Thought i'd better blog
I'm about to go out to a 21st and thought I better blog before I leave rather than relying on being home before midnight.
Tomorrow I've gotta spend the whole day at uni working on the book i've got going to print at the end of the month. In reality I know that we've slipped too far and it'll be going to print in mid-August. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I can get away with not going in on a Sunday.
Hopefully I'll also have time for the gym and maybe get an evening free. We'll see. share this: facebook
Tomorrow I've gotta spend the whole day at uni working on the book i've got going to print at the end of the month. In reality I know that we've slipped too far and it'll be going to print in mid-August. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I can get away with not going in on a Sunday.
Hopefully I'll also have time for the gym and maybe get an evening free. We'll see. share this: facebook
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