The World Of Jadeey: Bloggy blog

Bloggy blog

I am only 5 posts away from 200 posts since I started this blog way back in 2005. I'm still sad that my old blog got deleted. I miss it. Yet, I haven't learnt from that experience and backed this one up. Oh well, let's just hope lightening doesn't strike twice.

Blogging interests me, well more specifically people's reasons for blogging interests me. Mine is sort of a like a diary but less private. I have a slightly more private blog as well as this one but mostly my really private thoughts don't get anywhere near the internet. My 'diary' as it were is very much for my eyes only, as it should be I guess.

I have a friend who blogs about music and his recommendations for what people should be listening to. I have another friend who runs a political blog where he discusses politics, gives his take on things and breaks down some of the more confusing aspects of New Zealand politics (and sometimes American) so everyone can understand. Both these blogs are interesting to read and I can see that having a blog that centres around a topic is a good idea.

I couldn't do that myself. The only thing I could really blog about on a constant basis would be cricket and even then I think I'd often run out of things to say. The Black Caps are just too consistently inconsistent to write new and interesting stuff about them very often.

Other friends of mine just have blogs like mine where they blog about what is on their mind. I can't speak for them but my blog doesn't aim to inform anyone about anything. The internet is too research-oriented for me to bother with that. I guess it's there to entertain people. With this whole blog-a-day thing I think I have become less entertaining cos all too often I write crap just to get my daily blog out of the way. Hopefully my crap is written in a semi-entertaining way so that I haven't turned anyone away from my blog though. But I think if I started lecturing you all about the importance of car-pooling or recycling or the current political climate then I would be even less entertaining. Not that I'm disparaging anyone who does write about those things - if they can do it in a way that interests people (and the blogs I read are interesting) then good on them. I know my limitations and know that I cannot make that sort of dry material interesting so I tend to avoid it.

My viewer stats have improved significantly even if I don't get comments very often so maybe I am doing something right. What the hell have I just been writing? I have no idea.

Okay I'm off to watch an episode of Full House before my flatmate arrives home. Then it will be Heroes watching time! Yay!
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