The World Of Jadeey: John Key

John Key

John Key is, in all likelihood, the future Prime Minister of New Zealand. This statement fills me with fear, and no small amount of horror. I, being staunchly left-wing, will never be happy with a National government and a John Key led National government doesn't change my opinion.

The biggest problem, for Labour anyway, with John Key is that he seems like a likeable enough guy and people don't see him for the evil that he really is. Where Don Brash never really came across as a potential leader for our country, John Key comes across as a very good leader. But he won't be!

He's clever, I'll give him that. He's claimed that he won't change Labour's policy on student loans. He disagrees with it but says that he doesn't want students to be always worrying that a change in government will change the student loan policies. In fact, he's even claiming that he'll go one better than Labour and the government, lead by National, will add 10% to any voluntary repayments over $500 that students make. Wow, that sounds awesome! I don't believe it though. They might keep the student loan policy the same for a while, but it will get changed eventually. If they stay in for more than 1 term then I guarantee interest will be back. As for the 10%, it'll never happen. It's just election year bullshit.

Here's hoping he does something to royally screw up his chances this year! Otherwise, I fear, his party is going to get the majority of votes.

Here is a very amusing video, making fun of John Key, of Coldplay's song Clocks with the words changed. (For those of you who don't know, John Key used this music as the background of a 'getting to know John Key' dvd. He had to pull the dvd when Coldplay put up a fuss since he hadn't received permission to use it. He then claimed ignorance over the fact that it was Coldplay's music.)

And here is a video where John Key admits that he is a heartless bastard who didn't cry when he got married, or even when his kids were born and who is happy to put a whole lot of people out of work... Why he thinks that's a good thing I don't know.

However, my favourite moment of the video is at 2:07 when he forgets that he is the leader of National not Labour. C'mon if he can't even remember which party he leads then how can he run our country??

What a tosser.
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