The World Of Jadeey: July 2009

It's funny cos it's true

Monday, July 20, 2009

You can find more funny at Hm why didn't I link that properly? Not sure. Let's try that again. You can find more funny at


Don't dream, it's over

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Okay let's face it, I haven't been properly blogging daily for a month or so. I pretty much have two choices at this point -

1. I can find the motivation, catch up with my missed blogs and start making sure I blog every day.
2. I can admit defeat and give in

I'm going to go with option 2. I've thought about it a lot and I'm just not feeling it anymore. So i'm going to go back to only blogging when I feel like it.

Thanks to everyone who has been there and followed me over the last couple of years. I hope I've provided at least a small amount of enjoyment/amusement.

Stay cool.


A very non-productive Saturday

Saturday, July 18, 2009
As is often the case on my weekends, I didn't do half the things I was supposed to do today. I did go to the gym, so that's a plus. But I didn't do a whole lot of other things i'd planned to do. The problem is I always want to spend my weekends in a state of total relaxation. This often means I avoid the things I should be doing.

Luckily there's always tomorrow.

Last night I went to Kayla and Josh's for dinner. Aimee came along too, which was super awesome because I haven't seen her in ages. Kayla cooked us a delicious dinner, we talked to Malakai, we played Harry Potter Scene It (I won) and we chatted about anything and everything. It was a really great night.

Tomorrow night I'm going to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm in a state of fear about it. I adore the book, it's probably my favourite of the lot, and I'm not looking forward to watching it be butchered. I understand that the film makers can't put everything in, but it still disappoints me when things that I considered important are left out. Not to mention I've heard they completely ruin the last scene, and that just happens to be one of my absolute favourite scenes of the books.

One day, somehow, I will learn not to get my hopes up about movie adaptations of books.

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TVs most eligible bachelors, part 2

Monday, July 13, 2009
Alright, I'm sure you've all been waiting for this - part 2 of TVs Most Eligible Bachelors. (I got a bit carried away)

Captain Mal Reynolds - Firefly

Pros: He's the captain of his own spaceship, he's free to go anywhere in the 'verse and he's unendingly loyal to his friends
Cons: He's in love with a prostitute (sorry, companion) although he won't admit it, he's a criminal (albeit a Robin Hood type, you know - with morals and stuff) and he's on the run from the Alliance

Doctor Simon Tam - Firefly

Pros: He's a doctor, he sweet and nice and he will do anything for those he loves - ie. his sister, even if it means giving up everything and risking his life to save her
Cons: He's a fugitive and the Alliance will do anything to find him and River, his sister will always come first and since giving up being a doctor he doesn't really have any money

Jayne Cobb - Firefly

Pros: He's sexy as hell, you'll always be safe around him because he's very good at killing and beating up people and did I mention he's sexy as hell?
Cons: He's not very smart, he's not really the relationship type - hookers are more his thing and he'll sell you out if the money is good enough

Colonel John Casey - Chuck

Pros: He's strong and very good at protecting people, he's very quick with the humorous one-liners and he works two jobs so is probably doing pretty well on the money front
Cons: His job is top-secret so you'll be left believing he's an energy consultant or something, he could disappear at a moments notice, he'd never disobey orders - even if his orders were to kill you

Chuck Bartowski - Chuck

Pros: He's a genuinely sweet, loyal guy, he's very intelligent and he's always keen to relax with a night of video games
Cons: He's sort of in love with his super-hot fake girlfriend, he has a super-secret government computer stuck in his brain so has to run off and do spy things a lot and whenever the bad guys find out about the super-secret government computer stuck in his brain they try to kill him

Rusty Cartwright - Greek

Pros: He's extremely intelligent, is sweet, sensitive and honest
Cons: He's very obsessed with his fraternity, he can get a bit whiny and he may have just stuffed up his chances of getting the degree he's studying for

Max Tyler - Greek

Pros: He's ridiculously intelligent, he's worked for NASA and he'll do anything for his girlfriend
Cons: Having had one girlfriend die on him he becomes over-committed very quickly, he's not great at talking to people and he's in love with Casey Cartwright.

