The World Of Jadeey: July 2008

Another one bites the dust

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ah yay, another Thursday over.

I had something I wanted to blog about and for once I can actually remember it even though I thought of it this morning. Alas, I'm tired and really can't be bothered staying up even a moment longer to type it.

I have a headache. It isn't pleasant.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Crushes are funny. I don't like them much. They seem fun at first, but often turn awful. They're called crushes for a reason - because you often end up crushed.

I often have lots of crushes going on. Not the serious crushes that turn into pain, just guys I like to look at. I've got a bit of a crush on a guy that catches my bus in the mornings, Stephen Fleming, Colin Hanks, John Krasinski, a guy I sometimes see at the gym... that's just to name a few.

None of those are crushes that are ever going to turn into the painful type. Mainly because they are based only on looks. I don't know any of those guys at all and never will. I don't mind those sorts of crushes.

It's the ones that are actual crushes. When you start thinking that there might be an actual relationship there, but the other person doesn't agree. Those are the ones I hate. Thankfully I don't have one of those crushes at the moment. When I was a kid I used to think that as an adult I wouldn't have those sorts of crushes anymore. Unfortunately I was wrong. Of course, I was also wrong when I thought that as an adult I'd never get another pimple.

Being an adult isn't all it's cracked up to be. Crud.

Monkey-faced pig

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A pig that has the face of a monkey was born in China! It's pretty damn freaky looking.

Apparently people from all over the village have been going to check out the mutant pig. I don't blame them - I would too. I hope the pig doesn't realise it doesn't look like other pigs. And I hope it doesn't hurt at all.

Here's the article if you want to read more about it.

Update for the weird sounds

Monday, July 28, 2008
Okay it wasn't ghosts. Damn, I liked that theory.

Ingrid and I both suffer from a condition known as nighttimerubbishitis. In simple terms nighttimerubbishitis is speaking complete rubbish in the middle of the night because you have decided to have a conversation while half-asleep, sometimes totally asleep. Did I make up the name myself? Why yes. Yes I did.

Anyway, Ingrid was suffering this condition on Saturday night when she told me she'd heard the sound at the same time three nights in a row. This information, combined with the fact that we found a piece of concrete the size of a softball on our lawn makes us inclined to believe that some idiot threw said piece of concrete onto our roof. So - I wasn't wrong about the sound coming from the roof!! But I was wrong about the ghosts. (I still maintain they do exist though!)

Now I'm just annoyed that someone was stupid enough to throw concrete onto the roof of my house. And relieved that it didn't smash a window, break anything or hit my cat!

Weird sounds in the night

Sunday, July 27, 2008
After laughing at Kat for missing her 1-year of blogging anniversary I missed mine too. It was 2 days ago. Ha. I wrote all about petrol prices. Not exactly a thrilling post, but it least it didn't just say "I have nothing to say" or something like that!

Last night I was happily drifting off to sleep at about 3am. Suddenly I bolted awake when a huge series of bangs started. I've got to say, I thought we were being broken into. Ingrid said the same sound has happened at about the same time 3 nights in a row now. I want to know what the hell it is since, to me, it sounded like the banging and splintering of wood.

I admit, I have a certain predilection to thinking someone is breaking in. Mainly because last year someone WAS breaking in. But I maintain that was exactly what it sounded like. Obviously no-one did break in, but it still took a long time for my heart to slow down. And now I am extremely curious. I want to know what it was!

This is going to sound crazy, but the only answer I can come up with is our ghosts. The noise has happened 3 nights in a row, at around the same time and it was definitely from our house and not the street. The more I think about it the more I'm sure the sound came from the roof. We have a huge attic - although none of us can or are willing to go up there. I've always been convinced that's where the ghosts live when they're not walking down our hallway or burning things in our room. None of us have even looked up there in the 4 or so years I've lived here. I might just be imagining that the sound came from the roof because it's easy to believe that, so I can't really use that as evidence. But I can't think of any other explanations other than ghosts. Scary.

