I should have listened to my gut, which was making me think maybe I should catch the train. It's supposed to pull in to Woburn station at 7.57am. Instead it arrived at 8.20am. It's supposed to be a 20 minute journey. Instead it was a 40 minute journey because we kept stopping in random places. I have no idea what was going on, but it sucked!

Tomorrow I'm catching the bus.

EDIT: Heh. Right after posting I went and read Kat's blog. She also blogged about a shitty public transport experience. In a different city. Public transport bites. But at least it is good for the environment!

Almost the 500th

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So, I thought today was my 500th post. Just as I was getting ready to blog the idea I'd had for this occasion, I remembered that last time I thought I was almost at a land-mark post I was actually not quite there. Blogger sometimes saves drafts as well as the real thing.

So, I went through and checked. Sure enough - there were some drafts in there. I'm actually only up to my 492nd post. I'm quite relieved actually, I left blogging quite late today and couldn't really be bothered actually writing the post I'd thought about.

Thankfully I haven't written any of my idea down yet. This means I can still blog about it on my actual 500th post. Awesome

Finished my assignment

Monday, June 23, 2008
I wanted to do an awesome post tonight, but I only just finished my assignment so I won't tonight.

Last night was a terrible night. It was really windy and there was washing on our washing line - which is right outside my bedroom. The washing was banging against the wall and keeping me awake. Then my cat was annoying me. And then my stupid phone started making noises. All of these things kept me awake and meant that I am now very tired.

Goodnight. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight.

An old post

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Okay, this is what I'm talking about when I say I'm worried that blogging daily is corrupting the integrity and interesting-ness (not a word) of this blog.

Old, very crazy, post.

That's what a lot of my posts used to be like. Now, once you get through the craziness of it, it's pretty funny. A lot more interesting than my posts are these days anyway.

And, for the record, I still believe invisibility is the best. And I'm REALLY glad I don't work at my old job any longer!

Celebrity crushes

I used to have a HUGE crush on Luke Perry. You know, back when he was super-cool and hot on Beverly Hills 90210. I think I was about 9 or 10 at the time. And I'm pretty sure he was just hitting thirty. The age difference didn't matter to me though, I was still sure I was going to marry him one day.

This is what he looks like now. I no longer have a crush on him.

It seems I definitely have a 'type'. I went through a lot of general celebrity crushes in my youth: Jason Donovan, Leo Dicaprio (when he was on Growing Pains), Kirk Cameron, Neil Patrick Harris. Those were just minor crushes and didn't really count. The big ones were Luke Perry, Craig Parker and Stephen Fleming.


I think perhaps I have a thing for dark-haired guys. Well, in celebrities anyway.

The gym

Saturday, June 21, 2008
One thing I love about going to the gym is watching all the different types of people there. My gym has a women only part upstairs, it has a bit of cardio equipment and quite a few weights. It also looks out over the rest of the gym. I often like to use the cardio equipment up there and watch what is going on in the rest of the gym.

My favourites to watch are the muscle-guys. These are the guys, often bodybuilders but not always, who are totally obsessed with their (huge) muscles. They spend the whole time they are not actually lifting weights, looking at themselves in the mirror. This one guy in particular was really funny today. He was supposed to be spotting (is that the right word?) his partner - but he kept getting so distracted by his own reflection that he didn't notice when his partner was having trouble. It made me chuckle to myself.

Next up are the surpriingly strong people. It's always really fun when you see someone approach one of the weight-lifting machines and put a weight bigger than they can handle, then sit down and lift it. I've been taken by surprise a few times with it - there are some deceptively strong people at my gym. I've also gone to use weight equipment right after people and been shocked by how much they had it on. I then feel pretty stink when I have to lower it. (Once or twice i've surrepticiously increased the weight after finishing on a machine so the next person is taken by surprise at my strength.)

Then you have the people who really don't want to be there. I'm pretty sure these people think that walking through the doors is enough to lose weight/get fit. They spend 30 seconds on each machine and then are out the door again. I have a feeling the gym probably isn't working as well as it could for these people.

