Missing dvds
Me and Ingrid think some of our dvds have gone missing. Well, I know for sure that In My Fathers Den is not there and there are some other big gaps on our shelves.
Either we are just forgetting that we've lent them out. Or someone we know, and trust, has stolen from us. That thought SUCKS. We're going with the lent them out and forgotten about it theory at the moment. I hope we remember soon though, cos it is not cool
For both me and Ingrid, our dvd collections are very important. To have missing dvds is not a pleasant feeling.
Suck. share this: facebook
Either we are just forgetting that we've lent them out. Or someone we know, and trust, has stolen from us. That thought SUCKS. We're going with the lent them out and forgotten about it theory at the moment. I hope we remember soon though, cos it is not cool
For both me and Ingrid, our dvd collections are very important. To have missing dvds is not a pleasant feeling.
Suck. share this: facebook
Oh I hope someone just borrowed them!!!!
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