The World Of Jadeey: November 2005

You Could Be My Star for Weekends

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'd Do You Like a Holly Would!

Ok so that's not the exact words it's actually "You could be my star for weekends. Do you like your hollywood" or something along those lines but my way is funnier.

I'm feeling very restless today. Or something else, a feeling I can't really explain. It's like I have lots of pent up energy I need to release. Sorry if this offends anyone's sensibilities, but sex would probably work. Or maybe just spending a couple of extra hours at the gym. I dunno why I'm feeling this way all of a sudden. I think it's the shock to my system of constantly working 9-5 40+ hours a week. I'm used to being able to pick and chose my days a bit, this having to work Monday-Friday thing is hard. It doesn't help that I just don't know all the answers but am expected to.

I wish I could fast-forward into the future. Just to check i'm on the right track you know? Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Am I right to be staying in New Zealand or should I be in America? Should I be working an office job to make money while I make films in my spare time or should I be doing something more to make sure I fulfil my dream? Should I be giving up on film completely instead of pursuing this probably hopeless cause. I mean, lets face it, not that many people make it. What makes me think I have something that others don't, what makes me think I can make it where other's haven't?

Oh sure, you shouldn't give up on your dreams and all that crap. But I think you should if you don't have what it takes, cos at least giving up early saves you from disappointment. How do I know if I have what it takes though? Friends will always be supportive and say I do, but I don't need support I need the truth. I'm to scared to give up on film to be honest, there isn't a single other thing I can imagine doing with my life. If I'm not something in the film industry then I have no idea what I'll do. That's a scary thing to admit. I can't just be a manager for the rest of my life. I don't like 9-5 office work, it's not me. I think I'll be taking off for America sooner than initially planned. I'm sure that's where I'm meant to be, I can feel it in my heart. It's terrifying to think I might have to go on my own but maybe that's the only way. The lack of decision annoys and frustrates me, I wish I could just decide what to do and do it.

Oh well I'll go to bed now. Maybe the answer will come in my dreams. Ha had a bizzare and funny dream last night! Not sharing it though. It had me thinking for a long time today, wonder what it meant.

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Another Weekend Gone

Sunday, November 27, 2005
It's Sunday night, the end of another weekend. Doesn't really feel like it cos I was at work all day yesterday but oh well.

I went and saw Four Brothers last night. It was actually really good. I had been expecting nothing but crap so was pleasantly surprised.

I also made a decision today. I'm not going to go for guys in the film industry or have any interest whatsoever in the industry. This might sound crazy to some, after all who better for me than a fellow film geek right? Wrong.

One reason for this decision is that I am SO sick of going to movies and having to talk through how it was shot, how it compares to similar movies, why that cut was used etc. Last night was a breath of fresh air - the guys I went with are not into any of that, they just wanted to watch a movie. I hadn't even realised how sick of it I was until I didn't have to go into any of it. It was great to just sit and watch the movie for what it was, a simple act of escapism. Not that I actually do it a lot anymore anyway, the person I go to the movies with the most these days is the perfect balance for me. But I still remember going to movies with my film class friends and being expected to make a huge number of insightful and intelligent comments.

But realy I just like to become immersed in the story as much as possible. . A throw-back to my Sam days I think since before him I was a talker but he wasn't. He was a film student that just loved films. He didn't mind discussing techniques afterwards but NEVER during.

With non-film geeks I'll get no-talking cos what is there to talk about during a film but the film techniques? So that's it - new boy=non film geek (but prefereably still likes watching movies!)

Haha as usual I have someone in mind. I will keep my avid readers posted as to how it works out!

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I Saw Harry Potter, I Saw Harry Potter!

Thursday, November 24, 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was an enormous book. When I first heard they were going to make it into a movie I truly didn’t believe they would be able to fit everything into one film without making it six hours long.

Mike Newell and Steve Kloves do an admirable job, fitting the majority of the story into two hours and 45 minutes. I do worry though, that the stuff left out will make the future films increasingly complicated for those who have not already read the book. The friend I watched Goblet of Fire with commented to me that he thought at least half an hour could have been cut because it seemed pointless to the story. As an avid fan of the books I disagreed with him, but can see that for those who do not know the books some parts of the film may drag a bit.

The actors are really starting to hit their straps. The adult cast has always been impeccable but the children often left a little to be desired. It is hard to fault them for this, they were all very young and relative newcomers to the acting game. Now though, they are on their fourth film as these characters and that experience is starting to show through. They are now believable as their characters and are enjoyable to watch. Daniel Radcliffe as Harry coped particularly well with the emotions this film required.