I always feel really impressed when I see really overweight people at the gym. It's good that they're doing something about it. This group of people always look really proud of themselves and I like that. I also like that my gym seems to have quite a few overweight people - I think it means they feel comfortable there. My old gym was only ever skinny people, I think the overweight ones felt intimidated. It was a crappy gym anyway.

Finally you have the people who I'm sure see the gym as a social forum rather than a place to work out. You never actually see this group of people on any equipment. They walk around the gym a lot, and lean against walls or equipment and talk to other people a lot. I'm not sure they actually work out though. Surprisingly enough, at my gym, this group comprises of both skinny and overweight people.

I wonder which group (if any) I fit into. I'm hoping I fit into the other group, the people who are there to exercise and do just that.


Friday, June 20, 2008
Holy crap! This is the closest I've ever got to totally forgetting. I was just sitting there thinking about going to bed when I suddenly remembered. I have no idea what reminded me - but thank goodness!

I'm watching a strange show at the moment. It's called Moment of Truth. Basically someone has to answer really personal questions about yourself in front of your family and partner. I have no idea why someone would want to go on this show!

Okay, sleepy-time for Holly.

Not interesting

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Well, it's 10.25pm and I only just got home 15 mintues ago so there will be no great blog tonight.

There was a car accident on the motorway earlier this evening. I started waiting for the bus at 8.25pm and got home at 10.10pm. Suck. (Although, my thoughts are with the families of those in the accident. At least I did get safely home)

Just watching an episode of Brothers and Sisters, then heading to bed.

Nothing to say

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tomorrow is Thursday, that means work experience day. That also means not home until between 9pm and 10pm day. :(

Ingrid wants me to post more intelligent, well-thought-out blogs. I agree with the fact that doing that is a lot more interesting than listing what I've done for the day so I'm going to make a concerted effort to do that in the future. That's always what I wanted to be doing anyway, but I often leave blogging so late that I just want to go to bed instead of thinking of something clever to write. Case in point, tonight. I should really be starting as I mean to go on, but I'm tired and just want to get blogging over with for the evening. So you're getting this pile of poo instead.

I do have a vague idea of what I want to blog about tomorrow, and it should be interesting or at least amusing. So, as long as I don't forget (as per my rules I can only write down 5 words to remind myself of a future blog) then hopefully there will be something a bit better here tomorrow.

My flatmate is on the phone at the moment. For some reason the phone interferes with our wireless, so until he's off I can't post this. Bugger. As soon as it's posted I think it's bedtime for Holly. I have no idea why I'm so sleepy, but I'm hoping I'm still sleepy when I actually get into bed!

Hilarious train conversation

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Conversation overheard by me on the train today. Obviously it's paraphrased because I can't remember the exact conversation. And the girls were about 19 or 20 I think.

Girl 1: I'm just so sick of sex, you know?
Girl 2: I know what you mean. It's so boring! Luke just doesn't seem to know what I like. Even though I've told him a hundred times.
Girl 1: I want to find a guy who has a low sex drive. Then I can just get it over with once a month or something and not have to worry the rest of the time.
Random woman: No. What you really want is to find someone who can make you scream.

Girl 1 and 2 had no response for this. They pretty much just looked shocked. I tried hard to contain my laughter. The random woman went back to reading her book. The girls sat in silence the rest of the trip.

A blog about Hannah

Monday, June 16, 2008
Hannah came over tonight so I could help her with her English homework. She has to read nine books and write about them. Nine!!! Admittedly, for me it would have been a great assignment when I was at school. It's not a great assignment for anyone who doesn't enjoy reading though.

Tomorrow is Ingrid's first exam. In order to help her prepare I decided she should choose whatever she wanted for dinner. She chose tacos. They were pretty damn good. I made the taco mix (read: mixed it from the packet), Ingrid grated the cheese and Hannah shredded the chicken. The salad came already prepared in the bag. Excellent.

