The World Of Jadeey: May 2008

I wouldn't sleep with a National supporter

Saturday, May 31, 2008
I thought I'd share some secrets (written by other people) that I relate to, although for me they're not necessarily so secret.

This one is particularly funny because it's so true. When I find out someone is right-wing I definitely judge them for it. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. I have a joke with a friend of mine - she once slept with a guy who had voted for Act in an election (she didn't know that when she slept with him). I constantly tease her about it, and she is as horrified as I am about the whole thing.

SO true! I am always disappointed by the lack of comments. You guys will all be sorry when I actually am famous - comment now and prove you knew me before I was famous! :P

Embarrassing, but true.

This is not strictly true. It has been in the past though. And, anyway, I think it's cute and funny.

So true. I love this show.


Friday, May 30, 2008
Off to Auckland today! Woo!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately I'm having to take a whole lot of study with me for my test on Tuesday. We'll see if I actually touch it - luckily I have an hour on the plane each way, that's at least 2 hours study I'll do.

Off to Auckland tomorrow

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yay! I'm very excited about my trip tomorrow. It's weird, even though I only lived there for a year and am very happy back in Wellington, I kinda feel like I'm going home tomorrow. I guess, as long as I have friends up there, it'll always feel a little bit like home.

As I was waiting for my bus home from town tonight I saw a guy run up to a bus and start tagging the side of it. This was a bus that was in the process of picking up passengers. Talk about cheeky! No-one stopped the guy. I was half amused and half horrified by the whole thing.

Okay, it's 10.39pm and I have to get up early to go to the airport so I'm going to go pack (which I haven't done yet cos I always seem to pack at the last minute) and then sleep.

Work experience

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I am enjoying my work placement, yet at the same time I'm not. It's pretty damn frustrating to be doing lots of work knowing you aren't getting paid for it. Somehow, actual study feels normal to not be paid for, but work in a proper business sucks when you're not getting paid.

I'm learning heaps and really enjoying my days there, but I really wish I had money in my bank account at the end of the week to show for it!

I was supposed to be going to Auckland tomorrow. Somehow my flights got mixed up (I'm still not sure if that was my fault or the airlines) and my flight is now on Friday. Poos.

Upcoming milestones

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My 500th post is coming up in about a month. A year of posting every day is also coming up in a little over a month. It's a pity both won't occur on the same day.

I feel like I should plan some really great posts for those 2 milestones. Of course, by my own rules the only planning I can do is 5 words. But I still feel like I should do something to mark the occassions.

I'll get my thinking cap on.

Scott Dixon

Monday, May 26, 2008
Scott Dixon won the Indy 500 today. I think that's awesome.

I'm not a huge motorsport fan but, as a sports junkie, I follow the results of pretty much every sport involving New Zealand. And a number of overseas teams as well.

I first heard of Scott Dixon when I was about 15, he's only a few months older than me and he was, at the time, the youngest driver on the racing circuit. Even then people were talking about how successful he would one day be. It's great that he's lived up to that early praise.

In other news, my bed is looking particularly tantalising right now. I think I might have to curl up in it very shortly, despite the early hour.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008
The results for audience favourites of the 48Hours are in.

We came third!! Woo!!!!!!

We were in a really tough heat so I hadn't actually been expecting to place at all. Third is absolutely brilliant. I'm very excited right now.

Prior to the competition this year, I had no real plans to enter again next year. And I only really entered this year because Ingrid convinced me, I've caught the film-bug again and I will be entering next year without doubt.

Okay, I've been putting off cleaning the bathroom all day (my flat duty every Sunday) and it's now 5.30pm so I guess I better get off my lazy bum and actually do it.

And, don't worry, I'm assuming this will be my last 48Hours related post until I put the film up on here so everyone can see it.

The long awaited photos

Saturday, May 24, 2008
While they'll probably be boring to everyone else, I figure they'll be interesting to those that were there on the weekend. So, without further ado, here are a selection of photos from our 48Hours shoot.

A slightly blurry photo of the star of our film, Fly (or Billy as he was called in the film).

Most of the crew hanging out at the riverbank waiting for shooting to start.

