The World Of Jadeey: Lookit! It's new!

Lookit! It's new!

So I decided to update my template since it's boringness was annoying me. I'm not so sure about this one though, don't be surprised if I change it all again.

BUT I do have a photo of myself somewhere at home of me riding the bike past the moon with ET in the basket. Yes, that's right, I took ET home! Got it when I was at Universal Studios when I was about 7. Very, very cool.

Just because I'm sure you are all dying for a real post I will comply. (After all it's been positively HOURS since I last posted. Heh)

Earlier I posted that I'm unfunny. I've since been told by two people that I am very funny. (Thanks Filmgeek and Sam, you guys are my favourites!) I also realised, on my way to the train this afternoon, that someone else thinks I am hilarious. Unfortunately, that someone is me.

You see, I have a tendency to laugh at my own thoughts. This is fine when I'm alone somewhere, like in my office or in my bedroom. (still semi-embarrassing yeah, but ultimately fine.) It's not fine when I'm walking down the street. People must actually think I am insane. I'll be wandering down the street, listening to my iPod and suddenly have a little chuckle at a witty joke I've just told myself. Dear lord it must look odd. I think I'm going to have to start only thinking sad thoughts when I am in public.

You know what? Nothing has happened to me this afternoon so I have nothing to say. Yet still, I manage to write a lot about nothing. It's almost scary.

Well, I did get kicked in the kidneys 6 times. That was not a good thing. Actually, it bloody hurt and I'm sure did nothing to help the damn things get better.

Oh! And I walked into projection to say goodbye to the projectionist as I was leaving to find him singing a happy little song to himself. I'm not 100% sure what the words were because he was singing it very quietly. But it was something about lacing a film. SO funny!

Sneaking up on people is something I seem to be pretty good at. Apparently I'm very quiet so often take people by surprise. (Until I start talking, then I'm the opposite of quiet. I think this blog is a testament to that.) I've walked in on projectionists dancing quite a few times. (Right Filmgeek? :) )

The BEST time? It was a few years ago now. I wandered on up to projection. Filmgeek was there getting her groove on to Lady Marmalade. And I mean getting her groove on. It was awesome. I started to sit down to watch but unfortunately that alerted her to my presence and the show was over. It was completed for me sometime later. (Was it at my birthday you karaoke-d it? Or just a random night out? I can't remember. Not my 21st. Maybe my 22nd? I'm pretty sure it was my birthday)

I've also walked in on SpaceMonkey singing and dancing away. Nothing as funny as the Lady Marmalade time though. That one goes down in history. One day I will post about all the funny stuff that has gone on at work. Now that I'm the boss I have to be the responsible one but, man, we used to have some fun times. I was the SLACKEST supervisor ever, but still heaps of work always got done on my shifts.

Oh, like the time me and Filmgeek had about an hour to fill in while we waited for the last film to come out so we walked up the stairs from the fire exit as slow as we could. It took us ages, I can't remember how long. Like 20 minutes or something dumb? (This is a flight of stairs that would usually take about a minute to climb)

Or the time one of our projectionists (an older guy from Romania - very weird guy) made an inappropriate comment to one of my 16 year-old cinema attendants. The main players here are Radu, the Romanian guy and Jack, the CA.

Jack: I'm tired.
Radu: You can go home to sleep when you finish?
Jack: Yeah
Radu: You are lucky. I wish I could go home and sleep.
Jack: Why can't you?
Radu: I have to go home and make love to my wife.

I don't think that has anywhere near the effect on paper but it was very funny. He sounded so upset that he had to go home and have sex rather than go to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, that is what I should be doing right now so I might go and do just that.
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At 11:19 AM, Blogger Kat said...

That was mean....

very, very mean....

hey, holy crap I have a blogger identity!

Yeah, I'm hungry

So who was singing? I ask only because I may or may not be guilty of singing a song entitiled 'lacing up the projector before I go home' once and a while

And it was your birthday, 2004. Same birthday we later went swimming in our underwear in the lagoon (you'd gone home by then)

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Holly said...

Haha it had to be done. I've been looking for a chance to slip that story in for MONTHS!

It was my birthday 2004, I remember now! Just before I told I had to go home and wasn't allowed to actually hang out with my friends on my birthday. Grrr.

The singer was someone you don't know. Or maybe you do know him -Jesse, he may have been in proj over at the other place when you were still there. Before he got fired from there and hired with us.

Fair enough that you sing 'lacing up a projector before I go home'. I often sing 'tidying up my desk before I go home' and 'shutting down my laptop'. Going home time is definitely something to sing about :-)

At 11:50 PM, Blogger Kat said...

What? Why weren't you allowed to hang out with your friends?

And no, I'm not sure I know Jesse, but I might have to make some calls (ah who am I kidding, I'm cheap - txts) and find out more...

God bless the Projectionist network :P

And yeah, I mean, my mates have heard that story as well, but I'm not sure I needed it published on the net - it was pretty darn embarrassing!

At 2:49 AM, Blogger Holly said...

Oh you DID need it published on the net. Well, given that no-one who reads this thing knows you, and if they do they've already heard it I don't think you have to worry.

Didn't the person I arrived with that night get sulky and basically force me to go home? I might be remembering a different time - that happened to me a lot.


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