Just as the books get darker as they progress so have the films. Goblet of Fire is truly the darkest film yet, it’s M rating can attest to that. This is a good thing for the adults in the audience but is putting the films slowly out of reach for the younger viewers. Goblet of Fire deals with a lot more death and destruction as Voldemort gains strength. Harry is once again thrust into a situation he has no control over when his name is pulled from the Goblet of Fire and he is chosen as the fourth Tri-Wizard champion. The Tri-Wizard tournament involves completing a number of challenging tasks, each one seemingly far to dangerous for Wizards who are not yet even fully trained.

There is a lot of CG in the film. As well as being the darkest film yet Goblet can also boast the most CG of all the films so far. There is a lack of quidditch playing which is disappointing as they finally seem to have gotten the hang of the CG when characters are flying on their brooms. The computer generated parts of the film are still not perfect, perhaps for the next film Warner Brothers would do well to hire Weta Digital who’s CG far outstrips anything we have seen in the Harry Potter movies to date. They are getting better though, it is just a pity that the early films are probably not going to stand the test of time due to the poor graphics. For the most part Goblet’s CG was satisfying, while it was still obviously CG, it was not painful to watch.

Goblet was without doubt my favourite Harry Potter film to date. While it still does not live up to the books in my mind I don’t think any film really ever will. This one got pretty close and was well worth the lack of sleep I had to suffer in order to watch it. If the films continue to improve as they have from film to film I very much look forward to the last film, it may well get pretty close to perfect.

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Grumpy grump grump

Saturday, November 19, 2005
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I'm pissed off but have no reason to be. Maybe part of it is that I am being ignored by someone I want to talk to. But then again I'm fairly used to that. He is having to deal with the police over this stupid stalking thing so I should cut him a little slack. Still I need to know he is ok so wish he'd get back to me.

I saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang last night. What a brilliant movie that was. I'll write up a proper review for it later. For now just know that it was awesome.

Must go to the gym later today. It's really windy and not nice looking outside though so I might drive there! My other plan for today is to clean my room - it is a pigsty!!

Wow what a thrilling Saturday I have planned. :-)

It's almost Christmas - have started my christmas shopping. Have bought a present for my nephew and a good friend of mine. Still gotta buy for 2 more friends and my family. Not sure what to get for family but friends are pretty sorted.

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Let Me Buy You a Drink or Two

And I'll be your star for weekends.

Didn't get my room clean yesterday so I guess that's gotta go onto todays list. I've also got to meet with my business partner. I've been avoiding him for too long, not on purpose but just because when I meet him he is kind of hard to get rid of and so uses up all of my free time. I cannot complain so much about this now that I don't have uni as well as full-time work. Ha I feel like I have masses of free time. And besides he's so nice it's mean of me to avoid him.

I've noticed recently that I'm always saying people are so nice. Overall I have more male friends than female (in fact of my close friends only 2 are female) and I always comment on how nice they are. Antz is one of the nicest guys I know, but so is Derek, so is Shukul, so is Gavin, so is Blair, so is Daniel, so is Shanil, so is Ruwan, so is Hayden, so is Ben. What is that about?

How can all 10 of those guys be one of the nicest guys I know? I'd be hard pressed to rank them in order of their niceness too. There are a couple of others that I know who don't make it onto the list of the nicest guys but who are very close to it. I guess it makes sense, I wouldn't be friends with someone who wasn't nice. So maybe I've just got to stop commenting on how they are the nicest guy I know, there are ten of them - perhaps they are not extra-specially nice but just normal!

I finished the final treatment of 'Innocence' last night. This is quite an acheivement for me, it has been over a year in the making. I'm thinking about finishing treatments for the other ideas I have laying about before getting into the scripts. Don't know why though, that really seems like a stupid idea but i'm sure it's what i'll do.

I joined this neat website where I watch other people's short films and make comments and then they make comments on mine. Am going to upload We'll Always Be Strangers even though it is not entirely finished. Honestly I doubt i'll ever get around to fully finishing it anyway.

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I should be celebrating but i just feel... blah...

Friday, November 18, 2005
I look at my life and see at as the lack of you in it. I see my ugliness and weakness. I see my shaking, nervous, inadequate self. I want those moments I once had when I was not inadequate, when I was good enough for you. I want to be back in your arms. I want to know how you feel and I want that to be as I do. I want all this shit to be over.

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Just spoke to a friend of mine. He's in big trouble with the police. His ex has accused him of stalking her and the police have got involved. Now, I know him and know it is not true. But I also know he texts her and emails her a lot. When they broke up they agreed to stay friends but then she got angry at him due to a misunderstanding and he has been trying to get her to realise he didn't do what she thought he did.