UPDATE: Ingrid, who is at work and has not read this blog today and who I hadn't discussed this with, just txted and said she thinks the sounds come from the roof. I'm not wrong!

Just do it!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
"It takes courage to recognise the real as opposed to the convenient."

These words were spoken by the character Dame Judi Dench plays in Notes on a Scandal. Despite the character's insanity, the words are very true. It's easier to go with the convenient option rather than taking a risk.

The risky option is risky for a reason - the outcome isn't assured. You might end up deliriously happy with the result or you might end up shattered. But that's what life is all about. Humans are amazingly good at getting back on their feet and recovering.

I've never been much of a risk-taker. But when I have jumped off the cliff (metaphorically speaking) I've made some incredibly good decisions (And also some incredibly bad ones - but I choose to forget those). It's very satisfying to know you didn't go with the easy option.

Don't do something just because it's convenient. Not if you think there is another option that could make you much happier. Take the risk. See what happens. You'll never win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket...

Petrol prices

Friday, July 25, 2008
Petrol dropped another 4 cents today. It's now been a 12 cent drop in 10 days. I'm excited by that, even though I know it's only temporary. The price will be back up before we know it.

The scary thing is, $2.06 (the price of petrol after the price drops) seems really cheap to me. 2 months ago it would have seemed expensive and 2 years ago it would have seemed almost unbelievable. It's amazing how quickly we adapt and get used to the price.

Bus fares, and probably train fares as well, are all going up in a couple of days. I understand why, but it sucks arse. I use a bus at least 10 times a week, usually more. The price rise is going to hurt my already hurting wallet. But what can you do, it's cheaper than using my car so I have no choice. Ah well.


Thursday, July 24, 2008
Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman

That is all. And now, it's time for me to go and watch The Dark Knight. Woo! :D

Thurday = Dark Knight

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Normally I hate Thursdays. They are my horrible, long day of school and work. I can't complain too much about tomorrow though. Sure I have to go to work in the afternoon, but then it's Dark Knight time!!

It's also pretty much the end of my holidays. That's nowhere near as cool - especially since I haven't finished the assignments that are due when I get back. I will be finished them by Monday, but it means my weekend is sadly going to be filled with assignments.

Hmm think I might go to bed now. Get a nice early night so I'm wide awake tomorrow night for the BEST MOVIE EVER! :)

Boy Meets World

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Ingrid and I are watching all the seasons of Boy Meets World at the moment. It used to be one of my favourite shows when I was a kid. Thankfully I'm still enjoying it now, it's not great but it is pretty good. And filled with nice messages - just like Full House.

It's almost Dark Knight day. Even though it's wishing the last of my holidays away I can't help wishing Thursday would hurry up and arrive! Yay for Batman. Yay for Heath Ledger. Yay for Christian Bale. Yay for Chris Nolan.

Yesterdays blog and Blood Brothers

Monday, July 21, 2008
Hannah reminded me that the thing I wanted to blog about yesterday was my watch. I've noticed that sometimes at airports my watch sets off the alarm and other times it doesn't. I'm not sure why this is, I suspect that some of them are more sensitive than others. So, if anyone ever wants to smuggle something onto a plane then they should follow behind me. If the alarm goes off on my watch they should quickly drop their contraband, if it doesn't go off then they're good to go.

Yeah, so maybe it's not a great plan.

I may, or may not have exalted the virtues of the stage show Blood Brothers. It was written by Willy Russell and is absolutely, totally the best musical in the world. I've just discovered that it's on in Christchurch later this year. I'm going to drag Ingrid down to Christchurch and introduce her to the magic that is Blood Brothers. I hope she loves it as much as I do. Despite the fact that she is Turk to my JD, the Shawn to my Cory - if she doesn't like Blood Brothers then it might just be all over between us forever! ;)

Hmm I just noticed that both those examples are guys. AND i'm the dorky one in both... Why are there no female tv best friends?? And why am I never the cool one? So many unanswered questions.


