The World Of Jadeey: Holly's 2006 in review

Holly's 2006 in review

Since it's a new year I thought I'd review my 2006 for your viewing pleasure. (Or boredom as the case may be.)

Started out great and continued that way. My cousin was living with me and, of course, on the 31st it was my birthday. I got some awesome presents for my birthday and had a lovely bbq with my friends. I can't think of anything else that happened so there was probably nothing significant.

Valentines day of course. Never a fun time when you're single. Me and SpaceMonkey went out to Hogs Breath to celebrate our 'anniversary'. (we became friends on Valentines day the year before as we both grumped about being single on valentines day.). Amusingly our waitress didn't assume we were together which I found a bit odd. That was about it for Feb.
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