He's messed up and that scares me. He's always been a little messed up anyway, gets depressed very easily. I'm really worried this is going to be too much for him and that he'll do something stupid.

I've tried talking to him but can't give him what he needs right now. We're not as close as we used to be and I'm just not sure how to help him. I hope he's okay.

The worst thing? He's still defending her and doesn't blame her for the fact that he's now in trouble with the police. It makes me cringe in despair, mostly cos I know i'd do the same for certain people.

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I'm a Graduate!

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Just got my marks back and I passed everything! Woohoo I'm now a graduate!

Can't help but feel nervous, for my whole life up until now I have had study. Now all I've got is work - this might take a bit of getting used to.

On the guy front I am feeling very confused. I'm not sure exactly what I want, I think I know but am not sure. Do I want Guy A or Guy B? Well actually I know I don't really want Guy B but I wish I did, I reckon he'd be fairly perfect for me. I know I want Guy A but I shouldn't, that would just be another bad relationship that is not gonna last.

This is all theoretical anyway as neither Guy A or B are interested in me as far as I know! Hurry up and get over here Guy C!! (For the record - Guy C is the guy who likes me and I like back, just gotta meet him)

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Elizabethtown and Must Love Dogs

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I saw two movies yesterday. One was awful the other made me really happy. Not happy because it was excellent but happy because, unlike most films I have been anticipating recently, it did not let me down.


I will be the first to admit that when I saw Fellowship of the Ring I thought Orlando Bloom was hot. I was also fairly impressed with his acting ability. Looking back now I realise that to play Legolas did not require a huge amount of acting skill, but at the time I was impressed.

In Elizabethtown I was anything but impressed by Bloom's performance, he was mediocre at best. Kirsten Dunst did not overly impress either. There was very little chemistry between the two, which is unfortunate given that in a romantic comedy one of the most important things is chemistry between the main characters.

Anyone who has seen Garden State would recognise it in Elizabethtown. From the slightly screwed up lead actor who makes friends with the quirky girl to the film student feel to the shots to the laid-back soundtrack, Elizabethtown has Garden State written all over it.

There is comedy in the film and the characters are likeable enough but at the end I just felt like there had been something missing. Perhaps it was the slightly unrealistic aspects of parts of the film. Not that we expect a huge amount of realism from our movies but we do expect a romantic comedy to be at least believable, which I felt Elizabethtown wasn't in parts. Or perhaps it was just that it reminded me so much of a poor version of Garden State that I could not help but dislike it.

If you really want to go to the cinema and watch a movie and there is nothing else on then give it a go. Otherwise, I'd leave this one until it comes out on dvd.

Must Love Dogs

I had been looking forward to Must Love Dogs for quite some time. At work I see a lot of trailers and almost always have an opinion on what every movie that is coming up is going to be like. With Must Love Dogs, from the trailer, I saw a typical romantic comedy but one that would actually be funny and aimed at adults rather than teenagers. This is what made me look forward to it.

When I watched the film this is exactly what I got. There is no suspense, no twist ending, no surprises. But anyone who expects any of these things from a romantic comedy (a tradional Hollywood one anyway) is just crazy. Must Love Dogs was absolutely filled with humour, and it was humour that adults will enjoy, and it had a truly amazing cast.

I've always been a fan of John Cusack. He's not spectacular looking but he is cute and real looking, he actually looks like someone you can imagine knowing in real life. Diane Lane is just gorgeous and she carried off the dry humour of her character with a practiced ease. The two together had chemistry, without doubt you wanted them to end up together. The supporting cast is also excellent, never once letting the side down at all.

I, and the people in the cinema with me, were laughing out loud throughout the film. The humour is there without doubt. This is not to say that the film was perfect, there were a few things in it that really annoyed me. One of which was the Sandra D type change Diane Lane's character went through for no apparant reason in the film. The change did not occur for long and was perhaps inspired by the fact that Stockard Channing, who played Rizzo in Grease, was a member of the supporting cast.

Must Love Dogs is a film I would recommend without hesitation, as long as you go in expecting to see a traditional Hollywood romantic comedy you will not be disappointed. It is certainly being added to my collection of romantic comedies to watch when I'm in the mood for them, and believe me that list is not that long.


Saw II (Bousman, 2005)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Saw II is the uber-sequel, far more violent and sadistic than the original. It opens with a man being tortured by having to wear a headbrace filled with needles, if he does not get it off in time it will snap shut venus-flytrap style.