Sunday, July 20, 2008
I'm back in Wellington. It's cold.

I really can't think of a lot to say. I remember telling Hannah something that I was going to blog about, but as usual now that it's blog time I've forgotten.

Derek cooked a yummy dinner tonight. And Georgia brought around a yummy dessert. I'm feeling very satisfied right now.

The Dark Knight

Saturday, July 19, 2008
As I type this a friend of mine is sitting in a movie theatre watching The Dark Knight. I am so unbelievably jealous. I don't think I've been this excited about a movie since Superman Returns. In fact, I think I am more excited about Batman than I was about that.

In other news, I'm in Auckland right now. I really do enjoy holidaying in Auckland. Kat's moved flats so I'm staying in her new place - it's much nicer than the place we lived, and it's in Mt Eden so that's a nice change.

Going to see Kat :D

Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm off to Auckland in a couple of hours. While I'm there I should still be able to blog, if I don't manage to blog online, I'll definitely manage to blog offline and upload them.

Last night while I was trying to get to sleep I thought of something to blog about. I've now totally forgotten what it was. This seems to be a regular occurance for me. And it leaves anyone who reads this blog to suffer through posts like this.

Still at school

Thursday, July 17, 2008
As the title says, I'm still at school. The typesetting of our book is taking longer than we thought it would so we're staying until the last bus, this means I won't be home until after midnight and, if I don't blog now, will miss the deadline.

I love the book we're working on, but boy does it take up a lot of my time. I'm going to Auckland tomorrow and feeling pretty guilty since my group is going to have to be here working on it without me. Whoops!

Books on tape

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I've developed a new addiction recently - books on tape. Well, books on iPod actually. It seems like the perfect solution to the fact that I love reading but don't have a lot of time to actually sit down and do it. Now I listen on the bus, at the gym and while I'm walking to class.

I'm almost finished listening to The Green Mile, which i'd been meaning to read ever since I watched, and fell in love with, the movie. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to listen to next, I've got quite a few to choose from. The only real problem is that sometimes I want to listen to music, but I'm in the middle of an hour long mp3 of story. It's too annoying to find my place again later so I've been missing my music a little bit. As soon as I figure out a solution to that things will be great.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My cousin is pregnant. I'm very happy for her. I found this out a couple of weeks ago and was very excited. She's more like my little sister (only 2 years younger) than a cousin so I sort of feel like I'm going to be an aunty again.

She's now engaged as well. Yay. Extra exciting for me is that she's asked me to be a bridesmaid. I can't wait!! I've always wanted to be a bridesmaid and having the first time I am be at her wedding is wonderful.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for weddings.

My friends

Monday, July 14, 2008
I have the best friends in the world. I'm sure lots of people think they do, but they're wrong - because I do.

I let my closest friends know, this morning, that I was upset. Straight away I've received flowers, emails, txt messages and good company.

It's really nice to know i'm loved.

From my ipod touch

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Felix is sitting on my lap right now so I can't reach my laptop. I could just blog later but I decided to try blogging from my iPod instead. It's REALLY hard! I'm very glad I don't have a limit on wordcount. Ok I might blog properly later but if not this will have to suffice.

My iPod

Saturday, July 12, 2008
I am now the proud owner (I use the term owner loosly - I'm borrowing until my flatmate sells it) of an iPod touch. Derek went out and bought himself an iPhone and has said I'm allowed to have his iPod touch until he decides what to do with it.

Yay!!! I'm not sure if I'll actually use it for anything except music. But it anyway cos it looks pretty.

Now if I can just convince someone to give me a playstation 3 and xbox 360 life will be perfect! Oh and a new phone because mine is chunky and annoying.

A republican I could marry

Friday, July 11, 2008
I've finally found a republican I could marry. Anyone who reads this blog, or knows me well, knows that I am very much a left-wing supporter. But, Senator McAllister from Brothers and Sisters could convince me otherwise. If I was American and he was a real person then I could be convinced to vote for him quite easily I think.

