The World Of Jadeey: Sun is in the sky oh why oh why

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why

would I wanna be anywhere else

So, everyone knows I have a bit of a crush on Lily Allen right? Of course you do, I go on about her all the time. Ha, especially with regards to her LDN video where I just can't get my head around the idea that someone would stand her up. Just doesn't make sense to me, it wouldn't happen.

It ESPECIALLY wouldn't happen in this cellphone-age. I imagine that, like me, anyone who grew up before cellphones were common for teenagers has been stood up before. Not on purpose, just because the person couldn't turn up for some reason and couldn't get hold of you to let you know. I remember one sad day I got stood up by my boyfriend. I waited at the movie theatre for him for ages getting madder and madder. I used the payphone to call him at home but there was no answer. So I continued to boil with anger for a while before giving up and going home. Later that day I was humbled when he called me and I refused to talk to him - I was very mad. He finally got it through to me that he had gone into diabetic shock so had been in the hospital. Needless to say, I decided that was an acceptable excuse and forgave him.

Hmmm where was I before I randomly decided to share that little anecdote? Right, I remember, Lily Allen.

So I dropped by work this morning to try and help avert some disaster (didn't avert it and it basically ruined my weekend. But oh well, what can you do). I walked into the office afterwards and heard some of my workmates discussing actresses they would sleep with. They looked at me and said "Who would you sleep with?"

Instantly I replied with Lily Allen. Rather than the nods of approval I expected this just gained me strange looks and a reply from one of the guys of "are you a lesbian?". What? No!

I eventually realised my mistake was that they were discussing what celebrities they would sleep with whereas, because I walked in part way through, I thought it was actresses. So, they had expected my choice to be male but instead I chose a female. I tried to fix it by loudly stating I wanted to sleep with Hugh Laurie but it was to no avail. They are now convinced I like girls. Heh.

Moving on to the subject of my work disaster. I really HATE being ignored. Whether it's people not answering my text messages or emails (which really pisses me right off, odd considering I myself am pretty bad at replying unless I do it instantly.) or people at work ignoring my instructions. It all really gets to me. And this disaster came about because someone at work ignored my instructions THEN ignored my text messages as well. Arghh!

I have a, very good, friend who's one fault is that he is TERRIBLE at replying to text messages. It drives me absolutely crazy. It's not even like he can use the excuse that he didn't have the money - his work pays his cellphone bill! I'll text him asking him if he wants to meet for lunch the next day. I won't hear anything back so I'll assume he's busy. The next day he'll turn up at lunchtime and be confused when I'm not ready to go. This can't even be avoided by calling him because he never answers his bloody phone either. SO annoying.
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At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing as you may be in Auckland at this point anyway... come to the Big Day Out! There's a group of us going, you're most welcome and most importantly...


Go on, you know you want to!

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Holly said...

Very tempting. If I've moved by then I'm there!


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