Sam Oliver - Reaper

Pros: He's always tries to do the right thing, he's good at thinking quickly under pressure and he is very powerful
Cons: He's a bit of an underachiever, his soul belongs to the devil, oh and he's also the devil's bounty hunter

Detective Brett Hopper - Day Break

Pros: He's a good man, he will do anything to protect his loved ones and he's extremely sexy
Cons: He's been framed for murder, he's got a whole host of bad guys after him and he's living the same day over and over

Chad Shelton - Day Break

Pros: He's a good cop, he will go out of his way to protect those he cares about and if he's around you can count on the fact that you'll be safe because he's very good with a gun
Cons: He's completely insensitive, he holds a grudge and never listens

Jim Halpert - The Office

Pros: He's got an amazing sense of humour, he's ridiculously cute and he's willing to put himself out there over and over for the woman he loves
Cons: He's not above using other woman to try and get over the woman he really loves, he's completely in love with the receptionist (now fellow salesperson) and he's not actually a bachelor but I love him so much he had to get an honorable mention.

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TVs most eligible bachelors, part 1

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I decided that today I'd list the eligible bachelors from some of my favourite TV shows. And, importantly, list the pros and cons of each bachelor. Here's part 1. Part 2 will follow tomorrow.

Dr Gregory House - House

Pros: He's a brilliant doctor, extremely sexy, great piano player and has a very good sense of humour (as long as you consider sarcasm to be a good sense of humour)
Cons: He's addicted to painkillers, doesn't really like people and spends most of his money on hookers

Dr James Wilson - House

Pros: Really cares about people, a good doctor and a genuinely nice guy
Cons: Has already been married 3 times, his best friend is sort of a douche and spies on Wilson at every opportunity

Tim Riggins - Friday Night Lights

Pros: He's mastered the art of broodingly sexy, he's willing to try and better himself for the girl he loves and he looks damn good out on the football field
Cons: He drinks a lot, trouble seems to chase him and he lacks any sort of motivation or drive

Matt Saracen - Friday Night Lights

Pros: He's sweet, sensitive and caring, he loves his grandmother and is a humble yet talented quarterback
Cons: There aren't really a lot of cons when it comes to Matt Saracen

Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother

Pros: He knows how to 'suit up', he's got a good job (I think) and has a very entertaining sense of humour
Cons: If you're dating him then you're also dating his friends, he's a bit of a womaniser and he's always determined that he's right

Dr Horrible - Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Pros: He's a great singer, very good at inventing things and actually quite sweet and shy underneath
Cons: He wants to be in the Evil League of Evil, this desire leads him to doing lots of semi-evil things and he's in love with a girl from the laundromat

Captain Hammer - Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Pros: He's hot and has particularly nice arms, he's sweet and he wants to do good in the world
Cons: He's pretty cheesy, he wears sort of stupid gloves and he doesn't seem to be very bright

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Should I stay or should I go?

Saturday, July 11, 2009
So I've been really crap about keeping up with my blog lately. I'm starting to get pretty sick of this whole blogging daily thing. I would love to keep it up because I think reading it in a few years will be great - I'm just not sure I can be bothered keeping it up. Not enough happens in my weeks for me to write 7 days a week worth of interesting stuff.

I could give my opinions on a multitude of topics. But I don't think i'll actually be interested in reading that in a few years time. It's reading about what I was doing and how I was feeling that I'll be interested in.

As you can tell I'm pretty confused at the moment. I'm undecided whether to stop or keep going. I'll keep thinking about it, eventually I'll make a decision one way or the other.


The Children's Bookshop

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
After work I met up with mum, grandma and Lincoln. We decided to take a trip to The Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie. If you haven't been there before then you should definitely make the effort to visit.

It's an independently owned bookshop and they pretty much only sell children's books. There is the occasional non-children's book there if it happens to be a fantastic book, but for the most part it's kids books.

The staff in the store are amazing. They have read so many of the books they sell, it's amazing. You can go in there and say you're looking for a book for, say, an 8 year old boy. The staff will instantly come out with a stream of recommendations.

Yeah, I know it's geeky to be so excited about a bookshop. I can't help it though. I love books. (Why else would I have studied publishing last year?)

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Stupid bus

Monday, July 06, 2009
Today was my first day of early shift. So I got up at 5.40am, got ready and headed out for the bus at 6.21am. My bus wasn't due until 6.25am so I should have been fine. At 6.35am I came to the conclusion that my bus had turned up early and I'd missed it. Fuck.