Anyone who doesn't watch Brothers and Sisters - you're missing out. It's awesome. Ok, almost Prince Caspian time so this will remain short and lame.

Movies and cold

Thursday, July 10, 2008
I just went and watched Get Smart. I actually quite liked it. Tomorrow I'm watching Prince Caspian.

I don't have a lot to say. I'm far too cold to think. We're supposed to be getting some sort of insulation installed, but so far it hasn't been done. I'm convinced the inside of our house is at least 5 degrees colder than outside. Maybe more. It feels cold enough in here right now to snow.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I have to write a press release by 1pm tomorrow. I still haven't started it. I've thougth about it a lot, thought about the fact that I have to write it anyway. Yet, I haven't sat down and started writing it yet.

I seem to work better under pressure. I'll write it later tonight, or maybe early tomorrow morning. One good thing about press releases, everyone says the best ones are the ones you just write straight off, rather than spending hours on them. Let's hope that's the case for me.

At least I've finished the book I'm writing the release for. I'm not as bad as I could be!

An interesting way the media can affect us

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
My flatmate, Derek, often talks about how fear of something is built up through the media. His favourite example (being a computer geek) is using your credit card online. A lot of people are far more afraid of this than they need to be. Sure, there's always a risk but there are plenty of things you can do to limit your chances of having your credit card number stolen. He likes to point out that those same people will happily give their credit card number over the phone to someone - even though they don't know who the person is, just what company they are from.

He's right. When I worked at the movies it wasn't uncommon to have people call up and want to book tickets with their credit card over the phone. They wanted this service because they didn't want to put their credit card online. Kinda silly really. I think, in that case, putting the credit card number online was far safer. We had a lot of staff theft, but never had a case of someones credit card number being stolen online. (our staff theft was just general, no credit card theft that I know about.) But it's the online credit card fraud the media make a big deal over, so that's what people are scared of.

Where is this all going? Good question. Last night my nephew stayed over. I set him up with my sleeping bag on the (very comfortable) couch and went to bed myself. He's slept on that couch before and all has been fine. But last night he got a bit scared and came into my room to tell me about it. I asked him if he wanted to sleep in my bed and he said he did. Not a problem. I thought nothing more of it and we went to sleep.

This morning I was thinking about it and, just for a second, suddenly wondered if it had been entirely appropriate to let him sleep in my bed. I quickly pushed the thought aside. I'm his auntie, he was scared, there's nothing inappropriate about it. But just for that one second the media, and their constant onslaughts of telling us that paedophiles are rampant in the world, made me think someone could misconstrue the completely innocent action of me trying to comfort my nephew.

I found it interesting that I thought, even for a second, about it. It shows that the media certainly can make us scared of our own shadows.


Monday, July 07, 2008
Lincoln is having a sleepover at my house tonight. Even though I know he mostly loves my house for my xbox, i'm still pretty rapt that he wanted to spend his first night in Wellington with me. I really am a doting aunty. I spoil him WAY too much, but I figure it's okay. That's what aunties do.

Tomorrow is another full day of study. Wow, these really aren't turning out to be holidays for me. Ah well.

Not a lot to blog about

Sunday, July 06, 2008
I pretty much spent all day at school today. It felt like a very long day. There is something extra-specially sucky about being at school on a Sunday.

This evening I went to Ingrid's parents house for dessert with her family. Martin is leaving tomorrow to join the Navy, so it was a family goodbye dessert. I feel very special that I'm considered part of the family. :)

Thought i'd better blog

Saturday, July 05, 2008
I'm about to go out to a 21st and thought I better blog before I leave rather than relying on being home before midnight.

Tomorrow I've gotta spend the whole day at uni working on the book i've got going to print at the end of the month. In reality I know that we've slipped too far and it'll be going to print in mid-August. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I can get away with not going in on a Sunday.

Hopefully I'll also have time for the gym and maybe get an evening free. We'll see.