Saw II has a lot more blood and guts than its predecessor and is by far out for the shock than it is for the scare. While I find Saw to be a fairly creepy movie with a ton of suspense, Saw II is lacking in this department, however, it more than makes up for this lack of scare with an abundance of violence. Where, in the original, it was implied what was happening to people but not actually shown, in the sequel you see the blood, see the clamp slam shut over the man’s face and the blood ooze out.

Bousman is a fairly new director but takes to the task willingly and enthusiastically. The transitions between shots are interesting, often a character will appear to walk through a wall into a completely new set and a completely different time. In the wrong hands transitions such as these could be jarring for the viewer but Bousman and editor Kevin Greutert handle the pressure well. The transitions flow seamlessly, if feel a little overused by the end of the film.

The story is there, while a little thin on the ground, for those wanting an interesting tale, not just two hours of violence. Jigsaw is holding 6 people hostage in a house, one of which is the son of police officer, a police officer Jigsaw just happens to want to play a game with. One of the brilliant things about the film is that, by paying careful attention, the viewer can piece together a lot of the puzzle themselves just through the hints given. A second viewing of the film reveals just how many hints there are as to the eventual outcome.

Saw II is certainly not a film for everyone, its R18 rating ensures that. But it is a must-see for any fans of the original or anyone who did not like the original because it did not have enough violence. It will be an enjoyable film for anyone who likes blood and gore, though fans of psychological thrillers may be left feeling a little disappointed.


As well as watching Saw II last night I went to Hogs Breath for a thouroughly enjoyable meal. I tried the Italiano steak instead of my usual and it wasn't as good, though it was still well worth the money I paid.

Have been at work since 6am this morning! The contractor I was suppossed to be meeting didn't turn up though so it feels like a waste of time. Have got heaps of stuff done though!

Am watching Must Love Dogs tonight - Awesome!



Monday, November 14, 2005
Even though I hated that movie today it reminded me that I really want to make a Bollywood film. And I will make damn sure it's better than the piece of crap I watched today.

I wanna make it a New Zealand film as well. Was thinking that a white girl should fall in love with a Hindu boy and his parents do not approve. Trouble with that is I'd bet uber-hassles about it being the story of my life and in Bollywood the white girl never gets the guy...

I will have to think on this idea some more and figure it out. Will also need to find someone to write the songs since I have no musical talent whatsoever! Come to think of it will have to find a sound person since my soundie hates Bollywood with a passion!


Soy tal idiota

Sunday, November 13, 2005
Guram Masala SUCKED!!! So much that it is now at the top of my list of the worst films I've seen this year. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay. For anyone thinking about seeing it - don't. Go rent Lagaan instead - at least you can almost guarrantee your enjoyment of that.

On another note - I did a very idiotic thing today (hence the title of this post). I should regret it more than I do. I'm sure in a weeks time I will regret it majorly.

Another weekend has come to an end. I'm still having trouble remembering that I've got all my weekends free from now on. No studying, no nothing. I keep trying to cram everything I want to do into each weekend but I don't need to!

Got my Sports Management grade back - got a B. Just one more paper to find out about. Unfortunatly it's the one I'm least certain about. In fact, though I'd be devastated, I wouldn't actually be surprised if I failed it. Really don't wanna have to go back next year just for one paper though so fingers crossed that I passed

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November 11th, 2005

Saturday, November 12, 2005
I started writing again about a week ago, script writing that is. It's a fantastic feeling getting back into it.

I'm gonna try and finish "Love Hurts" as well. I really enjoyed writing that script, and while it's totally Hollywood I think it could be good.

Ok better go shower and head into work. I've got tons to catch up on and can't seem to keep away from the place!

Am going to see the Bollywood film Guram Masala tomorrow. I will give an update on how it was tomorrow night.

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November 10th, 2005

Friday, November 11, 2005
Work sucked today. We are suffering MAJOR budget cuts so rather than doing my own work I had to supervise. This of course means I'll be in there tomorrow catching up on work I missed out on today.

It pisses me off that I come in as a new manager and get so many budget cuts. It makes me look like the bad guy when I'm not, I'm just following orders from above. And of course my boss is also following orders from above him so it's not his fault either. Stupid multi-national company - I have people in a whole other country telling me how to run my complex when they've never even set foot in the place.

So yeah - at the moment I only have one friend here. :( Hopefully others will drift over here from my diary-x blog. This one will actually be more exciting, or at least more about life. I will leave the diary-x one as it is - a place where I sob my little heart out over that dumb boy. Stick with me over here where I'll try to be normal!!

Off to a party now - woot woot!


What about me?

Thursday, November 10, 2005
Why do I love you so much? I would give the world for you to love me back. Even just a little bit.

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