Cat poo
Whenever I have nothing to blog about I feel like I'm letting people down. I would love it if I could fill this blog with wisdom and entertaining stories. Alas, blogging each day prevents that.
I still, even after all this time, enjoy blogging each day. That's why I haven't given up I guess.
My cat pooed inside last night. I stepped in it. Thankfully I'd already put shoes in so it didn't go on my foot. Gross, now I'm imagining cat poo squishing between my toes. It's not a nice thought.
I'm off to more 48Hours heats tonight, so still no time to get photos up unfortunately. This is where it's a huge pain in the bum that I don't own a digital camera - I'm relying on other people's photos and actually getting those photos is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Let's hope they live up to the build-up I've now, inadvertently, given them. share this: facebook
I still, even after all this time, enjoy blogging each day. That's why I haven't given up I guess.
My cat pooed inside last night. I stepped in it. Thankfully I'd already put shoes in so it didn't go on my foot. Gross, now I'm imagining cat poo squishing between my toes. It's not a nice thought.
I'm off to more 48Hours heats tonight, so still no time to get photos up unfortunately. This is where it's a huge pain in the bum that I don't own a digital camera - I'm relying on other people's photos and actually getting those photos is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Let's hope they live up to the build-up I've now, inadvertently, given them. share this: facebook
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