The World Of Jadeey: Just a sulky post - you'd all be best to ignore it

Just a sulky post - you'd all be best to ignore it

I can't sleep which sucks. The pain medication has worn off, I'm not allowed to take any more and it HURTS.

I'm also wishing I wasn't alone. SpaceMonkey is at work and my flatmate is out drinking with friends. I really want someone to talk to right now, to keep my mind off the pain. The pain's really depressing me, I feel all tired and grumpy and like I wanna just have a sulk about everything that sucks right now. (And guess what - that's what I'm going to use this for!)

It's been kind of a bad week. Not for any particular reason, mainly because I've been feeling pretty crappy for most of it. I should have known a week of kidney pain wasn't good but it's happened before and nothing eventuated from it so I just thought it was the same. It's been stopping me sleeping so I've been spending my days grumpy. It's a busy time of year for most people I know so I haven't really had anyone to talk to about it. It's no-one's fault but mine. There are a couple of people who would have dropped everything and been over here to check on me in a flash if I'd asked. But, I hate to be a burden so didn't say anything as usual. Stupid I know, and I also know that by writing this I'm gonna get into trouble with at least 2 of those people, if not more.

But face it people, for someone with a BA in Psychology I am USELESS at asking for help. It's just not in my nature. I far prefer to go it alone. Just be thankful I don't then flip out and blame people for not being there when I needed them. At least I keep a level head most of the time. :)

Since this is a bit of a bitter, angry rant I'll take it a bit further. I saw idiot-who-thinks-he-will-one-day-run-the-country yesterday in the street. Man I dislike that dude. Seriously dislike him. Stupid red-haired fuck, who won't even admit he has red hair. Face it dude, your hair is red. You can call it strawberry blonde if you want but that just makes you sound gay.

Not only does he think he's destined to be Prime Minister even though the most exciting thing he's ever done in politics is VUWSA president but he got Civil Unioned a few months ago. Yes, a straight male got Civil Unioned. Why did he do it? To make a stand for gay couples. What the fuck Jeremy? No-one gives a toss that you had a civil union rather than a wedding. You could have had a bloody wedding. The fact that you chose to makes a difference to absolutely no-one.

Ha not only that, but he took his wife's last name! What self-respecting guy does that? Maybe it's very un-feminist of me (but hey, I've never claimed to be a feminist anyway) I just don't think a man should take his wife's name. It just doesn't sit well with me. She's far too good for him as well, even if she is American. (And i'm particularly bitter since he cheated on my friend with her.)

Okay rant over. Well rant about him over anyway.

No, I think rant over. I'm all out of stuff to say. I wonder if I'm allowed to take panadol? Probably not. Damn it.

After 5 minutes of surfing I had to come back and clarify some things I just wrote and also add a couple of things.

I apologise to the tosser I talked about earlier, he did not take his wife's name. I just checked on his blog and he, in fact, hyphenated their names. I don't actually think this is any better. I HATE hyphenated names. But I was wrong earlier and I just thought I should admit it.

I also want to say to him that if you are going to have blog that is aimed at being a political-commentary then do a better job. I could probably do a better job! Although, bugger it, I did find myself laughing a couple of times. Fuck.

The final thing I want to say is that I'm very embarrassed right now - I read on Jeremy-the-tosser's blog that my ex boyfriend (from when I was 14 so it hardly counts, but still) is the spokesperson for 'Keep it 18'. That's one of the groups trying to convince the government to keep the drinking age at 18. Well, it's either my ex or someone with the same name. I hope just someone with the same name. I doubt it though, it sounds exactly like Chris's style to do something like that. Why am I so embarrassed? Because he's a bloody national supporter. Actually, not only is he a national supporter but he's in the Young Nationals. Ick. What was I thinking? I'm glad I never gave in and 'sat on his lap down by the river' like he was always asking me to. Heh.
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At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh, you're hillarious when you rant.

Rant more!

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Holly said...

Well I do enjoy a good rant. Maybe I will do it more often. Although, they do seem to get very long. I'm starting to wonder if I'm writing a novel here! :-)


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