The World Of Jadeey: Let's talk about sex baby

Let's talk about sex baby

I love writing. I think we have established that somewhere along the way. I do find it a challenge sometimes though.

I am very shy and, as such, don't take criticism all that well. This has made the idea of submitting anything for publishing more than a little abhorrent. (Actually, daunting is probably a better word, it's not quite bad enough to deserve the word abhorrent but I will leave it there since it suits the needs of this explanation.) I have a great need to be liked, anyone who knows me can attest to that. My desire to be liked is one of the reasons I don't think human resources and management is quite the right area for me. I have no desire to spend my working life constantly telling people off. But I digress...

My need to be liked stretches to my writing. I don't want someone to read my writing and not like it. I am under no illusions about the life of a writer. I realise that there is no possible way, if I become a published writer, that everyone will like what I write. There is not a single writer in history that appeals to everyone and there never will be. I suffer no misconceptions thus becoming brave enough to actually try and get something published will be a huge challenge for me.

One of the major stumbling blocks when I am writing is sex. I get a little bit embarrassed writing about it. Not because I think sex is embarrassing but because I never know how descriptive to be. I don't write romance novels so I'm never going to be writing about a tall adonis of a man thrusting his throbbing member into the depths of a woman. (Or whatever it is they write about. I have to confess that, despite being very well-read, I have never ventured into the Mills and Boon arena.) I write about real-life (so I like to think) and real-life includes sex so I need to write at least a little exposition on it. I don't think the sentence "and then they had sex" is going to cut it. I could go the way of the bible and write that "they lay together" but again I think this is selling my own writing short and a sure-fire way to incur quite a lot of criticism.

Up until this point in time I have shared very little of my writing with anyone else (aside from this blog of course). I am aware that the time is drawing near when I will have to reveal myself to people and find out if I am actually capable of this writing thing or am just dreaming. I fear that this means also unleashing a poorly written sex scene on the world. I hope that I am wrong and that the praise will be heaped upon me and my sex-scenes. I guess we will have to see.

I'm sure that after reading this some of you are wondering why I would be more nervous about the reception of the sex parts of my stories than the rest of them when the sex is only a minor part of anything I write. The reason is that there are award ceremonies (maybe not actual ceremonies, I'm not sure, but there are certainly awards) and whole websites solely dedicated to awful sex-scenes in books. I don't ever want to find my name appearing there. There aren't (to my knowledge) awards and websites dedicated to poorly written conversation between a boy and his father (to take one example) so it is the sex that scares me the most.

Jesus, if there is a website dedicated to 'most boring blog in the world' I think my blog might be in with a chance of winning. I say I'm here to entertain people and then I go and even bore myself!
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