The best darn cameraman and soundie in the world.

Our (brilliant) main actors bonding over the arcade machine.

The SWAT team. Working with these guys was absolutely the most entertaining part of the day.

Filming the SWAT team as they enter the gym.

Thanks again to the whole team. As I have said numerous times, this was far and away the best 48Hours team I've worked with. Looking forward to next year already!

Yet more 48Hours

Friday, May 23, 2008
I was going to FINALLY do that photo-blog I've been promising, but our internet is running slow at the moment so the photos won't upload.

We had the screening of our film. It went really well. We got a lot of cheering, and I think we would have been in with a shot at the audience favourite if it wasn't for the BRILLIANT musical that followed ours. I guess that's the way it goes though, with the audience favourite it's really a bit of a case of being lucky enough to be in a heat with bad films rather than in a heat with good films.

I'm proud of our film and that's what counts.

Work yesterday was fun. It's pretty scary, but awesome at the same time. Just being in a proper publishing house is exciting. I've even been given my very own project, my very own book, to work on. My name won't be in it when it comes out because I'll be long gone from the company unfortunately. But I'll still be able to look at it and know that I did the initial grunt work to make that book a reality. I LOVE this industry!

Work placement

Thursday, May 22, 2008
I start my first day of work-placement in 2 hours. Up until I woke up this morning I was incredibly excited. I am now incredibly nervous.

Logically I know it's going to be okay. The job itself shouldn't be too hard, the person I'm working for is nice and I'm usually fairly good at faking confidence I don't feel. I still have first-day nerves though.

Adding to my nervousness is that our 48Hours film is showing at the Paramount tonight. I'm terrified the tape is not going to play, the sound is not going to work, I'm going to have messed up a cut, I'm going to have missed out a really important piece of footage or that the audience are just going to think it's a pile of poo. Gahh!!

EDIT: I also just realised that I left my iPod in Ingrid's bag last night. This means I have to travel into town sans music. Suck.

Cat poo

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Whenever I have nothing to blog about I feel like I'm letting people down. I would love it if I could fill this blog with wisdom and entertaining stories. Alas, blogging each day prevents that.

I still, even after all this time, enjoy blogging each day. That's why I haven't given up I guess.

My cat pooed inside last night. I stepped in it. Thankfully I'd already put shoes in so it didn't go on my foot. Gross, now I'm imagining cat poo squishing between my toes. It's not a nice thought.

I'm off to more 48Hours heats tonight, so still no time to get photos up unfortunately. This is where it's a huge pain in the bum that I don't own a digital camera - I'm relying on other people's photos and actually getting those photos is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Let's hope they live up to the build-up I've now, inadvertently, given them.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Nothing to blog about because, other than going to the gym, I did nothing today.

The rest of my class are all on work-placements at the moment, but mine is only Thursday afternoons so i'm sort of on holiday right now. It's great! I should really be studying for my grammar test, but I don't feel like it right now.

Instead I think I'll head into town and watch some of the heats of the 48Hours. Haha that seems like a far better use of my time!

Not a photo-blog

Monday, May 19, 2008
My flatmate has gone to bed and I didn't get the photos from the weekend off his camera, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow for a photo-blog.

I'm still not all caught up on my sleep, but I am definitely feeling less like a zombie than I was yesterday. The heats start tomorrow, I hope to go to quite a few of them. It's always exciting to see how other people interpreted their genre and how they incorporated the elements.

I start my work-placement this week, but not until Thursday. I'm very excited!!!

Quite sleepy

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Well, lucky I blogged early in the wee hours of the morning yesterday because I did run out of time.

I'm too tired to do it now, but I'll put up some photos tomorrow.

48Hours info: We got our film handed in on time. Had a bloody fantastic weekend. I can't wait for next year!

Okay, going to sleep now.

Just in case

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Here is a blog just in case I run out of time to photo blog tomorrow.

It's 1.16am. We've just finished the script and Ingrid is beginning her shot list. I'm about to go to sleep. I suddenly remember exactly why I didn't want to write/direct/edit this weekend. Yay for only writing and editing!!

