The World Of Jadeey: June 2007

Welcome to my life

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My flatmate is being bossy and I have been instructed to update. Apparently my previous post did not count for two reasons. One because I do not have a wife and two because no-one I know drowned. That post was, therefore, complete and utter bollocks. However, in my opinion all of my posts are pretty much complete and utter bollocks so I see no difference.

I should have done my washing today but I didn't because I thought it was going to rain. It is now 4pm and it hasn't rained but it is too late for washing to dry so I am sad. Sad that I missed the chance to do my washing. Now, instead, it'll have to dry on the drying rack and that's just nowhere near as good.

I discovered a song I didn't know I had on my iPod yesterday. It was a very exciting discovery and made my walk home from work much more entertaining. For absolutely no reason at all I often think about which I would choose if I was forced to choose between music and movies. (Why would that ever be a choice forced upon me? I'm sure criminals have better things to do with their time than force me to decide between music and movies. But despite the fact that it is very unlikely to occur I think about it anyway and am very ready with my answer if the situation ever does arise.)

Given the choice between only having music or only having movies I would choose music. This might be a surprising choice to some who would probably expect me to never be able to give up movies. Music's the one I couldn't give up though. I love movies but could get by without them. Books provide me just as much enjoyment and often my own thoughts are just as entertaining. For me, music is always there. It is not very often that I will just sit and lose myself in the music, not because I don't want to but more because I lack the time, but I always have it playing in the background. My iPod is my alarm in the morning and it is pretty much permanently attached to me when I am walking anywhere alone. In fact, if I could have an iPod built into my brain I would not oppose that surgery. Wow that'd be cool.

I almost killed my flatmate's basil while she was away. I only forgot to water it one day! I swear! Yet still it is in pretty bad shape right now. I did not inherit the green thumb that my mother and brother posses that's for sure. See, even when I water plants and try my hardest they tend to die. I have no idea why. Thankfully I do not have the same effect on animals. Animals seem to like me and I haven't killed any animals in my time. Well, unless you count the caterpillers I used to have an obsession with collecting when I was a kid, they never seem to survive.

Oh and I think I may have killed a bird once. I was walking along and kicked it in the head. Not on purpose! It was sick or something and I didn't see it!! I really, really didn't. When my flatmate told me what I'd done a moment later I was heart-broken. It was around 4 years ago now and still has the power to make me sad. He likes to tease me about it too cos it makes me all sad and guilty. Oh and I've killed a few spiders and other insects. But again I feel very sorry about it. I always make sure to apologise to them! (I'm sure they don't actually care about my apology. If someone apologised to me right before they killed me I don't think it would make me think all was okay. But I can't help it, I feel the need to apologise to them profusely for killing them. In fact, I feel a bit of a need to go and apologise to the basil for almost killing it as well. But I won't. Wow I have just typed an awful lot in these brackets so I better close them now.)

Not the best day

Monday, June 04, 2007
Dear blog,

Today my wife drowned. Fuck.

What's love got to do with it?

Friday, June 01, 2007
It really annoys me that when I am walking to and from work I can think of a million things to write about here. As soon as I am sitting in front of the keyboard my mind goes blank and I can't think of a thing. Then I end up writing about how much I hate that I have forgotten everything I had to write about. (That is probably what separates the wheat from the chafe when it comes to writers. Those great writers don't forget what they wanted to say the moment they sit in front of a keyboard.)

I have a plethora of other things that annoy me but I have just decided not to list them for two very good reasons. One is that some of those things are probably done by people who read here and I don't want to upset anyone and the other reason is that I can't be bothered since it would take to long.

Instead I will tell you about something that both amuses and annoys me. That something is when people think they are nice and polite but they are, in fact, not nice or polite. I know, I know, right now everyone reading this could be laughing and pointing at the screen while yelling 'hypocrite!' very loudly. I think I am both nice and polite but also understand that there is a very real possibility I'm neither.

I know people who exalt themselves for their niceness on a fairly regular basis. I always laugh a little (or cringe a little, depending on my mood) inside as they are singing their own praises since I think the exact opposite about them. I know someone who is really quite rude and unthinking about others but who thinks they are marvellous. I always wonder how they cannot see what others really think about them and how they cannot see it in themselves. (As I wonder this I also always wonder if I am doing the exact same thing. I hope the fact that I think about it means I'm in the clear and actually am a fairly nice, polite person.)

Flatting is a situation where people who think they are nice and polite when actually they aren't must be so frustrating for those they live with. When you are flatting you need to make plenty of allowances for the other person. These allowances can be both conscious and unconscious. If you have to consciously make an effort to be quiet because the other person is sleeping then you're probably not actually being very quiet at all. I think quiet flatmates are the ones who are unconsciously quiet.

Being nice and polite are certainly huge virtues in a flatmate. Non-nice people won't make allowances for the person or people they are living with. I think non-polite people will make the effort for their flatmates but only when they have had their faults pointed out. Someone who is inherently nice and polite will unconsciously make those allowances and won't need things to be pointed about before they change.

This is the point when the person who thinks they are nice and polite when they are actually the opposite really comes into their own. You see, they won't have been making any changes to accommodate the person they live with but they will think they have been. If their faults are pointed out to them they will likely feel very hard done by because they think they are being the perfect flatmate already. A feeling hard done by, non-nice but thinks they are nice, person is probably not someone you'd want to be around!

Wow how on earth did I get onto that? You see, I'm such a chatter-box I can just start typing and random shit comes out. It's a pity it's not good random shit that would give me confidence in my ability to be a great writer. Oh I know I can write, I'm just not sure anyone will every pay me to write. I doubt I'd pay me to write.

I've recently become addicted to bebo. I used to use it occasionally but didn't really care for it overly much. Now I can't keep away from the damn thing. I want to find everyone I've ever known and add them as my friends on there and I obsessively check it to see whether anyone has left me any comments. (This is despite the fact that it emails me when someone leaves a comment so I shouldn't need to visit the site unless I have received an email)

I like it better than myspace or hi5 but some of my friends on those 2 sites aren't on bebo so that's a bit sad. My friend count would be a lot higher if I could combine all 3 friends' lists.

I'm stopping this post now. It's just getting silly.