Truckies protest

Friday, July 04, 2008
Today was the truckie strike. For those of you not in New Zealand, truckies around the country were protesting the rise in road user charges. The way they chose to protest was to drive on all the main roads around the country. In Wellington this meant driving along the motorway and then up Lampton Quay. I don't just mean random driving. Pretty much every truck in Wellington was driving along in convoy - as far as the eye could see were trucks.

I think it was fantastic. It was a peaceful protest but it really made a statement. People had been given ample warning so it was no excuse to be late, all you had to do was leave home a little earlier.

And, well, it looked damn cool seeing all the trucks driving through Wellington. I'd never thought so many trucks all in a row would be so eye-catching, but it really was.

I say good on them.


Thursday, July 03, 2008
It's 10.20pm and I've just got home from school. Well, school this morning, then work this afternoon, then school again this evening. It sure makes for a long Thursday, and it seems to happen every Thursday.

I'm going to see Prince Caspian this weekend, hopefully. I'm very excited. For some reason I always get my hopes up about movies based on books I love. I never actually enjoy the films, but I always get terribly excited about them.

Brr it's cold. I'm going to bed.

The 500th!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Here it is folks, my 500th post on this here blog. I thought that for this milestone I'd go through and make a sort of timeline of my life since I've been blogging. There are very few, if any, people who have read every post I've written. So this is sort of like a summary for everyone.

November 2005
I started this blog after not having one for a while. My diary-x one was gone (their servers died and everyone lost everything.) I needed a place to vent about the guy I called "Sam". I wasn't, and i'm still not, willing to use his real name. On the off-chance he ever stumbled upon this blog I don't want him to know I cared enough to write about him, hence the nickname. Those who knew me then know who he was.

I'd been promoted fairly recently to complex manager of Hoyts Lower Hutt. Skycity wasn't open yet, but we were already suffering major budget cuts. My staff blamed me.

I graduated from university after 6 years of being there (part-time mostly) and started a new relationship.

December 2005
I admitted that I'm a little bit scared of potatoes. (Only when they have creepy stalks sticking out of them.) I also ran into "Sam" at a play and then sulked about it for a week.

I went to the King Kong after-party and met Colin Hanks. It was awesome and I've loved him ever since.

My favourite cousin in the whole world moved in with me and we had a great time. Prior to her arrival I was falling apart a bit. She helped steady me, as she usually does.

January 2006
I applied for some jobs. I got none of them. That seems to be about all I did, according to my blog anyway. :)

February 2006
I continued to be confused about my relationship with the boy.

March 2006
I ceased to exist in March 2006, or my blog did anyway. I posted nothing.

April 2006
Just one post in April 2006. I injured my arm playing too much Fable on the Xbox. Hmm that's making me want to play Fable right now.

May - July 2006
Nada. No idea what happened during these 3 months of my life.

August 2006
My only post was a proclamation that Hugh Laurie is hot. And he is.

September 2006

October 2006
I worried I was pregnant. Thankfully I turned out not to be.

I watched some (ok, a lot of) cricket, told some stories, discovered soap that looks like jizz, reviewed some films, my car got keyed and I met someone who changed my life.

November 2006
Answered one of those stupid 'facts about me' quiz, talked about sex, talked about spiders, talked about cricket, talked about politics and ranted about a guy I really dislike.

December 2006
A couple of cinema stories and a moan about myspace.

January 2007
I arrived back home from my holiday to Perth. Talked about cricket A LOT and posted tons of Youtube videos of cricket, Nathan Astle retired from international cricket - I was sad. And, I prepared to move to Auckland.

February 2007
I moved to Auckland, but came home for a week to finish up some stuff at my old complexes. Ingrid organised me a surprise party that surprised the crap out of me. I think that has to be about the only successful surprise party in the history of the world.

March 2007
I didn't post at all. Probably because I was in the final month before Sylvia Park opened and have never worked so many hours in my life. I definitely didn't have time to blog.

April 2007
I didn't have time to pee at work, I missed Wellington a LOT and I asked my iPod a whole lot of questions - most of the answers were not helpful.

