The World Of Jadeey: December 2006

Some people say that I'm not worth it

Sunday, December 17, 2006
I've made mistakes. But nobody's perfect

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while since I posted, I haven't really been in the mood recently. I've got a few notepad files with posts that I might upload at some point, we'll see.

I was surfing around on myspace today. I have a weird relationship with the site, it's very love/hate. I like looking for people I know and adding them but don't really see any other use for the site. Maybe if I used the blog feature I'd find it more interesting, but I've already got this blog so I don't need another. It's the same with bebo and hi5. I have profiles on both of those as well but don't really use them other than to add friends.

Anyway, I have 3 friends on myspace that I'm waiting to add me as their friends and its not happening. One of them I've been friends with since I was 6! I think maybe it's a bit buggered - surely I wouldn't be being snobbed?!? It leaves you in a very vulnerable position though - wondering why they haven't added you. Or maybe that's just me. The same thing happened to me with hi5 last year. I waited ages for the guy I was seeing to finally add me. It wasn't important enough for me to remember when I was actually talking to him, I only ever remembered when I was on the site for some reason. Every time I was on the site though and saw he hadn't added me yet? It bugged the hell out of me for some reason. Very odd.

Myspace is worse because it tells you when your messages are read. So, you know when you're actually being ignored. I hate stuff like that. I used to have this feature on my email years ago before spam filters started blocking it, that would tell you when your email had been read (I think some email programs still do that but the person has to actually click a button - this did it without the other person knowing). I had this one friend who always used to tell me she didn't check very often which is why it always took her forever to reply. I never told her that I knew exactly when she read her email and that it was always very quickly.

The same thing goes with my cellphone. It tells me when the message is received at the other persons phone and then when it is read. (It just has a different symbol in the outbox to tell you - took me a really long time to figure out what the symbols meant.) Again, I don't say anything when people tell me they didn't get my message for ages and I know they really did. I don't care - they've obviously got a reason for not replying straight away and it's probably a lot more simple to say they didn't have their phone on them. Besides, I've used that excuse many times. (Heh but I always wonder if the person I'm telling the lie to also has that feature on their phone. No-ones ever said anything though.)

It's funny (strange, not haha) and sad that, in general, people don't have much time for each other. Back when I was a teenager the only thing I cared about was talking to my friends. Now, work always comes first and I fit my friends in around it. It's not really the best way to be but it's pretty much a necessity. Some people are better than others at fitting everything in though I think. I know I am USELESS at replying to emails and text messages. I'm fine if you catch me at a good time and I can take a moment to reply. But if I just read the message in passing while I'm busy with something else, getting a reply out of me is tough. I get so focussed on what I'm doing that I completely forget I even got a message so don't get around to replying until I remember. Sometimes this can be days (as certain people who read on here can attest to - sorry! :) )

On this subject, a horrible thing happened to me the other day. One of my friends rang me at work. Something happened and I had to leave the phone for a minute, I told her I'd be back in a minute because it wasn't going to take me long to sort out. It didn't either, but I completely forgot I'd been on the phone and started doing something else. It wasn't until 15 minutes later when I saw the phone off the hook that I remembered! She was still on the other end which was surprising. She also forgave me, knowing what I can be like, which was very nice of her. It must have been bloody annoying for her just waiting for me to come back!

Ummmm how on earth did I get onto this topic? No idea! Well, I don't really have a lot else to say so I might sign off now. haha, talk about a random post. *shakes head at self*

Just say what you want to say

Sunday, December 03, 2006
I'm not listening anyway

I just got home from work. Today's shift ends an EXTREMELY long week for me with my total number of work hours in the high 80s. No end in sight either I'm afraid - I'll be basically living at work until I leave for my Christmas holiday. (Which I realised today, will be the first time in 5 years of this bloody job that I've taken more than 3 consecutive days off.)

I should get tomorrow (today really since it's after midnight) off. I have to drop by to have a meeting with a couple of staff who have been naughty little kiddies, but that's it.

Thankfully the new guy is a FANTASTIC supervisor. His training is going brilliantly. I was worried there would be comments about the fact that I hired him if people realised exactly who he was but now it's not going to be a problem. He's far and away good enough to nullify any comments in that direction.

Ok, comments about my sex life coming up so feel free to skip to the next paragraph. It feels very weird to spend so much time with him without sex being an issue. We're discovering we actually have the capability to be really good friends which is nice. We were always friends but not proper friends if you know what I mean. We talked heaps but somehow there is less pressure now and we're just getting along really well.

Sex comments over with. :)

I discovered tonight exactly how confusing a conversation can be when neither party has any idea what the other is talking about but neither actually asks what the hell is being discussed. I blame it on the late night and the long hours, but tonight me and the new guy ended up talking to each other for about 10 minutes with neither of us having a clue what the other was saying.

