Blackbird sings in the dead of night...
For the past few weeks a blackbird has been calling our yard home. There would normally be no particular problem about this, but this bird is driving everyone in my flat mental. He's the happiest little bird you could possibly imagine and I hope nothing bad happens to him, but he's so damn annoying.
He sings ridiculously loudly and just doesn't stop. Ever. He wakes up early in the morning and immediately starts singing at the top of his voice. My bedroom is at the front of the house so he's pretty much right outside my window, so every morning he wakes me up. On Thursday he woke up at 4.48am. Thankfully I've discovered that covering my head with my pillow blocks him out. Unfortunately it also makes breathing challenging.
Derek and Ingrid are equally annoyed with him. He doesn't wake Derek up, since Derek's room is further away. But he's just so damn loud that it's annoying all day long.
The one suffering the most though is little Felix. Felix is a totally scaredy-cat. And he's not very good at hunting - sometimes he'll catch rubbish, bugs or already dead-animals but he really isn't any good at hunting anything fast. The poor little guy is terrified of this damn bird. Tonight I was in my room and I could hear the bird singing away. Suddenly I heard Felix frantically meowing at the door. I opened the front door and Felix raced past me and hid in the lounge. Yep, my cat is scared of a bird. That's kinda like if I was suddenly scared of a hamburger.
Here are some photos of the happiest (but also most annoying) blackbird in the world. (And the friend that joined him in the yard this evening. The friend wasn't quite as loud thank goodness)
You can see by the amount of bird poo that he spends a lot of time on our outdoor furniture.
(Our blackbird's new friend is the one off to the right. )
And here's the little guy just chilling out on the path
He sings ridiculously loudly and just doesn't stop. Ever. He wakes up early in the morning and immediately starts singing at the top of his voice. My bedroom is at the front of the house so he's pretty much right outside my window, so every morning he wakes me up. On Thursday he woke up at 4.48am. Thankfully I've discovered that covering my head with my pillow blocks him out. Unfortunately it also makes breathing challenging.
Derek and Ingrid are equally annoyed with him. He doesn't wake Derek up, since Derek's room is further away. But he's just so damn loud that it's annoying all day long.
The one suffering the most though is little Felix. Felix is a totally scaredy-cat. And he's not very good at hunting - sometimes he'll catch rubbish, bugs or already dead-animals but he really isn't any good at hunting anything fast. The poor little guy is terrified of this damn bird. Tonight I was in my room and I could hear the bird singing away. Suddenly I heard Felix frantically meowing at the door. I opened the front door and Felix raced past me and hid in the lounge. Yep, my cat is scared of a bird. That's kinda like if I was suddenly scared of a hamburger.
Here are some photos of the happiest (but also most annoying) blackbird in the world. (And the friend that joined him in the yard this evening. The friend wasn't quite as loud thank goodness)
You can see by the amount of bird poo that he spends a lot of time on our outdoor furniture.
(Our blackbird's new friend is the one off to the right. )
And here's the little guy just chilling out on the path
Labels: animals, Felix, grumpy
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