I jumped in my car, crossed my fingers that it'd start and breathed a sigh of relief when it did. I did manage to get to work on time, and found a car park that only cost me $10 for the whole day, so that made me happy. Not as happy as I would have been if I'd been able to catch the bus, but still pretty happy.

And driving in had the benefit of meaning I got home a lot earlier than I would have if I'd caught the train back home.

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Sunday, July 05, 2009
Today I had one very important job. I had to be at the airport to pick up Lincoln by 11.40am. Now, Lincoln is 8 years old so being late just wasn't an option. Not to mention they are very strict about who picks him up. My name was given so I needed to be there to show ID and sign for him.

Simple right? Yep it should have been.

But no. Because life is just never that easy, when I hopped in the car and went to start it nothing happened. I tried again. Still nothing except the tell-tale click of a flat battery. Cursing myself I checked and saw that I hadn't left my lights on so there was no reason my battery should have been flat.

I rushed inside and woke my flatmate Derek up. He came outside and took a look at the car, agreeing with my assessment that it was a flat battery. Derek can't drive himself so he has a taxi driver friend. He called the taxi driver who turned up within 5 minutes and took me to the airport for a damn good price.

Thankfully I arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare. It cost me a hell of a lot more than I'd intended to spend to get there - but at least I got there. (And it was still a lot cheaper than it would have been with a regular taxi.)

My car is now going. Dad came down later in the day and charged my battery for me. I just think it's so damn typical that the time I urgently needed it was the time it decided to breakdown.

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Saturday, July 04, 2009
It's been a pretty bloody good day. I haven't done a lot and that's what makes it so great.

I started playing Grand Theft Auto IV today. I've owned it for a while without getting around to playing it. Turns out it's pretty great. The freedom compared to other games is huge. So far all I've done is drive around the city and make friends. In most games you are thrust straight into missions, but with this game you are free to roam as you like and only pick up missions when you feel like it.

The only thing making me sad about the game so far is that I can't find any really good cars to drive. In GTA 3 I found a shop you could break into and steal a gorgeous, fast car. So far I haven't found anything like that in GTA IV so i've been driving around in shitty old cars. What's the point in playing a game where you can steal cars if the only ones you can find are pieces of shit?

hehehehe that reminds me of Adam Sandler's song Piece of Shit Car. God I loved that song when I was a teenager.

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A week ago today he died...

Friday, July 03, 2009
It's a week since Michael Jackson died. I finally got around to typing up the blog I wrote last week but was too sick to post. Here it is.

I'm still sad.

Today some video footage of his final rehearsal was released. He didn't look like a 50 year old man who was going to die of cardiac arrest 2 days later, that's for sure.

Here's the footage if you haven't already seen it:


Why did you forget me?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Each Sunday I read Postsecret and every day I read LJ Secret. I like reading these websites. Some of the secrets make me cry, some make me relieved that I'm not living that pain, some I totally relate to and some just hit me in some unexpected way. Often I find myself needing to save a secret, sometimes to remind myself I'm not alone in my secrets and other times because something about the secret makes me sit up and take notice. As a result of this I have 320 secrets currently saved on my computer.

I have decided that every Thursday, for as long as I feel like it, I will post one of these secrets. Some might reflect my own secrets, others will have had a deep impact on me for one reason or another and still others will have been chosen because something small about them was enough to make me want to save it. I'm not going to tell you my reasons.

Don't read into them, don't think i'm trying to confess something. Because I'm not. I just want to share some of them.

And, if I have posted a secret that you made and you don't want it up there then please send me a message and I'll take it straight down.


Day 6 of Swine Flu (probably)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Today is going to be my last swine flu day because I desperately want to go back to work tomorrow. It's not guaranteed that I will - my boss has said to wait until tomorrow to decide. But I'll have to be feeling pretty sick to stay home.

Sadly I'm feeling pretty sick right now. I'm hoping I don't vomit on my chair again!

My laptop has started overheating. I have to keep making sure when I put it down I am putting it on an angle so that the air circulates underneath it. That's the easy bit. It's when I'm using it that it's more annoying because it's uncomfortable to hold at an angle all the time!