Dipak: Who's Diana?
Me: (thinking he meant Diane, another supervisor) What do you mean who is she?
Dipak: I mean what people mean when they ask that question. I mean who is she, I haven't met her yet.
Me: What are you talking about? Of course you've met her.
Dipak: I haven't! Who is she?
Me: Stop being stupid.
Dipak: How is not having met someone stupid?
Me: Because you have met her.
Dipak: When?
Me: On all of your shifts last week.
Dipak: No I didn't! Is she a supervisor or a CA? (cinema attendant)
Me: (staring at him for a moment and being a little worried that he looks quite serious. I have totally forgotten by this point that he actually said Diana not Diane) A supervisor.
Dipak: (pointing at the supervisor roster) Her name's not on the roster.
Me: That's because she's away for two weeks.
Dipak: If she's away for two weeks then how could I have met her?
Me: She only left on Thursday.
Dipak: Oh. (suddenly a light dawns for him). Are you talking about Diane?
Me: Yeah. Aren't you?
Dipak: No. Of course I bloody met Diane. I mean Diana.
Me: Oh. Right. No-one named Diana works here.
Dipak: Then who is she?
Me: You tell me.
Dipak: If I knew I wouldn't be asking.
Me: Well I don't know either.
Dipak: How can you not know who she is?
Me: Why would I know? I don't know any Diana's.
Dipak: I thought you were the boss. Shouldn't you know everyone?
Me: Everyone here, yes. Not everyone in the whole world.
Dipak: But if she doesn't work here then why does she have a till?
Me: What are you talking about? She doesn't have a till.
Dipak: (holding out a till cash-up sheet to me) Yes she does. This one.
Me: (staring at the sheet, then at him in confusion.) Who wrote that?
Dipak: I don't know. I thought you did.
Me: Why would I have written it? You did the tills. You must have written it. Who did you mean?
Dipak: I didn't write it.
Me: It must have been you! You did all the tills!
Dipak: Why would I have written one for Diana when she wasn't on?
Me: Well why would you think I wrote a till sheet for someone who doesn't even exist?
Dipak: I'm sure she exists somewhere.
Me: No she doesn't!
Dipak: Of course she does! Do you really think there are no Diana's in the whole world.
Me: What? Of course I don't think that but she doesn't exist here is what I mean.
Dipak: Then why'd you write a till sheet for her?
Me: I didn't! You did!
Dipak: No I didn't.
Me: (able to see that this could go on for a while and what is right now a jokey argument about who wrote it could turn serious) It doesn't matter, just cash it up. And give me your till and I'll cash it up for you.
Dipak: This is my till that I'm doing now.
Me: So you're Diana? (Slight smirk from me here as I call him a girls name.)
Dipak: (comprehension has just dawned on his face, along with a look of slight embarrassment.) Oh. Yeah. I did write it.
Me: So why did you call yourself Diana? Something you haven't been telling me?
Dipak: It doesn't say Diana. It says Dipak.
Me: (grabbing the sheet) Oh my god you're right. It looks like Diana though. That's crazy.
Dipak: (defensively) I was in a rush so I wrote fast. That's why it's messy.
Me: That's more than messy. It's so messy it says a whole other name!
Dipak: Shut up.

Heh, totally crazy and totally bewildering at the time.

Another couple had a bewildering (to them) situation occur tonight due to a lack of communication between them. Obviously, being a movie theatre, we get a lot of people coming in on dates. Particularly first dates. The movies is a great place for a first date because if you don't end up having anything to talk about you can just watch the movie. If you have organised to go out to dinner or something afterwards you can at least ward off awkward silences with a discussion about the film you just saw.

Tonight this couple, clearly on their first date, came in. I don't think there will be a second date. It's a firm rule in the dating for dummies handbook (heh, wonder if that actually exists. Probably. There is a 'for dummies' book about everything else.) that the male pays for the movie on the first date. Sexist as hell but there you go. The female can then offer to buy the popcorn etc but the ticket is ALWAYS paid for by the guy. That's just the way it is and always has been.

The guy in question tonight clearly has not read dating for dummies because he did not seem to grasp this simple fact. The girl, unfortunately for the guy, did know this rule.

So, the two of them come up to the counter. The guy speaks first and asks for one ticket to The Departed. (excellent choice of film there - one of the only times a hugely violent film will ever be appropriate for a first date which is a testament to the perfection of the film.) The girl then asks the guy if he wants any popcorn or anything. He says that he's fine. The question makes me think that maybe I misheard him when he only asked for one ticket. Her question makes it sound like he's buying the tickets and she's buying the food.

I repeat back to him that it was only one ticket and he nods in response. I'm not sure how the girl didn't hear me. Perhaps she was lost in fantasies of how perfect this date was going to be. (Poor girl, it was about to become totally NOT perfect.) So, I sell the guy his ticket and the two of them step away from the counter. I have no other customers so I watch (while pretending not to be watching) as the rest of the scene unfolds exactly as I expected it to.

The guy has noticed that the girl did not ask for a ticket and is obviously a little worried about what is going on. He hovers near the counter while she keeps trying to head towards the cinema. Neither of them says anything but stand in that awkward way people who don't know each other do when they don't know what the other person is doing but don't want to make it obvious they don't know.

The guy keeps looking down at his ticket and back at the girl then over at me. (who is giving the bench and coke tower a very thorough wipe-down) The girl keeps looking at the guy then off towards the cinema. Neither are moving and neither are saying anything. This goes on far too long before the guy finally asks her if she's going to get a ticket. The girl instantly turns bright red and stammers out an answer (which I couldn't hear) then heads over to me.

My fantastic acting skills come to the fore as I pretend I have no idea of the situation that just played itself out. I sell the girl the ticket and off they go into the cinema. If I was the guy I would have come straight back to me when I realised that the girl thought he had bought her a ticket. I would have pretended to me that I'd asked for two but only been sold one. I would much rather make myself look like a bit of an idiot to a cashier (who repeated the order back so obviously knows only one ticket was asked for) than look like a tightarse who won't even pay for my date's $9 ticket with the girl I'm trying (you'd think) to impress.

It was very funny for me. I felt sorry for the girl though. She must have felt awful. While it is an unwritten rule that the guy pays, no girl wants to look like they expect it. (Hence the offer to buy candy bar products).

Hmmm 1.30am and I still want to finish reading my book before I go to sleep. Better sign off now. Later all.