The World Of Jadeey: Ghosts


I'm sure I've already mentioned about the ghosts in our flat, particularly the one in our room. If not I'll do a quick recap right now.

Ghost 1 - in our bedroom (funny that I call it 'our' room when I'm just crashing in it for a little while. :P )
There will often be the smell of burning in the room with no identifiable source. If you leave the room the smell will instantly disappear. As well as this, occasionally if you wake up in the middle of the night you will be able to feel a presence, it feels very harmless but is definitely there. If the cat happens to be in the room when you feel this presence he is pretty much guaranteed to be staring (and I mean staring, sitting bolt upright just staring) in the direction you can feel the presence.

I used to be able to feel it and smell the smoke when I lived here. I told Ingrid when she moved in that I thought there was a ghost and told her about the smoke smell. It took her living here a few months before she smelt it too but when she did she said it was unmistakable. I hadn't told her about the presence in the middle of the night because I didn't want to scare her but she then told me about feeling it and having Felix staring at it.

Ghost 2 - fairly new and in the hall
The presence of this ghost is fairly new. When I first lived here I was never aware of it but now I definitely am. It just paces up and down the hall from what we can tell. If you are in the lounge you will sometimes hear footsteps going up and down the hall. This has happened when all three of us are in the lounge so it's definitely none of us and has happened when there is no-one else home. All three of us have heard them when we've been on our own so it isn't just one person's imagination.

Anyway, last night I could not sleep because of the ghost. All night long I had dreams about it. I had one particularly vivid one at about 5am. I dreamt (or perhaps it was actually happening but that thought scares me too much so I'm going to go with I dreamt it) that I would think things about the ghost and it would confirm or deny them for me by making me start to shiver and have a sick feeling if I was wrong or not doing anything to me if I was right. I can't actually remember any of the things I was having confirmed or denied but it was pretty freaky. I certainly didn't have a good sleep!

Heh also, I had a dream that the ghost was writing her name on the wall for me. Just as she started to write it Ingrid must have stretched or something because she suddenly pulled my hair. It gave me the biggest fright EVER!! It's pretty funny when I think about it now though. :-)
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