Because he hadn't helped with the cooking (no room in the kitchen), Derek did the dishes.

I've just dropped Hannah home and am now writing this lame-as blog in order to avoid punishment. I plan on being asleep in about 20 minutes. (Here's hoping.)

Hannah - sorry this blog about you is so lame. My brain is fried and I couldn't think of anything clever. I'll write a better blog about you another day. :)

Ingrid and Derek are trying to help

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Derek and Ingrid are trying to help me blog because I can't think of anything right now.

Ingrid would like me to blog about exams. She is on study-leave for exams at the moment and she is doing massive amounts of study. Her first exam is on Tuesday. Scary.

She would also like me to blog about the political situation in Botswana. I know nothing about that though so I won't. I suspect she is being silly.

Derek would like me to blog about the fact that he cooked us all bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning. I think he only wants me to blog about him being good because he is upset that I blogged about him wasting power the other day.

He would also like me to blog about Obama. He likes Obama.

Also... Lemons. Why? Just because. (They have more sugar in them than strawberries, just in case anyone wanted to know.)

Petrol price update

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Yesterday Shell, the final petrol station, moved their prices. In a very clever strategy, they only moved their prices to $2.10 rather than the $2.12 everyone else had moved theirs to.

Today, everyone except BP moved their prices back down to $2.10 to match Shell. BP is now the only petrol station with 91 Unleaded at $2.12.

It really does show that the oil companies have probably been moving their prices further than they had to. Either that or Shell was willing to take a loss in order to gain customers. Let's hope this means the cartel oil companies have enjoyed is now over and we'll actually see a bit of competition in the market. Considering the prices of petrol these days we really need there to be competition!


Friday, June 13, 2008
I've been playing Halo this evening. Now, I'm very late to Halo. I know that. I only bought it a couple of months ago, and only because it was super-duper cheap. I started playing it last night and it's awesome! I'm very addicted already.

Unfortunately I'm not very good at it yet. Especially when it comes to driving. (I spend a good 45 seconds sitting in the passenger seat of one vehicle wondering why it wasn't moving when I pushed the forward button. I eventually figured out I needed to be on the other side.) It's been a fun evening though. I'm definitely a Halo convert.

Petrol prices AGAIN!

I just heard on the news that petorl prices are probably going up again today. Vegetables have also gone up.

If it wasn't so awful it'd be comical.

Petrol went up again :(

Thursday, June 12, 2008
I think it's time I wrote an intelligent and well thought-out post. However, I'm not going to do that tonight. Maybe tomorrow night.

Petrol went up again today. It's now $2.12 per litre. Geez it's getting tough. I'm not going to sell my car because it's so useful and I love it so much. I'm certainly not going to be driving it as often though. To the gym and back (since it's winter and raining so often) and into town when I'm working late, but that'll be about it.

I started playing Halo tonight. Wow, I'm going to get addicted to that game fast. I can see that I'm going to spend a lot of my weekend playing it. Haha well, unless I spend the whole weekend doing assignments that is.

Hells Kitchen

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I ADORE Hells Kitchen. It's one of the best shows ever. I love how many breakdowns happen.

I would love to eat there early on in the show. Of course, you would need to eat before you went to the restaurant because it's unlikely you'd get served. It'd be so much fun to watch Chef Ramsey yell at everyone though.

One thing I know for sure, I'd never cope on that show. And not just because I can't cook. I'd for sure be one of the people falling apart.

Yay for Chef Ramsey!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The bulb in Derek's room blew tonight so he has no light in his room. The ceilings in our flat are ridiculously high so he'll need a ladder to reach it - we don't have one.

That's karma for you! Right after he broke the power-saving rules he no longer has light in his room. Awesome!

Power Saving

Monday, June 09, 2008
New Zealand is in the midst of a power-crisis. Everyone has to save power. If we're careful now, we won't have to have brown-outs or black-outs later in the year.