This was about the time I decided to stop posting really personal posts. I still discussed my feelings in a wider sense, but tried to stop the really personal stuff like relationships.

May 2007
I yelled at a burgler and scared him away. I also ranted about work.

June 2007
My wife drowned. A few days later I admitted this wasn't true because I don't have a wife and no-one I know has drowned, thank goodness. I can't remember why i wrote the wife drowning post in the first place, but I do remember it was amidst much giggling by Kat and myself.

July 2007
I joined the daily blog challenge.

I read the final Harry Potter book, dressed up as Bart Simpson and walked through Sylvia Park, dressed up as Homer Simpson and walked up Queen Street, I got my car back finally and discussed my overuse of brackets. (An overuse which continues today... See.)

August 2007
I met Jason Behr, took an emergency trip to Wellington - my first since I'd moved to Auckland, went to Spookers, talked about cricket, talked about politics, moaned about work and discovered the 'in your pants' game. (Haha that game is SO not what it sounds like when I just wrote it. You just add the words 'in your pants' to the end of statements or questions. Eg. Where's my cellphone? In your pants. I like video games... in your pants.)

September 2007
It was the Hoyts conference, talked about politics, went to a Warriors game, made a list of the 'facts according to Holly', bought Justin Timberlake tickets, wrote my 200th post and had my heart broken when Stephen Fleming retired from ODIs.

October 2007
I developed an obsession with The Office (American version), talked about tv couples, talked about grammar, went to Australia with some friends and went to Crowded House with Kat.

November 2007
Kat was apparently talking to me about anal sex one evening (I don't remember this at all, but I wrote it so it must be true.). The writers guild went on strike, Kat had to eat a blenderised happy meal, I ALMOST had to eat a blenderised happy meal, we discovered the eels in the lagoon, I wrote a list of things that piss me off (it was long) and I went to Justin Timberlake in concert.

December 2007
I watched David Beckham live, talked about lying, watched Hells Kitchen, got sexiled, started packing for my move back to Wellington, moved back to Wellington, had Christmas, the man who had been my boss until earlier in the month when i left, died and I wrote my 300th post.

January 2008
I talked about politics and cricket, moved up to the beach with dad, got accepted onto my course, arranged to move permanently back in with Ingrid and Derek, Heath Ledger died, I thought I'd lost my nephew in Whitcoulls and I turned 26.

February 2008
I talked about cricket and politics (clearly a running theme through this blog), Stephen Fleming further broke my heart by retiring completely from international cricket, it was my nana's 80th birthday, Kat came to visit and I dropped my laptop.

March 2008
Bought a new laptop - with Vista :( , talked about politics and cricket, discovered there were new deadly sins, went to the Smashing Pumpkins and somewhere in there was Easter.

April 2008
A guy claimed to have been raped by a wombat, I saw a giraffe at the wharf in Wellington, discovered I'm okay at Wii bowling but useless at Wii golf, had holidays and discovered I have a thing for musicians.

May 2008
Talked about poltics, petrol prices went up to $1.93 (god I wish they were that low now), made our 48Hours film, came 3rd in our heat for audience favourite, Scott Dixon won the Indy 500 and I took a trip to Auckland to visit my friends.

June 2008
My friend had a baby - I couldn't hold him cos I had a cold, I put our 48Hours film up on Youtube, Derek didn't save power, petrol prices went up to $2.10, I talked about cricket and the gym.

July 2008
Ingrid wouldn't help me save power. And I wrote this post. Which has taken me about an hour and a half. Wow.

How to save power

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Matt told me I should blog about the environment and the fact that some people will not do everything possible to save power.

One person who won't is my flatmate Ingrid. She won't snuggle with me, even though it would be warm AND save us having to use the heater. How rude! I ask all the time and she rejects me every time.

I think in this time of power crisis, everyone should be snuggling with everyone else.

Heh and it's posts like these that make people think we're lesbians. :)