Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I really like this song, Lips of an Angel. I particularly like how people can be so dumb and this has become one of the most requested songs recently. Not requested because people like it but requested for their partners.
That's right, people are requesting a song about a guy who is in love with someone who is not his girlfriend. Obviously they have not listened to the words, cos if you don't it does actually sound like a very pretty song. I can see where the mistake is made. But guys, if you are going to request a song for your girlfriend make sure the lyrics actually say what you want to say! Cos guys, one of the lines is "Girl, you make it hard to be faithful."
Many years back Meatloaf's Two out of Three Ain't Bad was similarly requested. Ha, I know I'd be pretty devastated if someone requested that song for me! I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you? Ha, yeah I don't wanna hear that from my boyfriend!
Music is great for letting people know how you feel though. And having a nice song requested for you is good. I've had a song written about me before and it was released on CD! I still feel happy when I listen to it. Even though me and the guy never actually managed to get it together enough to be together (which is weird cos we both liked each other a lot), it's still a nice reminder that, once upon a time, I was loved.
I went out with a guy for a while who used to sing to me, lovely romantic songs. The problem was he could NOT sing. I would get so embarrassed for him and just want him to shut-up. share this: facebook
I really like this song, Lips of an Angel. I particularly like how people can be so dumb and this has become one of the most requested songs recently. Not requested because people like it but requested for their partners.
That's right, people are requesting a song about a guy who is in love with someone who is not his girlfriend. Obviously they have not listened to the words, cos if you don't it does actually sound like a very pretty song. I can see where the mistake is made. But guys, if you are going to request a song for your girlfriend make sure the lyrics actually say what you want to say! Cos guys, one of the lines is "Girl, you make it hard to be faithful."
Many years back Meatloaf's Two out of Three Ain't Bad was similarly requested. Ha, I know I'd be pretty devastated if someone requested that song for me! I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you? Ha, yeah I don't wanna hear that from my boyfriend!
Music is great for letting people know how you feel though. And having a nice song requested for you is good. I've had a song written about me before and it was released on CD! I still feel happy when I listen to it. Even though me and the guy never actually managed to get it together enough to be together (which is weird cos we both liked each other a lot), it's still a nice reminder that, once upon a time, I was loved.
I went out with a guy for a while who used to sing to me, lovely romantic songs. The problem was he could NOT sing. I would get so embarrassed for him and just want him to shut-up. share this: facebook
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