The World Of Jadeey: Will it be the same

Will it be the same

If I saw you in Heaven?

I saw on the news yesterday that two people were killed in a glider crash. Glider crashes are very, very rare. Their engines are only used for take off so there isn't a lot than can go wrong, especially for experienced pilots. The two people that just died were both very experienced. A 67 year old man and his 30 year old son.

This made me particularly sad as my friend died in a glider crash 8 years and 50 weeks ago. I can't actually believe it was so long ago. I still remember the phone call. I was watching cricket on TV and didn't believe that it was true. I'd heard about the crash previously but names hadn't been released then. For some reason that I don't understand I'd taken specific notice of the news item. That phone call was one of the worst moments of my life.

It's funny because it's been such a long time but I still think about her often. Whenever I have a big moment I wonder how Catherine would have enjoyed that moment. The last day of school, first day of uni, graduation, beginning full-time work. I wonder what she would have been doing now. Something to do with politics I imagine. She would have been so good at it too. I know I don't know her as older than a 16 year old but I can see her as Prime Minister. This is probably a rose-tinted memory of her but that's how I feel.

I miss you Catherine. Thanks for all the good times.

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