The World Of Jadeey: I will be your hero, baby (even if I don't mean to)

I will be your hero, baby (even if I don't mean to)

When it comes to danger I seem to switch into some kind of autopilot mode that makes me decide to confront it. It's completely incongruous with the rest of my personality, yet it happens. I've discussed this with Kat many times, she reckons it's a good thing. Me, not so much. I reckon it turns me into an idiot. I've been damn lucky so far, but I still think it's dangerous and yet can't seem to help it.

Some examples of the idioticness of it:

- When we were burgled I ran into the lounge and yelled at the burglar. I was very lucky that I gave him such a fright that he ran rather than becoming violent. I was also damn lucky he didn't have a weapon.

- A few days later some men came to attach security doors. Rather than knocking they just started working. I was asleep and to my sleep-addled mind it sounded like someone was breaking in again. I ran into the lounge to see what was going on.

- A little while after that our alarm started going off at 3am (while we were sleeping it was set just in the lounge. I was worried about waking our neighbour so I quickly grabbed my beeper and switched it off then ran into the lounge to see what was happening. (Nothing was. We still don't know why it went off)

- Recently I heard banging sounds around the side of our house in the middle of the night. I didn't know what it was but was worried it was someone breaking in/doing something to our house. I ran outside to check.

- Tonight I thought I heard the front door open and assumed it was one of my flatmates coming home. After a minute no-one came into the room (they always come straight into the room so it was weird). I then worried that it was a burglar so ran into the hall (different flat - door is now in the hall not the lounge) to investigate. Turns out it was actually someone knocking at the door, not someone opening the door.

Sure, only one of these actually turned out to be a burglar. But that's really just luck (or proof of an over-active imagination) on my part. It's not like I plan to confront real or imaginary burglars. It happens before I have a conscious thought about what I'm doing. And that's what worries me - it seems important to think before you act and clearly I don't do that. I've just got to hope my luck doesn't run out.


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