In our flat our biggest attempt to save power is avoiding using heaters. The new flat rule is - before you turn the heater on you must have put extra clothes on, be under a blanket and holding a hot-water bottle. If you're still freezing then you are allowed to put the heater on. We're also trying not to use the dryer and to remember to turn off the lights when we're not in the room.

Unfortunately, my flatmate appears to have forgotten the new rule. I arrived home to find all the lights in the house on, and the heater going in his room. I'm naming and shaming you for that right here Derek!

Petrol prices

Sunday, June 08, 2008
It looks like petrol prices are set to rise again tomorrow. Apparently the petrol companies haven't actually decided yet, but I'd say it's 99% guaranteed they will. Oil prices in the US rose 8% yesterday; I think we've seen over the last little while that petrol prices only ever go up these days, never down. Guess I'm filling up tonight.

I'm so sick of petrol price hikes! I would say that the election this year will be won on petrol price promises alone. I can say this with absolute assurance, since even I would be severely tempted to stray from Labour if National offered a solution that I could actually see working.

STILL got a cold

Saturday, June 07, 2008
My cold hasn't gone. I was sure it would have by now, but the last remnants just keep sticking around. This means still no baby-cuddling. Boo.

I have a ridiculously busy day planned for today and I'm already off to a bad start. I was supposed to get up 2 hours ago, instead I switched off my alarm and only got up half an hour ago. Uh-oh. Better go finish getting ready.

Puppy Love

Friday, June 06, 2008
Alright here it is! The 48Hour film created by team Mister Krasinski.

Just a reminder - the film was written, shot and edited within the 48 hour time period. Nothing was prepared in advance - in fact, even our music was composed and recorded within the 48 hours.

The elements we had to use:

Genre: Animal
Characater: Kerry Post
Prop: Brush
Dialogue: "Wait a minute"

Enjoy. And, comment!

The film is almost here

Thursday, June 05, 2008
I am in the process of uploading our 48Hours film onto youtube. As soon as I've done that I'll link it in here for anyone who wants to see it.

I went to Cats last night. I hadn't been before, but I really enjoyed it. It's at the bottom of my list in terms of my favourite musicals (seen live), but that's still pretty damn good since I absolutely adore musicals.

Blood Brothers is still number 1 for me, closely followed by Phantom.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I feel sick :-(

I have a head cold and it's not nice. I woke up this morning with a pounding head-ache, sore throat and blocked nose.

I'm particularly upset about this because I'm supposed to be going to visit my friend's new-born baby this afternoon and now I won't be able to hold him.

In other news, Wellington is freezing compared to Auckland. And, I'm going to Cats tonight. Yay!

My friend's having a baby

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
My friend went into labour today. I find this pretty exciting, I went and visited her earlier, but she hasn't had the baby yet. I'm going back tomorrow and by then there will be a new baby for me to visit too. Yay!

It's cool too because she was actually due on Saturday, but it looks like she waited until I got back from Auckland.

Babies are so cute!

My last night :-(

Monday, June 02, 2008
It's my last night in Auckland. :(

Today I went for lunch with friends, fed eels and am now trying to decide what to do with the rest of the evening. I should be studying for my grammar test (which is tomorrow morning), but that seems like a weird thing to do on the last night of my holiday.

Kat and I will be starting a new, joint, blog in a little while. Watch out for it - it'll be awesome.

Shera and I will be writing a book soon. Watch out for that too - it's also going to be awesome.

June, Nandor and a funny picture

Sunday, June 01, 2008
It scares me that it's now June. This year is passing so damn quickly.

Nandor Tanczos is leaving parliament at the next election, thank god! He says that his only regret in the last 9 years is that the Green Party never managed to get the cannabis law reform. I swear, that is the only reason he was ever in parliament to begin with.

He also thinks that supporting Labour was a mistake. Right, Nandor, having a National government would have been better would it?

Look at this picture! Someone has been going around painting images on road-signs in Victoria. I find this one particularly funny, and clever!