48 Hours

Friday, May 16, 2008
Okay, the 48Hours has begun.

Here are our elements:

Genre: Animal film
Character: Kerry Post
Prop: Brush
Line of Dialogue: Wait a minute

We're in the middle of scripting, but I suddenly remembered I hadn't blogged yet. (I meant to do it before the competition started but forgot.

Kat has proclaimed that I should photo blog and I think I'm going to agree with here there. So, on Saturday and Sunday expect some exciting photos from my weekend.

And now. Back to scripting.

Blogs this weekend

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Don't expect much from me blogging wise this weekend. I will still be blogging, but they will be even less substantial than usual.


BECAUSE IT'S 48 HOURS WEEKEND!!!!! Woooooooo!!!

I'm very, very, VERY excited

Political algebra

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The facts:

National is likely to win the next election (A)
The world is likely to suffer a minor recession over the next couple of years (B)

What these facts add up to:

National will win the next election, but only be in power for one term since it would look like they've stuffed up the country. Labour will then get back in and life will be good again. (C)

A + B = C

I like the sound of this maths!

48 Hours

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The 48 Hours shooting weekend is so close now! I'm very excited!!!! I hope I'm well-slept enough to not collapse at some stage over the weekend.

Haha and I hope for many other things to do with the competition. Like that we get a good genre. And hand our film in on time. And that our film is actually good. Yeah, that'd all be nice.


Monday, May 12, 2008
I just read online that NZ petrol prices have gone up to $1.93! This makes me want to cry.

I have no words. No words.



John Key's empty promises

Sunday, May 11, 2008
John Key announced a while ago that, if elected, a National-led government would sink a whole heap of money into upgrading New Zealand's broadband. The plan is to bring our broadband up to where America is. Nice.

Sounds good at first glance, but it is very definitely just election promises designed to make National look good. When you look deeper it's not a lot more than empty promises. In fact, if they do it, it's actually likely to make the situation worse.

For starters, it's going to take 5 years to complete an upgrade that will bring us to the point that America is currently at. By that point in time America will have moved on. American broadband users currently complain that their internet is too slow. They are around 3 years behind Asia in their broadband technology, so you can bet American telco's will be working on their own upgrade plans. If there's one thing you can guarantee about America is that they don't like to be behind anyone else in anything. So, by the time we catch up to where they are right now they'll be way ahead.

I hear what you're saying. At least if we complete the upgrade we won't get even further behind. True. But is the government providing the money really the answer? Telecom is notoriously stingy, slimy and a just an all round horrible company. (Well, in my opinion it is anyway) If the government offer them the money to upgrade New Zealand's broadband you can bet Telecom will never again put up any money to upgrade it any further. Why would they when, instead, they can operate in the knowledge that the government's given them the money once so they'll probably do it again when the situation again gets dire enough.

Add to that the fact that Telecom will, undoubtedly, put up their prices in 5 years when our broadband is faster. Usually that's acceptable, you're getting a better product, a product the company has had to spend a heck of a lot of money on so it's only fair the consumer should pay more than they paid for the inferior product. But Telecom won't have had to put up the money, they'll just reap the benefits of a price-hike with no increased costs. And does anyone really believe Telecom would not raise their prices? If you do then I challenge you to research further into the history of Telecom. They will absolutely do it.

As it stands there is definitely a bit of a problem going on with broadband in this country. It's slow as a dog (by world standards) but there's no competition in the market so Telecom themselves have no need to do anything about it. Customers can either take the shitty broadband or have nothing. It's not a hard choice.

What the government really need to do is force Telecom to do the upgrades. Now, don't ask me how they can do this. People don't want our government interfering with non-State-owned companies (with good reason), so creating a ton of legislation isn't neccessarily the right answer. Other than buying back Telecom (which I don't really see as an option, particularly not one that National would take) I'm not certain what the solution is. I do know, however, that John Key's plan isn't the right answer either.

My flatmate, Derek, pointed out what I think is the most important bit of information with the whole plan by National. It's a piece of information that they very conveniently left out and that most people would never realise themselves. (As is typical at election time. And, well, anytime politicians are involved.)

