The World Of Jadeey: The facts of life. Oh! The facts of life!

The facts of life. Oh! The facts of life!

Today I am going to tell you all some things that I find interesting or important to share. Be warned that I use 'interesting' and 'important' in the loosest sense of the words. For everyone else it could be totally boring.

1. The numbers on a digital clock flashing 12:00 in a dark room in vaguely creepy.
2. Even at 25 years old I still get a little jolt of panic when I pull a potato out of the bag and see it growing shoots. (See a post from a year or so back for more on this one.)
3. People are ultimately selfish but every so often you find someone who is completely unselfish and wonderful. If you find one of these people then do everything in your power to be around them as much as possible and always appreciate them.
4. Marmite toast is always satisfying.
5. Sometimes people pick REALLY ugly colour cars and think they look great. They are wrong. Other people laugh at them.
6. When someone says they are laughing with you it is usually actually at you. Some people don't realise this.
7. Nothing lasts forever, yet people (including myself) don't always appreciate the good things while we have them. Instead we complain about the bad things. Fucking enjoy life people, it's the only one you're gonna get!
8. I can never sleep properly on Sunday nights. Most nights of the week I sleep really well but not Sunday nights. This has nothing to do with trepidation at the idea of the upcoming week because it's always this way - even if I have nothing to do on Monday.
9. A few words of appreciation work wonders with me. Clearly I am very starved for attention or something since a single nice comment will often make my day. (What a loser! {hmmm maybe the fact that I call myself a loser for enjoying nice comments is an indicator of the problem...} )
10. I still associate certain songs with certain people even years after I've ceased caring. I heard a song I hadn't heard in about 4 years today and it immediately made me think of the person I used to think about whenever I listened to the song.
11. It only takes a split-second to extinguish a life. I know this yet I don't treat every conversation with people as though it could be my last. One day I'm sure I will regret this because I will lose someone important to me and I'll feel like I wasted my last conversation with them. Yet, to treat every conversation with everyone as if it is my last is infeasible. (And also pretty damn morbid)
12. "The last time I heard his voice he asked me how to spell dresser drawer. The next day I found out he had killed himself with a gun he got out of a dresser drawer. He wrote his suicide letter on the phone while talking to me." I just read this sentence written by someone else and it scared the shit out of me. (It was reading this that inspired number 11)
13. I am 25 yet I still long to 'be magic' as much as I did when I was a kid.
14. Just because you fall in love with someone it doesn't mean they are going to fall in love with you back.
15. Life isn't fair. I know this and have for a long time but, still, everytime life throws a curveball at me I feel surprised and hurt that life isn't fair. It seems to be a lesson I have to constantly relearn.
16. I feel more upset and horrified by stories of human cruelty to animals than to other humans. This is not to say I don't feel sad or horrified by people getting hurt because I really, really do. But stories about animals getting hurt by people tends to upset me even more.
17. Lots of people hate to do the things that I love to do most. I cannot imagine how anyone can hate some of the things that I love because I get so much joy out of them I fail to see how other people don't. It is pretty amazing how different two people can be.
18. Every adult tells every kid to enjoy being a kid rather than rushing to grow up. No kids (except Peter Pan) ever listen but it's so damn right, I would love to be a kid again.
19. I can't believe some (usually old) women grow beards. Wouldn't you do something about that shit before it gets beard-like? I mean come on! How can any woman not care that much that they GROW A BEARD?!?
20. It still shocks me that there are people in this world selfish enough (if they are rich) or stupid enough (if they are not rich) to vote right-wing.
21. It also shocks me that there are some American's stupid enough to think Dubya is a good President. A lot of them even. Scary.


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At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of those are so so true. I agree with everyone of them. Crazy man. I'm going to steal these and claim they're mine :)


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