The World Of Jadeey: Let's start a rumour

Let's start a rumour

That we're married and heading for Rome

Okay I'm a bit happier now. Some more bad stuff has happened at work but some good stuff also happened so I'm feeling much more on an even keel.

I'm starting the build-up to Christmas now. This week is still pretty quiet but I know from experience it's all going to explode very suddenly. I would imagine from next week I'll be back to 70-hour work weeks. From what I've been told this morning that's nothing compared with what I'm going to be facing in Auckland next year. I had a chat with the new manager and he was telling me that the last time he opened a cinema he didn't have a day off for 63 days. He also said the only reason he had the 64th day off was because it was his birthday. This idea should scare me but it doesn't. I love being busy at work, this last month with not a lot to do has bored the crap out of me.

I made myself a list of stuff that needs to be done before I head off to my family reunion at Christmas. It's very long and very boring-looking.

Enough with the boring stuff that no-one cares about. What exciting things can I tell you? I might be going to Australia (a THIRD trip!) early December to look around cinemas there. My boss has promised to call me sometime today to discuss it but, knowing him, that probably means late this week. Should be good if I get to go. I love flying.

I found a weta beside my car when I was washing it yesterday. I did not like that at all. Anyone who has been near me when a spider or similarly scary bug is in sight knows exactly how well I react.

Usually I will jump up and down a bit saying 'Is it on me? I can feel it! Get it off me!" This is despite the fact that it is in plan view on the wall/ground/roof in front of me and is clearly NOT on me. I can't help it though, once I can see it I feel like I can feel it crawling all over me.

I remember one horrible day when I was about 9. I was putting on my gumboots and felt a stone in one of them. I considered ignoring it because my gumboots were slightly small and hard to get on and off but it was uncomfortable so I decided to get rid of it. Sitting back down and pulling off my gumboot I was sickened to find that it was a HUGE bush spider not a stone. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Another day I was blissfully unaware of the horror that was about to befall me while I was at uni. My dad had been going into town early that morning so had given my a ride rather than my usual train journey. I was sitting on one of the seats in Cotton just reading Salient and waiting for my class to start. I decided I wanted some junk food from the vending machine so opened the front pocket of my bag to get out my wallet (which I hadn't yet had to use since I didn't catch the train). Out crawls a HUGE bush spider. I freaked out and jumped up. I was completely at a loss as to what to do and was seriously considering abandoning my bag, wallet, cellphone, books, everything and just running away. There was hardly anyone around so I waited, hoping someone brave would come along and I could beg them to save me. Meanwhile the spider was enjoying its freedom and had crawled out of my bag and was making it's way onto the chair. As soon as it was on the chair I grabbed my bag and ran. Believe me, it took a lot of effort to hold onto my bag even though I knew the spider was gone!

I shudder to think how I would have reacted had it happened on the very packed morning train. The one thing I am thankful for is that it happened in a nice, quiet place where no-one noticed my panic.

One final spider story. One day I was at my boyfriend's house waiting for him to get ready so we could go out somewhere. It was a slightly rainy day so I had my jacket with me (one of those fairydown jackets you pull over your head, no zips or anything). We were about to step outside so I pulled my jacket on. Next thing I know a HUGE bush spider is crawling out by my coller. Holy crap I freaked out so bad! I actually vomited because it had been on my face!

I'm very glad I no longer live on my parents farm. Far too many HUGE bush spiders for my liking!

Oh, that wasn't my final spider story! I just remembered something funny that used to happen to me a lot at high school but doesn't happen very often anymore. I used to have a recurring nightmare about a spider. I would dream that I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when a spider would drop down off the roof and onto me. I would panic and scream 'fuck' very loudly. The funny thing is that I would actually scream out loud, leap out of bed and to the lightswitch. Being out of bed would wake me up properly. For a while I was having this dream everynight. Our computer was in my bedroom so often my mum would be in there working while I was sleeping. She was always very amused to hear the word fuck screamed loudly by her angelic, sleeping daughter!

Oh dear, I really don't like spiders. I better make damn sure I marry someone who is not scared of them or there's really going to be trouble.
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