The upgrade is only going to update bandwidth in New Zealand. The Southern Cross Cable is not part of the upgrade (apparently the whole thing isn't being used anyway, but Telecom have no desire to turn on the rest despite how easy it would be, since doing so would increase their costs). If nothing changes at the Southern Cross cable point then the only speed increase you are going to see is when you are dealing with solely New Zealand traffic. So, if you are video conferencing between New Zealand cities it'll seem great. But if you mostly surf overseas websites, you won't see any change.

Kind of an important piece of information to leave out there, Mr Key! Bloody electioneering.


Saturday, May 10, 2008
Most people hate hospitals. There aren't many reasons to like them, most people are not in hospital for good reasons. Actually, having a baby is the only good reason I can think of to be in a hospital, or visiting someone in a hospital. (And even that wouldn't be good for some people.) Having a life-saving operation is good, but the actual being in hospital isn't because every operation is risky so you'd still prefer not to have to be there, if there was a way to save your life without risking an operation I think most people would chose it. Actually, I think most people would chose just to not have ever had the life-threatening problem in the first place.

I'm no different. That smell, the sterile smell all hospitals have, never fails to make me think of sickness. That's the problem with hospitals. They make us think of sickness and remind us of our vulnerability. Humans, along with all animals, hate to be vulnerable and a place that reminds us we're not invincible is never going to be looked on with love.

Bloody Australians

Friday, May 09, 2008
Yesterday a bunch of Australian Olympic hopefuls, along with other Australian cyclists, were out for a training ride. A driver, for some reason, got angry with them and drove into the back rider. He then proceeded to hit the middle of the pack and swerve in front of the leader of the pack.

All in all there were about 50 riders lying on the ground shocked, some mildly injured, and struggling to get out of the way of oncoming traffic. Did anyone stop to help them? Nope, apparently the poor cyclists just copped more abuse. People were yelling at them to buy cars and that it served them right!

I'd like to hope that would never happen in New Zealand!

Feeling tired and sick

Thursday, May 08, 2008
It seems my blogs recently have all been complaints. Here is another one.

I'm feeling tired, sick and just generally blah.

It's not that bad though. I'm learning how to use Photoshop at the moment and that's very fun! I always thought it looked interesting to learn but didn't have the time to sit down and learn it. I'm loving that I now have the time. Go Photoshop!

Something in my eye

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
As the title says - I have something in my eye. I don't like it. Not one bit. It hurts!

On Monday I went past 9 bookstores. 7 of them had prominent displays of Ian Wishart's book about Helen Clark. In an election year, seeing a book that pretty much says Helen Clark is the most evil woman to ever walk the planet on prominent display all over the place is upsetting. Well, it's upsetting to me as a Labour supporter. If I was a National supporter I would probably be pretty happy about it.

No wonder the damn book is selling so well! No, I haven't finished reading it yet so can't give a detailed analysis of my thoughts yet. I got sidetracked by re-reading Harry Potter. However, I have a lot of sitting around time over the next few weeks so I would say I'll get it done.

I can tell you, though, that so far I'm enjoying it. It's a good read. It clearly belongs in the fiction department of the bookstore, but it is fun to read. So far Helen Clark has corrupted the ENTIRE police force as well as falsifying documents to get people who should actually be in prison, back into parliament. She's like the devil incarnate!

If anyone is interested, these are the bookstores that had window displays of the book:

Whitcoulls Queensgate
Dymocks Queensgate
Bennetts Government Bookshop Lambton Quay
Borders Lambton Quay
Whitcoulls Lambton Quay
Dymocks Lambton Quay
Whitcoulls Wellington Airport


Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Apparently the divorce rate in New Zealand is on the decline. More people got married in the last 12 months and less people got divorced than in the 12 months before. So that's good.

I didn't actually realise the divorce rate was so high. The average number of divorces each year is 10,000 and the average number of marriages is 20,800. That's pretty damn close to half!

I've always imagined that when I get married it'll be for keeps. I'm sure no-one goes into their marriage (actual legitimate, for love, marriages anyway) thinking that it won't last. However, figures like a divorce rate of almost 50% show you that thinking it's for keeps isn't a little bit naive.

