The World Of Jadeey: Online Boys

Online Boys

A few of my friends, not many, go in for the whole internet dating thing. From these people I've learnt a few things, the main one being that most people on there are after sex rather than an actual relationship.

While internet dating has never been my thing, talking to random people on the internet has always been something I've found fun. I have a NZ dating account but the number of times I'd visit the site in a year could be counted on one hand. I occassionally reply to a message and chat to a person online but try to make it clear that I'm not up for anything more than online chatting.

Anyway, the place I'm going with this rambling is actually back in time to when I was a kid. I was ADDICTED to chatrooms. Seriously addicted. I would spend hours each night in various chatrooms talking to people. (Between the ages of 14 and 17) In this time I did meet a handful of the guys I talked to but didn't meet the majority. For lack of anything else to talk about I'm going to tell you a few anicdotes about those boys.

The first guy I meet was named Matt. He was lovely and we got on well online, I was 14 and he was 13. When we met up in person I think he must have just come back from fishing or something because he smelt like fish. He was very sweet though, he carried my bag (which was really heavy) all around Queensgate for me. Unfortunately when he rang me the next day and asked me out again I couldn't bring myself to say yes, the fish smell had put me off too much, so I said no. Looking back I probably should have said yes because other than that I really liked him, and I'm sure he would have showered by the next time I saw him. Ah well.

At age 14 I also met up with a guy named Chris. There was nothing particularly exciting about our meeting. We didn't like each other and we went our separate ways. The remarkable thing about Chris was that I ended up meeting up with him a further 3 times over the next few years, and never once realised before we met that it was the same Chris I'd already met (he didn't realise it was me either). Hell, if my life was a movie then I would have ended up with him for sure. Thankfully, it is not and I did not. (He's now a member of the National party.... I think I dodged a bullet for sure.)

When I was 15 there were two guys I met up with. One was named (again) named Matt. Matt was funny because he had the same last name as me, just with a slightly different spelling. When we met up (to go to a movie) he kept talking about how when we got married all I'd have to do was change the spelling of my name. Needless to say I didn't meet up with him again. (He also had an obsession that night about us going down to the riverbank so I could 'sit on his lap'. Dream on Matty.)

The name of the other guy I met up with that year escapes me. I'm surprised I don't remember his name actually because, up until that point, he is probably the guy I liked the best. We arranged to meet up and both decided to bring a friend. He was really great (and really cute!) but, unfortunately, his friend called my friend fat and whats-his-name laughed. I really couldn't abide by that so that was the end of him.

There were others over the next couple of years but the ones I've just discussed were the stand-out performers. The other stories are all pretty boring. We met up, it didn't work out. There are even two 'we met up and it did work out, until we broke up for other reasons.'

Some of my friends have some very interesting meeting people off the internet stories as well and I will take the liberty of sharing those.

One of my friends in high school started talking to this guy who lived overseas. (I can't remember where, America I think but it could have been Canada) He wanted them to have cyber-sex and then pretend that she got pregnant. He was then going to use his scanner to scan pictures of money to her to pay for all the 'baby stuff'. Heh seems like a really lame way to try and talk a girl into cyber-sex doesn't it?

Another of my friends met up with a girl who decided to bring him a present. She bought him a bottle filled with little oragami paper swans inside. Apparently written on each of the swans were things she thought about this guy. He was told that he was not allowed to open the bottle and read them though as that would be violating the trust in their relationship. He actually didn't read them, but the relationship also didn't work out. :P

Okay, I hope I got both those stories right.....

Methinks it's bedtime. If anyone else has any good meeting people online stories then feel free to tell me, or write them in the comments section. :P )
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