The World Of Jadeey: They tried to make me go to rehab but I said

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said

No, no, no

The immense stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me. I am most definitely one of those people.

My flatmate laughs at me because I am naively innocent when someone subtly calls someone fat. One example is she was telling me about this guy who was trying to figure out a way to get his girlfriend to talk to him again. He had thoroughly insulted her when he suggested that they leave before she finished her chips. I was initially very confused because I couldn't understand why she would be insulted. I just assumed he was running late or something.

This makes me wonder if I miss these subtle insults when they are directed my way. To my knowledge no-one has ever called me fat or insulted me with a fat joke. However, I now realise they might have and I just don't know it. I could be insulted on a regular basis and be blissfully unaware of it. Then again, if I'm not aware of it then I'm not being insulted so I guess there is no problem.

I went out drinking with some workmates on Thursday night. A very funny faux-pax was made during this drinking session and I am going to share it here. I'm not sure it will translate onto paper the way it did live but we will see. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a 'had to be there' moment. That would be embarrassing.

The players in this little story will have their names changed to protect their identities. They will be workmate 1 and workmate 2. I will still just be me.

We were discussing vibrators.

Workmate 1: I've never seen a vibrator in real-life.
a brief amount of idle chit-chat about other stuff occurs for, at most, 3 minutes
Workmate 2: We should take you shopping on K-Road
Workmate 1: You'll have to wait until I get some money. I do want to check out the second hand shops though!
Workmate 1 and I crack up and cannot stop laughing. Workmate 2 looks completely confused
Workmate 2: What? Why are you laughing?
Me: He was talking about sex toys!
Workmate 2: Oh! I was talking about clothes!

Right. So. I have no idea if that translated to the page well or not.

I have run out of things to say but I shall leave you with this important piece of wisdom:

Trogdor is the Burninator and he is going to burninate the village! He is going to burninate the peasants! Trogdor!!
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At 9:31 PM, Blogger Kat said...

We tried to make Holly update but she said no, no, no.

Guess she's been bad, she's making us all sad - woe, woe, woe.

We can't waste our time, reading your silly lines...

We tried to make Holly update but she said no, no, no.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Kat said...

the worst thing is I STILL think I'm funny!!


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