The World Of Jadeey: I'm looking at you through the glass

I'm looking at you through the glass

Don't know how much time has passed.
Oh God, it feels like forever.

I know that feeling, that's for sure.

Sione’s Wedding beat out Borat in their opening weekend in Hawaii. Go New Zealand film!! As far as I know the release in Hawaii is the beginning of Sione’s Wedding’s American release. I will be very interested to see how it is received by American audiences. I can’t imagine that a lot of the humour will be understood. Let’s face it, American’s just don’t understand the rest of the world. Sometimes they don’t even seem to think there IS a rest of the world.

I have a friend who is, possibly, the perfect guy. He’s good looking, has a lovely personality, likes everyone, makes A LOT of money, has a wide variety of interests. The strange thing is that he’s in his thirties and is still single. I can’t understand this. He is the type of guy that is usually ridiculously happily married with everyone saying to his wife “your husband is EXACTLY the type of guy I want to marry. You are so lucky.”

I can’t understand it. He should not be single. I also can’t understand why I have no interest in him and never have. My mum thought there was something going on between us for ages because we spent so much time together. But, there never has been anything other than friendship there and I’ve never wanted there to be. (Lucky really as, lets face it, he’s FAR too good for me anyway and if I liked him it would have been very one-sided.)

Me and SpaceMonkey are going to start on a detox program on Monday. We decided to give it a go for a couple of reasons, one because we thought it might be a challenge. Also because we both eat and drink a lot of crap and it’d be good to get rid of it from our systems. Basically it means only drinking water and eating fruit, vegetables, nuts and stuff. I think we are allowed fish and skinless, boiled, chicken as well. It should be interesting. I doubt it’ll last long. Although, I did manage to not drink soft-drinks for a full ten weeks and SpaceMonkey is currently at week 8 of her 10 week ban from V so we must both have a bit of willpower.

The differences between my two complexes never cease to amaze me. At the one place my staff are AMAZING. They are onto it, do whatever I tell them without question, follow my instructions to the letter, show initiative and often improve upon my suggestions, have excellent customer service. They are a joy to work with and I trust them all completely.

At the other place they are the complete opposite. They are all lazy, have to be told a million times to do the most simple of tasks, avoid work like the plague, seem to think customers are a hindrance. I hate them and going to work there never fails to put me in a bad mood and sometimes really, really upsets me. I’m pretty sure they are not aware that I hate them, I’m very good at faking it. (Just ask my ex-boyfriend ;) Oh! Burn! Heh)

I implemented a system at both (well implemented at one, am still trying at the other) where my supervisors write up what they have done everyday. This works well because then the other supervisors can see what has been done and deduce from that what still needs to be done. My good staff at the one place have taken to this idea whole-heartedly. They have competitions with each other to see who can write up the most. Often this ends up in silliness with entries such as “served 6 customers, took a break, served another 6 customers” as they try and make their entries longer. That doesn’t matter though because the fact is, the system is working and they are all doing heaps of work in order to have heaps to write about.

The other location though? No amount of reminding them to do it, telling them off for not doing it seems to make a difference. They just aren’t. I’m at a total loss as to how to deal with them. If my supervisors aren’t performing it’s no fucking wonder the rest of the staff aren’t. I’ve dished out so many warnings at that place it isn’t even funny. I’ve tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to make a difference. My parents think it’s running away but, honestly, my main source of excitement about moving up to Auckland is getting out of this situation. I’ll miss my good staff though, I’ll miss them a whole lot.

Sorry for the disjointed post. I had a lot of different subjects to write about since it's been a couple of days. :)

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At 1:33 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Fire 'em.

Seriously, hand out the warnings, get to last warning, make sure they KNOW it's last warning, if they're still under performing fire 'em.

You'll only need to fire one, possibly two then the whole complex will fall into line.

I've seen it before. It's mean, but it works.


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