The World Of Jadeey: It's all good

It's all good

It's going to be a good year, I just know it is.

I'll tell you all something, if you ever get the opportunity to take a couple of months of work to just relax and do something you've been wanting to do for a long time then DO IT! Don't even hesitate. In fact, spend the rest of this year saving your money so you can do just that at the end of the year. It is, without doubt, the best thing I have ever done for myself.

I got a job today, a nice easy, casual job. It's actually a job I've done before so I know exactly what to expect. I'm working at the stadium on event days, selling and taking tickets. Far from exciting but it pays okay and, more importantly, is casual so I can choose to work or not work each event. Basically, it's the perfect job for someone on a student allowance who wants to actually focus on their study this time around, unlike at university when they worked far more than they studied.

Also, my healthy eating campaign is working well. Basically, I'm uber healthy during the week, down to my choice of drink which is strictly water and nothing else. On the weekend I'm then free to do as I please, I can drink my beloved Mountain Dew and eat takeaways if I want them. The amazing thing is that I haven't been that tempted by unhealthy foods on the weekend. Mountain Dew is still a craving I have every day but it's easy to get through the week knowing I can have it on the weekend. I've been very good so far and haven't gone crazy and had a million bottles of mountain dew on the weekend though. I've managed to stick to just 1 bottle for the last few weekends so I haven't been undoing all the good work from the week.

The most amazing part of all this is my kidneys. I have been pain free since Christmas, this is after living with daily kidney pain for the last couple of years. I think it's partly the huge amount of water I'm ingesting and partly the absolute lack of stress. All in all, my kidneys are happy and that makes me EXTREMELY happy.

It's not all roses of course, there are still people in my life that I wish weren't but, for one reason or another, have to be and there are still people not in my life that I wish were. But, life is never perfect, if it was it would be boring.

It's definitely going to be a good year. I can feel it in my bones.
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