Alright, I'm sure you've all been waiting for this - part 2 of TVs Most Eligible Bachelors. (I got a bit carried away)
Captain Mal Reynolds - Firefly
Pros: He's the captain of his own spaceship, he's free to go anywhere in the 'verse and he's unendingly loyal to his friends
Cons: He's in love with a prostitute (sorry, companion) although he won't admit it, he's a criminal (albeit a Robin Hood type, you know - with morals and stuff) and he's on the run from the Alliance
Doctor Simon Tam - Firefly
Pros: He's a doctor, he sweet and nice and he will do anything for those he loves - ie. his sister, even if it means giving up everything and risking his life to save her
Cons: He's a fugitive and the Alliance will do anything to find him and River, his sister will always come first and since giving up being a doctor he doesn't really have any money
Jayne Cobb - Firefly
Pros: He's sexy as hell, you'll always be safe around him because he's very good at killing and beating up people and did I mention he's sexy as hell?
Cons: He's not very smart, he's not really the relationship type - hookers are more his thing and he'll sell you out if the money is good enough
Colonel John Casey - Chuck
Pros: He's strong and very good at protecting people, he's very quick with the humorous one-liners and he works two jobs so is probably doing pretty well on the money front
Cons: His job is top-secret so you'll be left believing he's an energy consultant or something, he could disappear at a moments notice, he'd never disobey orders - even if his orders were to kill you
Chuck Bartowski - Chuck
Pros: He's a genuinely sweet, loyal guy, he's very intelligent and he's always keen to relax with a night of video games
Cons: He's sort of in love with his super-hot fake girlfriend, he has a super-secret government computer stuck in his brain so has to run off and do spy things a lot and whenever the bad guys find out about the super-secret government computer stuck in his brain they try to kill him
Rusty Cartwright - Greek
Pros: He's extremely intelligent, is sweet, sensitive and honest
Cons: He's very obsessed with his fraternity, he can get a bit whiny and he may have just stuffed up his chances of getting the degree he's studying for
Max Tyler - Greek
Pros: He's ridiculously intelligent, he's worked for NASA and he'll do anything for his girlfriend
Cons: Having had one girlfriend die on him he becomes over-committed very quickly, he's not great at talking to people and he's in love with Casey Cartwright.
Sam Oliver - Reaper
Pros: He's always tries to do the right thing, he's good at thinking quickly under pressure and he is very powerful
Cons: He's a bit of an underachiever, his soul belongs to the devil, oh and he's also the devil's bounty hunter
Detective Brett Hopper - Day Break
Pros: He's a good man, he will do anything to protect his loved ones and he's extremely sexy
Cons: He's been framed for murder, he's got a whole host of bad guys after him and he's living the same day over and over
Chad Shelton - Day Break
Pros: He's a good cop, he will go out of his way to protect those he cares about and if he's around you can count on the fact that you'll be safe because he's very good with a gun
Cons: He's completely insensitive, he holds a grudge and never listens
Jim Halpert - The Office
Pros: He's got an amazing sense of humour, he's ridiculously cute and he's willing to put himself out there over and over for the woman he loves
Cons: He's not above using other woman to try and get over the woman he really loves, he's completely in love with the receptionist (now fellow salesperson) and he's not actually a bachelor but I love him so much he had to get an honorable mention.
Labels: boys, television, TV boyfriends