The World Of Jadeey: April Fools Day II

April Fools Day II

Haha so after I posted yesterday Derek came up with a great idea to prank Ingrid with. She was out for the evening so we had plenty of time to prepare, which was good since it did take a while.

Derek's suggestion was that we fake an email to her about something. He's a computer geek so he knows how to do all the faking magic. All I had to do was come up with a topic and then write the thing. We thought about an email that said Tom Hanks was coming to New Zealand and she could see him somehow. The logistics of the who would have sent her such an email were a bit difficult though. Couple that with the fact that I know I personally would be angry rather than amused if I thought I had the chance to meet one of my celebrity crushes then found out it was a joke, and we realised it wasn't such a good idea.

We then came up with the idea of doing a fake webpage that I would just load up on my computer to show her. Our first thought was to make it that Tom Hanks was dead. We decided against that when we realised that might actually make her cry. Finally I hit upon the perfect topic. We wrote an article all about how V was going to be banned in New Zealand by the end of the year. Sure enough, when she read it she was upset (but not enough to cry), I quickly told her it was a joke and she was pretty amused.

And that, my friends, was the extent of my pranking on April Fools Day. Better than I do most years though. (Also, I safely made it through the day without being pranked. Yay.)
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At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you worry. I'm planning something huge for next year. You guys are SO going to get it... and you won't see it coming.... even though I just told you.... Yeah....


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