When you think about it even further it just gets worse too. There are a significant number of New Zealanders who won't get divorced. They just won't. Either for religious or cultural reasons they'll stick it out no matter what. I'd say that could be between 5 and 10%. So, the divorce rate among those New Zealanders who will actually consider divorce is a lot worse than 50%.


So tired

Monday, May 05, 2008
When my alarm went off at 6.30am this morning I just about cried. It took me ages to get to sleep last night, the last time I saw on the clock was 1.30am so I fell asleep sometime after that.

At 5.40am my cat decided he wanted to go out. I got up and opened the door for him, then climbed back into bed and struggled to fall asleep again despite knowing I had less than an hour left until my alarm. I started to drift off until at 5.55am my flatmate's alarm went off. I can hear it through the wall. It usually annoys me a little bit, but today it was worse because he wasn't even going to work! Again I started to drift off when his alarm went off AGAIN at just after 6am. By this point I was wide awake, but still tired as all hell.

There were definitely some tears of frustration and tiredness in my eyes! I hate that once I become consious I have trouble sleeping again. Both my flatmates snooze their alarms a few times before they get up. Both their alarms wake me up. Once an alarm has woken me up it is unlikely I will go back to sleep. Mornings are hell.


Sunday, May 04, 2008
Right. Well.

From tomorrow I will be away for a little while. I should still be able to get to a computer everyday, but can't guarantee it. However, I will definitely be blogging on paper every single day and will upload it onto the 'net whenever I get the chance.


God bless Hillary Clinton

Saturday, May 03, 2008
A couple of days ago Hillary Clinton (again) showed her true colours in an interview. She's supposed to be all about the poor, downtrodden members of society. Left-wing means you care about the little people, not just the big people. (Well it used to anyway) Apparently, with Hillary Clinton, not so much.

Here's a video of the interview. If you can't be bothered watching it, she says, "Rich people. God Bless us."

Okay, fair enough, that doesn't mean she hates poor people. But, you have to admit, it's pretty funny coming from a democratic candidate. Her people have tried to claim that she actually said "God blessed us" not "God bless us". If you listen it's very clear that there was no 'ed' on the word bless. I mean, I guess it could be the accent screwing me up, but I really only hear 'bless'.

Anyone hear 'blessed'? Feel free to comment. (hint hint!)

So, yes, God bless Hillary Clinton and her constant screw-ups with the media.


Friday, May 02, 2008
Ingrid's sister Hannah is over here watching DVDs with us. We are watching Sweeny Todd at the moment and soon we will be watching Across the Universe. Yay.

It is cold, cold, cold. Luckily I have a blanket.

Heh yeah I don't really have anything to say. This is pretty much just so that I don't get punished. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something more interesting to say!

Random bus story

Thursday, May 01, 2008
I spent most of the afternoon/evening today in my classroom working with my group on the manuscript we're editing.

On the bus on my way into town I overheard an interesting conversation, I found it so interesting that I put my iPod headphones on and kept the sound off so I could listen to the conversation instead. Sneaky! :P This guy was telling his mate about his ex-girlfriend who recently told him she's pregnant and it might be his. The guy then said that she's crazy if she thinks he will have anything to do with the baby, even if it is his.

The guy went on for a little while about how much better being single is and how he isn't in a hurry to get into another relationship. He also made the point, repeatedly, that he doesn't want a kid tying him down either so he's going to refuse a DNA test. He mentioned that his anger management is going well and he's almost completed it, but that even the people taking the course think he's the least angry guy they've ever met. Apparently he only went to anger management because it was either that or go to prison. I'm guessing something to do with beating up his ex-girlfriend since he also mentioned she has a restraining order against him. (He thought that was bullshit too, in case you were wondering.)

He then started on about how his ex-girlfriend is probably really upset that they broke up since she's never going to find anyone as great as him again. He reckons he did everything for her and she never appreciated how good she had it. Personally, I think she's well out of that relationship and is probably actually really happy she's not with him anymore. She probably won't find anyone as awful as him again, I'm pretty sure it won't be that hard to find someone better though!!