Guess what woke me up this morning.... Go on guess...
You can't guess? Okay I guess I'll have to tell you.
I was sleeping, happily oblivious to the world around me. It was only 9.30am in the morning, I'm working nights at the moment so have been going to bed very late and getting up late the next day. I probably had about another 2 hours sleep left in me before I would have woken up.
I half woke up when I heard someone knocking at the door. Being that no-one I know would turn up without invitation, or if they did they would at least txt me to ask me why I wasn't answering the door, I ignored it. It went on for ages and I thought maybe it was the landlord or possibly even someone next door. Basically I was very sleepy and didn't want to get out of bed or even fully wake up for whoever it was knocking so continued to ignore it.
I was suddenly fully awake a few moments later when whoever it was started knocking at my window. I have this thing where I don't like to answer the door in my pj's so, unless I know why the person is there, I will pretend I'm not home rather than answer the door. Because of this I didn't open my curtain to see who was knocking but I lay very still (and very awake) listening to see what was going on and still pretending I wasn't home. (While I thought it was odd, I was still thinking along innocent lines rather than being convinced it was a break-in.
I couldn't lie still for much longer though because after knocking on my door and window the guy decided no-one was home (ah I must be a very good pretender!) and proceeded to kick my front door in. (here is a photo of what he did to our door)

I walked (ran) into my lounge at the same moment he got the door open. He saw me, I yelled "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" (or words to that effect) in my best angry voice and he took off. The police turned up pretty promptly when I called them but there wasn't a lot they could do since he didn't leave any finger prints and I didn't see the car.
Fucking scary though! I'm actually just glad I left it to the point where he was breaking in and I scared him. Otherwise he probably would have made some excuse as to why he was knocking on our door and then come back and ripped us off later. At least this way it's doubtful he'll be back.
What was my flatmate doing through all of this? She was sleeping... :) She had heard him breaking the door down but thought it was the pipes being noisy. (To be fair to her our pipes ARE very noisy and I was probably a lot more awake and aware of what was going on since he'd knocked on my window.) When I yelled she thought I was yelling at her and telling her off for making a noise. (I find that particularly amusing, as will anyone who knows me, since I never really get angry and even if she had been making a noise I wouldn't have yelled at her like that about it!)
The moral of the story? Don't sleep naked. I don't, but if I had been then it would have been a lot harder for me to have run out of my room and confronted the guy. The other moral of the story? Don't wait until something happens to recheck all of your security procedures. Our landlord is currently putting in security doors, we are getting a proper monitored alarm installed, checking our insurance details are all up to date etc. But, it shouldn't have taken an actual intruder to do this! Thank god we were home and he didn't steal anything... At least we are learning from our mistakes and we didn't have to face any serious consequences.
So yeah, dramas at my house this morning! I have a head-ache. I'm going to stop writing now.
You can't guess? Okay I guess I'll have to tell you.
I was sleeping, happily oblivious to the world around me. It was only 9.30am in the morning, I'm working nights at the moment so have been going to bed very late and getting up late the next day. I probably had about another 2 hours sleep left in me before I would have woken up.
I half woke up when I heard someone knocking at the door. Being that no-one I know would turn up without invitation, or if they did they would at least txt me to ask me why I wasn't answering the door, I ignored it. It went on for ages and I thought maybe it was the landlord or possibly even someone next door. Basically I was very sleepy and didn't want to get out of bed or even fully wake up for whoever it was knocking so continued to ignore it.
I was suddenly fully awake a few moments later when whoever it was started knocking at my window. I have this thing where I don't like to answer the door in my pj's so, unless I know why the person is there, I will pretend I'm not home rather than answer the door. Because of this I didn't open my curtain to see who was knocking but I lay very still (and very awake) listening to see what was going on and still pretending I wasn't home. (While I thought it was odd, I was still thinking along innocent lines rather than being convinced it was a break-in.
I couldn't lie still for much longer though because after knocking on my door and window the guy decided no-one was home (ah I must be a very good pretender!) and proceeded to kick my front door in. (here is a photo of what he did to our door)

I walked (ran) into my lounge at the same moment he got the door open. He saw me, I yelled "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" (or words to that effect) in my best angry voice and he took off. The police turned up pretty promptly when I called them but there wasn't a lot they could do since he didn't leave any finger prints and I didn't see the car.
Fucking scary though! I'm actually just glad I left it to the point where he was breaking in and I scared him. Otherwise he probably would have made some excuse as to why he was knocking on our door and then come back and ripped us off later. At least this way it's doubtful he'll be back.
What was my flatmate doing through all of this? She was sleeping... :) She had heard him breaking the door down but thought it was the pipes being noisy. (To be fair to her our pipes ARE very noisy and I was probably a lot more awake and aware of what was going on since he'd knocked on my window.) When I yelled she thought I was yelling at her and telling her off for making a noise. (I find that particularly amusing, as will anyone who knows me, since I never really get angry and even if she had been making a noise I wouldn't have yelled at her like that about it!)
The moral of the story? Don't sleep naked. I don't, but if I had been then it would have been a lot harder for me to have run out of my room and confronted the guy. The other moral of the story? Don't wait until something happens to recheck all of your security procedures. Our landlord is currently putting in security doors, we are getting a proper monitored alarm installed, checking our insurance details are all up to date etc. But, it shouldn't have taken an actual intruder to do this! Thank god we were home and he didn't steal anything... At least we are learning from our mistakes and we didn't have to face any serious consequences.
So yeah, dramas at my house this morning! I have a head-ache. I'm going to stop writing now.
Labels: burglers
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