The World Of Jadeey: The gym

The gym

One thing I love about going to the gym is watching all the different types of people there. My gym has a women only part upstairs, it has a bit of cardio equipment and quite a few weights. It also looks out over the rest of the gym. I often like to use the cardio equipment up there and watch what is going on in the rest of the gym.

My favourites to watch are the muscle-guys. These are the guys, often bodybuilders but not always, who are totally obsessed with their (huge) muscles. They spend the whole time they are not actually lifting weights, looking at themselves in the mirror. This one guy in particular was really funny today. He was supposed to be spotting (is that the right word?) his partner - but he kept getting so distracted by his own reflection that he didn't notice when his partner was having trouble. It made me chuckle to myself.

Next up are the surpriingly strong people. It's always really fun when you see someone approach one of the weight-lifting machines and put a weight bigger than they can handle, then sit down and lift it. I've been taken by surprise a few times with it - there are some deceptively strong people at my gym. I've also gone to use weight equipment right after people and been shocked by how much they had it on. I then feel pretty stink when I have to lower it. (Once or twice i've surrepticiously increased the weight after finishing on a machine so the next person is taken by surprise at my strength.)

Then you have the people who really don't want to be there. I'm pretty sure these people think that walking through the doors is enough to lose weight/get fit. They spend 30 seconds on each machine and then are out the door again. I have a feeling the gym probably isn't working as well as it could for these people.

I always feel really impressed when I see really overweight people at the gym. It's good that they're doing something about it. This group of people always look really proud of themselves and I like that. I also like that my gym seems to have quite a few overweight people - I think it means they feel comfortable there. My old gym was only ever skinny people, I think the overweight ones felt intimidated. It was a crappy gym anyway.

Finally you have the people who I'm sure see the gym as a social forum rather than a place to work out. You never actually see this group of people on any equipment. They walk around the gym a lot, and lean against walls or equipment and talk to other people a lot. I'm not sure they actually work out though. Surprisingly enough, at my gym, this group comprises of both skinny and overweight people.

I wonder which group (if any) I fit into. I'm hoping I fit into the other group, the people who are there to exercise and do just that.
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